The Big Ten said F@$K It! And I'm not having it!

May not be our football but will still be college football. I really enjoy the bowl season so hopefully most of that can still happen.

Certainly going to miss big ten football. Really dont understand why other conferences are willing to give it a try but big ten isnt.
Guess they must not be as smart and unselfish as we are, at least i am sure that is the thought.

Our new commissioner just showed how weak he is! He should be fired and replaced if Big12, ACC, and SEC have a good season. Kevin warren has no leadership and he has set our conference back majorly! His own kid plays in the SEC, has he removed him from school over his own conference safety concerns! Unbelievable! Even in the interview he fully could not answer the questions and deflect deflect deflect. He has failed the conference in his first test!

MLB, NHL, and hell even NBA have begun to play, no issues and they have handled it. You telling me a billion follow entity like B1G can’t handle it.

All Kevin Warren has did was divide the B1G to the point of many teams looking elsewhere to play, there was cohesiveness in what happened.
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What other schools are looking to play elsewhere...? only nebraska and iowa voted yes

Our new commissioner just showed how weak he is! He should be fired and replaced if Big12, ACC, and SEC have a good season. Kevin warren has no leadership and he has set our conference back majorly! His own kid plays in the SEC, has he removed him from school over his own conference safety concerns! Unbelievable! Even in the interview he fully could not answer the questions and deflect deflect deflect. He has failed the conference in his first test!

MLB, NHL, and hell even NBA have begun to play, no issues and they have handled it. You telling me a billion follow entity like B1G can’t handle it.

All Kevin Warren has did was divide the B1G to the point of many teams looking elsewhere to play, there was cohesiveness in what happened.
Goodness, if you’re going to make an argument, try to be accurate and factual. The St Louis Cardinals have played 5 games because the can’t clear coronavirus. The Marlins were knocked out of play for about a week. The Indians just sent two players home to quarantine for going out to the clubs. MLB is incredibly precarious and the other leagues have been existing in a tightly controlled bubble, with many fewer players/personnel than football, pro or college. Not even sure what the “hell even the NBA...” comment means-they’ve shown themselves to be the most responsible of all the organizations.

Goodness, if you’re going to make an argument, try to be accurate and factual. The St Louis Cardinals have played 5 games because the can’t clear coronavirus. The Marlins were knocked out of play for about a week. The Indians just sent two players home to quarantine for going out to the clubs. MLB is incredibly precarious and the other leagues have been existing in a tightly controlled bubble, with many fewer players/personnel than football, pro or college. Not even sure what the “hell even the NBA...” comment means-they’ve shown themselves to be the most responsible of all the organizations.
Not sure why people think this is Warren's call. He can give his opinion at the conference meetings but the decision is made by the University presidents. He is just the mouthpiece for those decisions and the business manager of the sports enterprise. Do I think hes as smooth or decisive as Delaney? No. But, this wasn't his decision.

Our new commissioner just showed how weak he is! He should be fired and replaced if Big12, ACC, and SEC have a good season. Kevin warren has no leadership and he has set our conference back majorly! His own kid plays in the SEC, has he removed him from school over his own conference safety concerns! Unbelievable! Even in the interview he fully could not answer the questions and deflect deflect deflect. He has failed the conference in his first test!

MLB, NHL, and hell even NBA have begun to play, no issues and they have handled it. You telling me a billion follow entity like B1G can’t handle it.

All Kevin Warren has did was divide the B1G to the point of many teams looking elsewhere to play, there was cohesiveness in what happened.
Disagree. You're making a knee jerk decision as you didn't get your way. Warren I'm sure has more information than we can imagine.

Goodness, if you’re going to make an argument, try to be accurate and factual. The St Louis Cardinals have played 5 games because the can’t clear coronavirus. The Marlins were knocked out of play for about a week. The Indians just sent two players home to quarantine for going out to the clubs. MLB is incredibly precarious and the other leagues have been existing in a tightly controlled bubble, with many fewer players/personnel than football, pro or college. Not even sure what the “hell even the NBA...” comment means-they’ve shown themselves to be the most responsible of all the organizations.

you named 3 teams out of 32 and really one that has had an issue. Also all those guys will return or has returned healthy! Scary virus with its 99.96% survival rate.

the NBA comment means they are themost progressive left leaning league and most outspoken and even they want to play.

yes Kevin Warren is mouthpiece to B1G. But he also has a lot of pull to tell those guys were playing and make an outline. Many teams Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, etc wanted to play. Now without leadership we have coaches, speaking about leaving to play somewhere else, coaches making timelines on returns.Kevin Warren is becoming a joke. Jim Delaney wouldn’t let this happen!

Disagree. You're making a knee jerk decision as you didn't get your way. Warren I'm sure has more information than we can imagine.

Im sure ACC, SEC, and B12 have same info and they going forward. Warren failed and did not need to make such a rush decision especially when the schedule was just released and had a lot of wiggle room for delays, etc

you named 3 teams out of 32 and really one that has had an issue. Also all those guys will return or has returned healthy! Scary virus with its 99.96% survival rate.

the NBA comment means they are themost progressive left leaning league and most outspoken and even they want to play.

yes Kevin Warren is mouthpiece to B1G. But he also has a lot of pull to tell those guys were playing and make an outline. Many teams Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, etc wanted to play. Now without leadership we have coaches, speaking about leaving to play somewhere else, coaches making timelines on returns.Kevin Warren is becoming a joke. Jim Delaney wouldn’t let this happen!
So you're say Kevin Warren could have over-ridden the votes of the Presidents and said "We're playing anyway"? That's BS. Could he have swayed some presidents to vote differently? Potentially, but the numbers we have was a 12-2 vote, he would have had to convince at least 6 more presidents that it was safe to play and I firmly believe he could not have successfully done that.

