Teague requesting for Regents to allow $15 mi out of capital budget for facilities

die hard gopher

Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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Not true - the ask was an addition to the capital budget. $15MM for design fees. Wasn't in the budget.

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per pioneer press:

The University of Minnesota Board of Regents on Thursday added $15 million to the school's 2015 capital budget to pay for schematic designs of the athletics department's Athletes Village project.

The money already is part of the project's $190 million budget but wasn't included in the school-wide budget because fund-raising was in its initial stages at the time.


Teague requesting for Regents to allow $15 mi out of capital budget for facil...

$15 million just to get this thing designed? Certainly I must be confused. That seems like a ton of money.

$15 million just to get this thing designed? Certainly I must be confused. That seems like a ton of money.

Sounds like a standard design fee for this large of a project. Design include elevations, revisions, site visits, construction documents, etc. I know some firms will charge a flat fee and possibly even a percentage of the construction costs since they will be consulting the contractors throughout the whole process to make sure the building is built correctly. This probably had a huge team devoted to it too.

You sure?

"The money already is part of the project's $190 million budget but wasn't included in the school-wide budget because fundraising was in its initial stages at the time."


The $15 million is included in the project budget but not in the school's capital budget. Two different budgets. Norwood is asking the regents to include it in the capital budget at this time.

I need to get into a different line of work.

I can draw fictitious facilities.

On a more serious note. If we don't get this sh1t built and we just spent $15 mill on a 3d rendering of said building....

Never mind, this is SOP for government/administration.

I need to get into a different line of work.

I can draw fictitious facilities.

On a more serious note. If we don't get this sh1t built and we just spent $15 mill on a 3d rendering of said building....

Never mind, this is SOP for government/administration.

Way more than just a 3-D rendering. Reports say Regents just approved of schematic designs. That involves a lot of detail and is basically at the point of no return. Any changes would only be small at this point. The $15 Million seems pretty tame for the amount of time that has gone into this. Think about it, first was the initial bid for services that included an overall concept. Then interviewing all impacted stakeholders to see what kind of space and resources they need. Multiple iterations of design come out for review and probably changed a ton based on need, budget, site considerations, etc. A substantially sized team was probably involved to get this done. Not just architects either. A project this large would have involved engineers. Not to mention they have been at this thing for well over a year.

The designers need to be the absolute experts of this complex because when the contractors inevitably have a question or run into an issue during construction, they are not going to call Teague to get the answer.

$15 million just to get this thing designed? Certainly I must be confused. That seems like a ton of money.

Design fees are typically around 8% of construction costs so while it's a large sum of money, it's within industry standards.

The $15 million is included in the project budget but not in the school's capital budget. Two different budgets. Norwood is asking the regents to include it in the capital budget at this time.

Don't you worry. Our fearless know-it-all "Warrior whatever his name is" will set everyone straight on everything. We can be sure of that. Thank goodness he is here to share all of his vast, intrinsic knowledge with all of us. Whatever would we do with out him?! :rolleyes:

Way more than just a 3-D rendering. Reports say Regents just approved of schematic designs. That involves a lot of detail and is basically at the point of no return. Any changes would only be small at this point. The $15 Million seems pretty tame for the amount of time that has gone into this. Think about it, first was the initial bid for services that included an overall concept. Then interviewing all impacted stakeholders to see what kind of space and resources they need. Multiple iterations of design come out for review and probably changed a ton based on need, budget, site considerations, etc. A substantially sized team was probably involved to get this done. Not just architects either. A project this large would have involved engineers. Not to mention they have been at this thing for well over a year.

The designers need to be the absolute experts of this complex because when the contractors inevitably have a question or run into an issue during construction, they are not going to call Teague to get the answer.

yup, sorry I dumbed it down by saying it was a 3d render, I understand that the schematic design is a pretty involved process. Very costly, and very detailed. My point remains, if we just paid 15 Mil for a bunch of kids using crayons or whatever it is ;) then we better get it done!

Way more than just a 3-D rendering. Reports say Regents just approved of schematic designs. That involves a lot of detail and is basically at the point of no return. Any changes would only be small at this point. The $15 Million seems pretty tame for the amount of time that has gone into this. Think about it, first was the initial bid for services that included an overall concept. Then interviewing all impacted stakeholders to see what kind of space and resources they need. Multiple iterations of design come out for review and probably changed a ton based on need, budget, site considerations, etc. A substantially sized team was probably involved to get this done. Not just architects either. A project this large would have involved engineers. Not to mention they have been at this thing for well over a year.

The designers need to be the absolute experts of this complex because when the contractors inevitably have a question or run into an issue during construction, they are not going to call Teague to get the answer.

God, I hate it when I get information from people who seem to know what they're talking about. :)

God, I hate it when I get information from people who seem to know what they're talking about. :)

That what's really great about the GopherHole! It just doesn't happen that often here.

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