The fumble


Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
You know, the one where he was still standing when the ball hit the ground? It's already being called the worst call "ever"


JEFF JONES!! Come to Minnesota!

You know, the one where he was still standing when the ball hit the ground? It's already being called the worst call "ever"


JEFF JONES!! Come to Minnesota!

By whom?

My immediate reaction was that the ref who was 25 yards downfield who called the pick on Fruechte's TD at NW just got bailed out, as that "fumble" took the cake for the worst call I'd ever seen in my life. Of course they ended up getting the call right, but that guy has to be embarrassed today.

I felt like that was just one of several downright weird calls in this game. Throw in the obvious make up call after Wolit's offensive PI and the PI call on Wolit to start with after they let hand fighting go entirely unchecked to that point, weird ball spots all night, the not putting time back on the clock after Jones' catch was overturned, the missed holding on the last Cuse TD after we had picked one up for the same type of block on our last poss. Just a downright weird bunch of calls by the officials all night, but that fumble by far took the cake. I have no idea what that guy was thinking.

It was so bizarrely bad that my initial reaction was he was ruling the Minnesota player down by contact after recovery.

I got the feeling that the officials had just been called up from Pop Warner...

How could anyone who is both honest and competent make that call?

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