The Dry Bean in Madison is shuttered and up for sale


Active member
Jul 22, 2009
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Drove past The Dry Bean last weekend in Fitchburg (outside of Madison). Closed and up for sale. This was a favorite haunt of BB. BB gets married and the Dry Bean shuts down. hmmmmm.

I think the joint closed up because BB wanted to have his stag party there! Burt will have his stag party at one of the local strip joints in Madison. Go Gophers!

Good. I got a beer poured on my head there because I was wearing a Gopher shirt back in the summer of 2005. It was a random Tuesday, and some jagoff felt my wearing Gopher gear deserved a Miller light on the head. Animals down here, I tell you.

Now BB can't pick up any skags for BA. BA is probably more upset than anyone.

Good. I got a beer poured on my head there because I was wearing a Gopher shirt back in the summer of 2005. It was a random Tuesday, and some jagoff felt my wearing Gopher gear deserved a Miller light on the head. Animals down here, I tell you.

As I'm sure is the case with you, I always wear my Gopher gear proudly around Wisconsin. The only time I was a little nervous was when I went to last year's Gopher hoops game at the Kohl with my dad. No one said a thing to me or even looked at me funny, but alcohol was not a factor in my situation either. Most proud Wisconsinites scoff at the idea of wasting a perfectly good beer like that.

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