Team Speed

Woli and Jones were that fast?. Why weren't they wide open more often?

I expected at least 17 out of Foster Bush. So disappointed...

A few that stand out to me are Cobb, Anyanwu, Williams, and Wilson. Very impressive.

A few that stand out to me are Cobb, Anyanwu, Williams, and Wilson. Very impressive.

Not to mention Lynn and Celestin. They are faster than several DBs, RBs, and WRs...

Definitely interesting! Saw this yesterday. A lot of it doesn't address 'quickness' though. More so, absolute, top-end speed represented in MPH. I'd like to know the distance they were given to reach this? Is it assumed that it was during 40's? Thoughts? Just curious.

Earl Weaver

Former manager for the Baltimore Orioles major-league baseball team. Managed the Orioles from 1968 to 1982, and again from 1985-1986. Won the 1970 World Series, had his number (#4) retired in 1982, and was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1996. One of baseball's old-school managers. For his West Coast counterpart, look up Tommy Lasorda

Tom Moore: "Bill Whitehouse from Frederick, Maryland wants to know why you and the Orioles don't go out and get some more team speed?"

Earl Weaver: "Team speed for chrissakes, you get f*ckin' goddam little fleas on the f*ckin' bases, getting picked off, tryin' to steal, gettin' thrown out, takin' runs away from you, get them big c*cksuckers that can hit the f*ckin' ball out the ballpark and ya can't make any goddam mistakes."

-From the Manager's Corner, 1982

Hmm, we have a lot of speed to replace next year. 8 of the top 15 times are gone. :(

In addition to comparing with other teams, I'd be curious to see our year to year comparisons, ie, are guys getting faster?

Earl Weaver: "Team speed for chrissakes, you get f*ckin' goddam little fleas on the f*ckin' bases, getting picked off, tryin' to steal, gettin' thrown out, takin' runs away from you, get them big c*cksuckers that can hit the f*ckin' ball out the ballpark and ya can't make any goddam mistakes."

Heh, heh. To this day, I cannot help but think of Ol' Earl Weaver and Manager's Corner whenever the phrase 'team speed' is brought up.

Same deal with 'tomato plants'. If you've never heard this, do yourself a favor. It's right up there with the George Brett 'Sh*t my pants' and Jim Leyland cussing out Barry Bonds vids out there. Off topic, I know, but pure sports comedy gold.


Definitely interesting! Saw this yesterday. A lot of it doesn't address 'quickness' though. More so, absolute, top-end speed represented in MPH. I'd like to know the distance they were given to reach this? Is it assumed that it was during 40's? Thoughts? Just curious.

With my rudimentary math:

21 MPH = 36960 yds/3600 secs (1 mile=1760 yds; 21 x 1760=36960)

To convert 21 MPH time to seconds in 40 yards:

X=(40 yds x 3600 secs)/36960 yds=144000/36960=3.8961 seconds

This seem faster than the 4.3-4.6 40 digital timed speed for typical fast football guys. So Cobb listed at 21 MPH simple math wise is at 3.9 40.

I don't know how they come up with 21 MPH. There must be some correction factor with the GPS.

They may be measuring top-end speed, not average velocity.

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With my rudimentary math:

21 MPH = 36960 yds/3600 secs (1 mile=1760 yds; 21 x 1760=36960)

To convert 21 MPH time to seconds in 40 yards:

X=(40 yds x 3600 secs)/36960 yds=144000/36960=3.8961 seconds

This seem faster than the 4.3-4.6 40 digital timed speed for typical fast football guys. So Cobb listed at 21 MPH simple math wise is at 3.9 40.

I don't know how they come up with 21 MPH. There must be some correction factor with the GPS.

The flaw is that you assume the person is running at top speed throughout the entire distance. If it takes three seconds to reach top speed, only the last 1.5+ seconds of the 40 yd. dash is run at top speed.

Heh, heh. To this day, I cannot help but think of Ol' Earl Weaver and Manager's Corner whenever the phrase 'team speed' is brought up.

Same deal with 'tomato plants'. If you've never heard this, do yourself a favor. It's right up there with the George Brett 'Sh*t my pants' and Jim Leyland cussing out Barry Bonds vids out there. Off topic, I know, but pure sports comedy gold.

LOL, obviously the video was constructed but is the audio real??

Definitely interesting! Saw this yesterday. A lot of it doesn't address 'quickness' though. More so, absolute, top-end speed represented in MPH. I'd like to know the distance they were given to reach this? Is it assumed that it was during 40's? Thoughts? Just curious.

These numbers are from running on a treadmill. This is a very common component of training these days.

These numbers are from running on a treadmill. This is a very common component of training these days.

They are actually from electronic devices the players wear. There is a couple companies that make them and several college and pro teams use them. There was an article about this a few months ago somewhere or another.

If they have top end speed, why not publish 10 yard times as to quickest player.

They may be measuring top-end speed, not average velocity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Okay, that makes sense. The GPS device they are wearing must have humongous sampling rate to be able to capture that small slice of data showing the peak velocity.

They are actually from electronic devices the players wear. There is a couple companies that make them and several college and pro teams use them. There was an article about this a few months ago somewhere or another.

See page 1. I posted the link to the company and its list of clients for all professional leagues.

The data they get from those things are amazing and can be used, for example, to structure your practices, drills, etc. Tells Coaches when to push and pull back (for recovery).

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