I'm 99% sure that transfers don't count against the annual limit.
Challenge accepted!
One hot order of NCAA Bylaw lovin comin at'cha
It's been a while since I flipped through this hallowed
tome. I learn something every time( eg basketball-football dual sport athletes always count against football. Who knew? )
In anycase the relevant rules are the 'numbering the initial counters one by one section' aka
In particular our new kicker ought to be a "Recruited Student-Athlete Entering after Fall Term, Aided in First Year" highlighted in
red below. We don't qualify as having all 85 counters so he can't be a mid-year replacement. So he will either be one of the ones counted against 2010 (which we have two slots I believe) or 2011's class. There is no transfering kickers don't count toward your intitial counters cap clause I'm affraid,
but if you think you can find one please enlighten me.
15.02.3 Counter. A “counter” is an individual who is receiving institutional financial aid that is countable against the aid limitations in a sport. Initial Counter. [FBS/FCS] An “initial counter” is a counter who is receiving countable financial aid in a sport for the first time. (See Bylaw in football for instances in which the institution is permitted to defer the counting of such financial aid until the following academic year.) Initial Counters—Football (Also see Bylaw [above]). Recruited Student-Athlete Entering in Fall Term, Aided in First Year. [FBS/FCS] A
student-athlete recruited by the awarding institution who enters in the fall term and receives institutional financial aid (based in any degree on athletics ability) during the first academic year in residence shall be an initial counter for that year in football. Therefore, such aid shall not be awarded if the institution has reached its limit on the number of initial counters prior to the award of institutional financial aid to the student-athlete. Recruited Student-Athlete Entering after Fall Term, Aided in First Year. [FBS/FCS]
A student-athlete recruited by the awarding institution who enters after the first term of the academic year and immediately receives institutional financial aid (based in any degree on athletics ability) shall be an initial counter for either the current academic year (if the institution’s annual limit has not been reached) or the next academic year. The student-athlete shall be included in the institution’s total counter limit during the academic year in which the aid was first received. Recruited Student-Athlete, Aid Received After First Year. [FBS/FCS]
A recruited student-athlete (including a student-athlete who was not a qualifier) in football who first receives athletically related financial aid after the student-athlete’s first academic year in residence shall be an initial counter for that academic year in which the aid is first received, if such aid is received during the fall term. However, such a student-athlete who first receives athletically related financial aid in the second or third term of an academic year may be considered an initial counter during the academic year in which aid was first received or the next academic year. In either case, the student-athlete shall be included in the institution’s total counter limit during the academic year in which the aid was first received. (Revised: 1/3/06) Nonrecruited Student-Athlete Receiving Institutional Financial Aid. [FBS/FCS]
A student-athlete not recruited by the institution who receives institutional financial aid (based in any degree on athletics ability) after beginning football practice becomes a counter but need not be counted as an initial counter until the next academic year if the institution has reached its initial limit for the yearin question. However, the student-athlete shall be considered in the total counter limit for the academic year in which the aid was first received. Midyear Replacement. [FBS/FCS]
A counter who graduates at midyear or who graduates during the previous academic year (including summer) may be replaced by an initial counter, who
shall be counted against the initial limit for the following academic year, or by a student-athlete who was an initial counter in a previous academic year and is returning to the institution after time spent on active duty in the armed services or on an official religious mission. In bowl subdivision football, an institution may use the midyear replacement exception only if it previously has provided financial aid during that academic year to the maximum number of overall counters (85 total counters). In championship subdivision football, an institution may use the midyear replacement exception only if it previously has provided financial aid during that academic year that equals the maximum number of overall equivalencies or overall counters. (Revised: 4/20/99 effective 8/1/99, 6/8/99, 4/26/01 effective 8/1/01, 8/2/05, 12/15/06,
1/14/08 effective 8/1/08, 4/2/10) Aid First Awarded After Second Year. [FBS/FCS]
A student-athlete who has been in residence at the certifying institution for at least two academic years may receive athletically related financial aid for the first time without such aid counting as an initial award, provided the aid falls within the overall grant limitation. (Adopted: 1/11/89, Revised: 1/10/90 effective 8/1/90) Recruited Student-Athlete, Varsity Competition. [FBS/FCS]
In accordance with Bylaw, a recruited student-athlete receiving institutional financial aid certified as having been granted without regard in any degree to athletics ability becomes an initial counter in the first academic year in which the student-athlete competes on the varsity level. (See Bylaw (Revised: 10/27/05 effective 8/1/06) Returning Two-Year Transfer. [FBS/FCS]
A student-athlete who previously was an initial counter and who transferred to a two-year college shall not be an initial counter upon return to the original institution. Delayed Initial Counter Who Does Not Return to School. [FBS/FCS]
A studentathlete who receives countable financial aid but whose status as an initial counter under this bylaw is delayed until the following academic year shall be counted against the initial limit the following academic year, regardless of whether the student-athlete reports for participation or attends the institution in that academic year. Exceptions. Voluntary Withdrawal.
An institution may replace a counter who voluntarily withdraws from the football team by providing the financial aid to another student who already has enrolled in the institution and is a member of the football squad. For this replacement to occur, the counter must withdraw prior to the first day of classes or before the first game of the season, whichever is earlier, and provide the institution with a signed statement releasing the institution from its obligation to provide institutional financial aid and verifying the voluntary nature of the withdrawal. The institution may immediately (beginning with the fall term) award the financial aid to a student-athlete who has been a
member of the team for at least one academic year and has not previously received athletically related financial aid. A student-athlete who has not been a member of the team for at least one academic year may not receive the financial aid during the fall term, but may receive it in a following term (e.g., spring semester, winter quarter). (Revised: 4/28/05 effective 8/1/05) Sprint Football.
Participants in sprint football programs who do not participate in the
institution’s regular varsity intercollegiate program shall not be counted in the institution’s financial aid limitations.
[Sprint Football, lol, thinking they are people]