That KFAN move was great for Goph Football


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Jul 22, 2009
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Gopher football is represented so much better now that it is on KFAN. All upside.

Admittedly, I'm not old enough to remember Ray Christensen's golden years on the radio. When I heard him he was getting a little old. But the game is 2000% better on KFAN, the pregame and postgame were 5000% better, and the fact that they are now talking Gophers is awesome. I think it's half because they have the rights, but half because of Coach Kill. I'm not old and bitter enough to hate on the station for what they said in the past. All I care about is what's happening now and now is pretty good.

I agree. I have listened to KFAN for years and straight through last year I'd get more frustrated at the lack of coverage than I was about the content of the coverage. I can remember literally hustling to my vehicle so I could hear the Fargo Flash say a couple words about Gopher football, before all the blabbing turned back to purple every Thursday.

Now, I am pretty much guaranteed some Gopher football content ANY time I step foot in my SUV. This year, I was hearing a lot of info on KFAN about Shortell long before he through a touchdown pass in the coliseum. I don't think I'd ever have imagined being able to hear talk of a Gopher backup QB on KFAN prior to this year.

This has been a great thing for coverage. Kill is part of it too. He has won over pretty much every media talking head in town and everyone is much more likely to talk about him and his program.

Love KFAN...but there was no one better than Ray Christianson...we will never here the likes of him again.

I agree on the point about Ray. Nobody better. But, it is reasonable to think that if he were still doing games it would be on KFAN now. We'd have our cake and we could eat it too. Ray is just one of those guys that should have been given a non-aging eternity from God. Everyone should have had the chance to hear him do football and basketball games.

I usually end up sitting right near ray at church once every two months or so. So I still get the voice.

Ray was on KFAN briefly before the game last Saturday and he said we needed to stop a certain quarterback and receiver to be successful.

Still a class act all the way...Ray!

I like the things KFAN also does on its Website, Twitter, etc. On 'CCO, you got the game and then Sid rambling about Lou Holtz for two hours. It was time to make a change.

Had a long drive yesterday. Listened to KFAN for the first time in maybe 10 years, and I'm a sports junkie. I think when the station boss got the games on this poor excuse for a sports media outlet and kicked some on-air butt, they created a great product.

I especially liked how they got Lindsay Whalen in on a conversation about the Gophers, Coach Kill, and fantasy football. Very entertaining, although Whalen said "ya know" like, ya know 1000 times in an hour...

highwayman said:
I especially liked how they got Lindsay Whalen in on a conversation about the Gophers, Coach Kill, and fantasy football. Very entertaining, although Whalen said "ya know" like, ya know 1000 times in an hour...

I was more or less called a prick for bringing this up on the basketball board. I'll call you a prick, too, so you don't feel left out. :)

I especially liked how they got Lindsay Whalen in on a conversation about the Gophers, Coach Kill, and fantasy football. Very entertaining, although Whalen said "ya know" like, ya know 1000 times in an hour...

I heard this too and it was driving me crazy. I think at one point she said it three times in succession before finishing her sentence.

I heard this too and it was driving me crazy. I think at one point she said it three times in succession before finishing her sentence.

Good lord, I was just going to say the same thing. But in her defense, I think she managed an "er" between #'s 2 and 3. I couldn't even listen to a word she said, I was just waiting for the next "ya know".

I wondered if anyone else noticed that about Whalen. I know a lot of athletes do this, but she was WAY over the top with the "ya knows". Like nails on a chalkboard...

I agree on KFAN. I love the couple of "Gopher Updates" I have heard with Kill answering a few interview questions, they are about 2 minutes spots here and there. Not to mention the Kill Show and all the other discussion taking place. Working in the extreme northern metro, I can actually pick the station up now that it is FM.

I turned the station during the Whalen interview. Great basketball player, I'm sure a great person, but a terrible interview. Not just the ya knows', but she showed very little spark or humor. Sounded like she just wanted it to be over. Hopefully she was just nervous.

Speaking of the coverage, I was out in L.A. last was Mike Grimm as play-by-play man?

Saw Gaard on the sidelines walking with the coaches for an interview before halftime....people make fun of him here, but you could see that simply by that, he and KFAN are working much harder than the good neighbor ever did. WCCO got lazy. They got lazy & felt it was their right to Gopher sports and Twins baseball.

I usually end up sitting right near ray at church once every two months or so. So I still get the voice.

I haven't entered a church (outside of for the occasional wedding or funeral) for about 15 years but that might make it worth attending.

I was more or less called a prick for bringing this up on the basketball board. I'll call you a prick, too, so you don't feel left out. :)

Why yes, you know, yes I am. You are my, you know, new hero, for at least, you know, the next hour.

And, you know, this...

...still wasn't too bad a day...

Why yes, you know, yes I am. You are my, you know, new hero, for at least, you know, the next hour.

And, you know, this...

...still wasn't too bad a day...

Damn, it's already been two years since that game. I remember waiting for what seemed like ever for that game to come and it did not disappoint.

I shoulda known the deal with KFAN had Strings attached....Stupid Hawkey song played at 1/2 time. I wonder what other KFANawesome things they have planned.

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