"The horror, the horror..."

Nov 12, 2008
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Ok, so i am throwing myself under the bus. I am personally embarassed and ashamed to tell this story, but i feel compelled to lest this happen to someone else.

I worked all night last night, so i was sober in the traditional sense of the word, but sleep deprived. I get home and open up the Strib and leaf through the rest of the paper, finally stopping at the sports page. A bunch of NFL draft coverage, some stuff on the Twins, skipping right past all basketball coverage and finally making my to the Gopher football stuff. I read an entire article devoted to Marquies Gray and his ability, and how he's going to have to play because he's that talented, etc, etc. I am just about finished with the article when i realize....this is written by Pat freaking Reusee!! Yeah, that fat, overpaid, a hole sloth that the Strib employs to spread negativity...

I think i would have rather awoken next to that (female) Hogeye fan who hax sex in the Dome bathroom with some stranger last season.

The moral of the story, THERE IS A PAT REUSEE ARTICLE IN THE STRIB TODAY! It even appears to be a positive piece about one of the Gopher Football team. Please resist! Do not step on Fat Pat's landmine! I have "taken one for the team". Please, no more carnage, no more victims!

GHers-- Please forgive me, for I have sinned...

Edit: I will now spend the rest of the day properly punishimg myself for my indiscrecion.

Someone posted a link to the article last night/this morning and I was astonished. I usually don't read his stuff because I don't want to give his articles 'hits' online, but this one was actually well written. If he'd just write like this most of the time, I'd hate him a lot less :)

It is good. He can do his job well when he wants to.

I wouldn't say it is positive. It just tells the story of what you saw if you were at the Spring game and paying attention. It is obvious that MG is a great QB. And we also have a third-year starter that most analysts think is among the best in the conference. So it should be interesting.

Compare that piece to the "Northwestern should be offended by how often Minnesota schedules them for Homecoming" crap from last Fall.

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