The GH PS Pick Game Week 7: You're Supposed To Drink Boilermakers, Not Lose To Them


GopherHole Straw Boss
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
$1,295 ruralgopher
$800 SelectionSunday
$685 CostaRicanGopher
$544 SunGopher
$431 monk10
$386 Maverick
$321 Plinnius
$320 Jike Spingleton
$312 josh087
$311 Tee09
$308 hyaluronic
$307 Zales04
$296 GoFerFan
$290 alltimetwinsfan
$289 NateDawgUM
$287 LesBolstad
$282 Silvio
$281 soneillumn
$274 DeltaHog
$272 MKE_Gopher
$256 mjohnson6767
$242 idagopher
$242 Ski U Mah Gopher
$229 MNSnowman
$227 Gopherocious
$223 RoyalGO4
$220 Gopher53
$209 husker70
$208 btowngopher
$190 alpinegopher
$183 RodentRampage
$181 TheSportsAce
$175 EG#9
$171 GopherInQatar
$165 GophBen
$154 GopherRock
$154 ulfr
$151 FireDaveLee
$147 apana
$143 GopherLady
$136 Mick Turition
$122 et hoc transibit
$120 RadioBadger
$120 Moses87
$118 at the bar
$116 JPIIGopher
$92 BreakinThePlane
$88 MN Hail To Thee
$84 MBAGuy
$66 charlesbenjamin
$55 BuckTheFadgers
$50 Mayne Street
$33 GophBandannaGuy
$28 ncgo4
$16 GopherholeFan
$11 Schnoodler
$- Fresh Trout
$- station19
$- UnregisteredUser
$- VarmintKong

Again, make sure that you make your picks in the order that I have them listed. Do I have to remind you EVER STINKING WEEK?!

Gophers +5.5 PURDUE O/U 51 (Both teams have issues moving the ball)
MICHIGAN STATE -7 Illinois (Can Zooker actually coach?)
Iowa -3.5 MICHIGAN (We all knew Michigan was a paper tiger. How ugly can this one get?)
Ohio State -4 WISCONSIN (Bucks have won a lot of highly charged night games on the road)
INDIANA -12 Arkansas State (Ummm, yeah)


NEBRASKA -9.5 Texas (A final KMA to the Horns)
AUBURN -4 Arkansas (Furious scramble for bowl positioning)
GEORGIA -15.5 Vanderbilt (Dores have done it in this spot before)
USC -2.5 California (Wild PX season continues)
ALABAMA -21 Ole Miss (How does the Tide bounce back from getting dusted on the road?)
WASHINGTON -1 Oregon State (Beavs are on their annual furious closing kick)

Deadline is Saturday, October 16 at 11:00 AM CDT. Good hunting.


I bet everything I had ($418) on Michigan State. I should be near the other end of the leaderboard. Thanks.

This week. ...

$777 Iowa -3.5

GopherRock - from a quick glance at other bankrolls (and mine), it looks like you counted Michigan State as not covering?

Blew my load, and am out, but wanted to give a big thanks to GopherRock for running this.

$431 (all in) Gophers

(I gotta catch rural).

I had $117 going into last week and lost $11 on Wisconsin but won $33 on Michigan State, I've got my total at $139.


Gopherocious bankroll $227

$44 Iowa -3.5
$44 Ohio State -4
$33 Indiana -12
$33 Nebraska -9.5

Thanks again!

Yep, had a mistake on my sheet that had all the wagers on MSU-Michigan backwards. Fixed it now.

99 Minnesota
110 Ohio State
99 Oregon State

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