It's just so rude in my opinion for UT to do that to their conference, and it confirms everything that Tom Osborne ever said, that they were primarily in it for themselves and themselves alone, and that in their view, their conference and everything else came in far secondarily to that. It's selfish and significant of an institution with a massive ego and distorted perception of their own self-importance. CU and NU were lucky to have gotten out, and I bet Missouri is crying over not escaping to the Big Ten too, and the 'little' schools like KU and ISU and K-State, what a drag for them. This network is just another in a long line of Texas insults towards the Big 12, and you know it's just a matter of time before the next insult comes and the next shoe drops.
I think of how I'd feel if Ohio State or Michigan were to do something like that, and to me that would just be like a slap in the face. I'd feel so offended, but that's something we'll never have to worry about. Those schools wouldn't do that, because this conference is cohesive and strong and bigger than any of them, so that thankfully breeds an all for one and one for all type mentality.