Folks are just upset he said he preferred delaying the season. If he had said the opposite, and the season was still cancelled due to the vote, you would be heralding his leadership and calling for the presidents who voted against playing to be sacked.

you named 3 teams out of 32 and really one that has had an issue. Also all those guys will return or has returned healthy! Scary virus with its 99.96% survival rate.

the NBA comment means they are themost progressive left leaning league and most outspoken and even they want to play.

yes Kevin Warren is mouthpiece to B1G. But he also has a lot of pull to tell those guys were playing and make an outline. Many teams Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, etc wanted to play. Now without leadership we have coaches, speaking about leaving to play somewhere else, coaches making timelines on returns.Kevin Warren is becoming a joke. Jim Delaney wouldn’t let this happen!
Ah yes, the classic way to rank sports leagues: which aligns closest with my political views?

The decision not to play comes almost entirely down to liability. The B1G and PAC-12 are sacrificing an absolute boatload of money by making this call- I'm going to guess they got some pretty compelling advice that led them to cancel. They'd rather take the risk of being embarrassed by the other conferences having successful seasons than risk exposing its athletes, however safe they may be, to the disease. That's their call, and it's done. What's the point of whining?

Trust me, I want football. It's my senior year, and I'm going to spend at least the fall semester taking classes from my basement. I'm going to graduate into a pretty abysmal job market come spring. I have every reason to want to say "screw it" and reopen everything so my life is easier. But I understand that some things are bigger than me. Relax, and stop complaining about a sport played by teenagers. It will get better.

I guess the Big 10 is fine with young men potentially being killed while playing fb (as has happened in the past), or suffering paralysis, CTE, concussions and/or broken bones, but potential exposure to a virus is enough to shut down the Big 10? Mind you, of all the sports leagues that have started, I'm not aware of any athlete who contracted Covid needing medical attention, yet the Big 10 is shutting down. If we are concerned about player safety, fb should be disbanded. It is a dangerous sport, even without covid.

I guess the Big 10 is fine with young men potentially being killed while playing fb (as has happened in the past), or suffering paralysis, CTE, concussions and/or broken bones, but potential exposure to a virus is enough to shut down the Big 10? Mind you, of all the sports leagues that have started, I'm not aware of any athlete who contracted Covid needing medical attention, yet the Big 10 is shutting down. If we are concerned about player safety, fb should be disbanded. It is a dangerous sport, even without covid.
When a player suffers a broken bone on the field, due to a tackle, that doesn't then cause other people that had nothing to do with the game to get broken bones.

I guess the Big 10 is fine with young men potentially being killed while playing fb (as has happened in the past), or suffering paralysis, CTE, concussions and/or broken bones, but potential exposure to a virus is enough to shut down the Big 10? Mind you, of all the sports leagues that have started, I'm not aware of any athlete who contracted Covid needing medical attention, yet the Big 10 is shutting down. If we are concerned about player safety, fb should be disbanded. It is a dangerous sport, even without covid.
A player from Indiana, Brady Feeney, caught COVID and had serious complications from it:

When a player suffers a broken bone on the field, due to a tackle, that doesn't then cause other people that had nothing to do with the game to get broken bones.
You're missing the point, they are shutting down fb for player safety. It is not about the safety of the player's parents, girlfriend, grandparents, it is for the players' safety. The safest thing to do is to ban fb because it is a dangerous sport. Is it acceptable to allow these players to subject themselves to possible death or paralysis? If the Big 10 is worried about a player contracting the virus and suffering ill affects from the virus, what about the ill affects from fb.

Our new commissioner just showed how weak he is! He should be fired and replaced if Big12, ACC, and SEC have a good season. Kevin warren has no leadership and he has set our conference back majorly!

It's not really Warren's call. I am not a fan of his communication style and question whether he's up for the job long-term, but whether this decision is a prudent one or not isn't going to be evaluated by whether or not the SEC and ACC "have a good season" or how many football coaches spout nonsense about joining a different conference to keep playing. (That uprising didn't last too long, did it?)

Let's say the SEC plays a full season, gets boffo TV ratings and Georgia beats Alabama in the Championship game, but ten years down the road a large number of the players are found to have significant health-related issues linked to having contracted the virus during the season. Is that a "success?" Or if the ACC starts play, but has to suspend or terminate the season due to virus outbreaks on campuses and ends up mired in litigation for years, will you be back here demanding that Warren gets a contract extension because he saved the Big Ten from that morass?

You're missing the point, they are shutting down fb for player safety. It is not about the safety of the player's parents, girlfriend, grandparents, it is for the players' safety. The safest thing to do is to ban fb because it is a dangerous sport. Is it acceptable to allow these players to subject themselves to possible death or paralysis? If the Big 10 is worried about a player contracting the virus and suffering ill affects from the virus, what about the ill affects from fb.
This is not a permanent risk. It is a temporary one (hopefully). If a year from now there is still no vaccine, this is a different discussion.

He also did not catch it while practicing at IU. You can't control what people do when they are not on campus. Also, if players want to opt out, let them. But, if a player wants to play, let him.
Right, but you said:
Mind you, of all the sports leagues that have started, I'm not aware of any athlete who contracted Covid needing medical attention, yet the Big 10 is shutting down.
You never specified where the athletes caught COVID, just that of the athletes who had caught COVID you were not aware of one needing medical attention. I provided an example of an athlete who did need medical attention.

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