The Best College Football Recruiting Stories

lol This is funny because I was just listening to Mason on kfan talk about some recruiting horror stories.

My favorite recruiting story is how Jerome Bettis got Lou Holtz to switch his rule on letting players spat (tape over their cleats) after he went on an in-home visit to Jerome's house. lol

That Kevin Hart sure is a funny guy though. Looked a little different in the video from the story though, must have tanned since then.


I recall a story about Holtz recruiting a QB who drove him from the high school to his home. The kid stopped to put $5 in the tank of his beater car and Holtz jumped out and started washing the windows! I'm thinking fall practice was a wakeup call...

Eric Dickerson driving to SMU to sign his letter of intent in the Cadillac that Texas A and M had given him.

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