Texas A&M coach Mark Turgeon accepts contract offer from Maryland


Dec 12, 2009
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It appears we can put the Tubby to Maryland rumor to rest for good now.


I think what we probably learned is that soon-to-be 60-year-old coaches like Tubby -- even if they've had great success in the past -- are not as desirable as a proven younger coach, especially when the older coach is coming off a season when seemingly everything tilted the wrong way.

I'm glad Tubby's still around. Now it's time for the Gopher program to start making news on the court, not off. 2011-12 should be interesting with all the new guys we have. Hope to see a couple of the newcomers (especially Mo, Hollins, Welch and/or Coleman) contribute significantly and perhaps light a fire under some of the returnees who too often have been underwhelming, given their abilities/ceilings. Sometimes an infusion of new blood is a good thing, especially following a season that became a freefall.

Good, I'm sick of the wondering every year if Tubby will stay or go every summer.

The one job I think Tubby would have left for has come open and been filled. I now think he will retire from MN, barring some major falling-out with Maturi/Admin.

It appears we can put the Tubby to Maryland rumor to rest for good now.


Where was the rumor about Tubby to Maryland other than on this board.
I don't think because someone on this board mentions Tubby as possibly
going to another school that makes it a valid rumor.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you started it.

I am saying this.
Over the past few years as several jobs have opened many on here get excited about a
"rumor" that Tubby may take a job elsewhere. From reading the board it would appear that
Tubby is being offered every available coaching position and everyone gets afraid he is going
to leave. I think if we knew the truth we would find that the only people thinking Tubby is
leaving is on the Gopherhole. Other than Missouri, has he even been contacted by anyone?

You see my point ?

I can say all day long that I am not going to take a position as CEO of Microsoft, but if
Microsoft doesn't contact me and talk to me about being CEO it really is a mute point.

If I remember right, 1 sportswriter mentioned Tubby and Maryland. I don't think that
Maryland ever mentioned or even considered Tubby.

Where was the rumor about Tubby to Maryland other than on this board.
I don't think because someone on this board mentions Tubby as possibly
going to another school that makes it a valid rumor.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you started it.

I am saying this.
Over the past few years as several jobs have opened many on here get excited about a
"rumor" that Tubby may take a job elsewhere. From reading the board it would appear that
Tubby is being offered every available coaching position and everyone gets afraid he is going
to leave. I think if we knew the truth we would find that the only people thinking Tubby is
leaving is on the Gopherhole. Other than Missouri, has he even been contacted by anyone?

You see my point ?

I can say all day long that I am not going to take a position as CEO of Microsoft, but if
Microsoft doesn't contact me and talk to me about being CEO it really is a mute point.

If I remember right, 1 sportswriter mentioned Tubby and Maryland. I don't think that
Maryland ever mentioned or even considered Tubby.

Well Dick Vitale brought it up multiple times on his radio show as well as via Twitter ... does that count?

I can say all day long that I am not going to take a position as CEO of Microsoft, but if
Microsoft doesn't contact me and talk to me about being CEO it really is a mute point..

So if Microsoft doesn't contact you, nobody can hear you talking about the CEO position?

first order of business for Turgeon is to head to wolf point, montana to recruit since Price George's County, Md is already locked up by the big powers:


the logic reminds me of the old joke.. the guy who lost his wallet in the dark.. looking under the street lamp for it... "where did you lose it?" "over there." "then why are you looking here?" "the light is better"...

"hey turgeon, where are the best recruits?" "Prince georges... just down the road from campus"... "then why are you in Wolf Point?" "dpod, the gh mvp, said the chances to land someone were better out here"...

first order of business for Turgeon is to head to wolf point, montana to recruit since Price George's County, Md is already locked up by the big powers:


the logic reminds me of the old joke.. the guy who lost his wallet in the dark.. looking under the street lamp for it... "where did you lose it?" "over there." "then why are you looking here?" "the light is better"...

"hey turgeon, where are the best recruits?" "Prince georges... just down the road from campus"... "then why are you in Wolf Point?" "dpod, the gh mvp, said the chances to land someone were better out here"...

Look, I'm sorry your mom drank when she was pregnant with you. I'm sorry your dad dropped you on your head frequently as a child. I'm sorry the girls pinned you down at recess and pulled your soiled underwear up over your head. Given your universally terrible takes on everything, it was likely all of that and a combination of several more.

You remind me of the guy who wants to be a doctor so badly that he can taste it...but he's just not smart enough to get into med school. So he becomes a nurse instead. You want so badly to convince people think that you have something to contribute, but your malformed opinions and elementary-level reasoning abilities prevent you from being anything other than a complete moron. "Nurse dbag" has a nice ring to it. Your GopherHole name is now "Nurse dbag".

"Your GopherHole name is now "Nurse dbag". "

dpodoll, please stop insulting nurses that way.

I hear Marylands entire recruiting class has asked for a release from their LOI... That would suck.

I hear Marylands entire recruiting class has asked for a release from their LOI... That would suck.

cant blame them.. who wants to compete with the haul of recruits from Wolf Point?

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