TDG's Minnesota Football: 100 Days Till Gopher Football!

But, before you are directed onto some rival site: if you have not made a donation to the GopherHole and had your moniker placed on the list of donors, please consider making your contribution now.

It is time to lend our tokens of appreciation to all the GOPHERHOLE STAFF for all the fine work they do on a daily basis.

I know that from my perspective that is the best way for me to say "thanks" to these hard working, dedicated and loyal men and women who keep this GOPHERHOLE Site miles ahead of any and all competition. GOPHERHOLE is so high above any of it's competitors and it is not even close!

Sometimes people just don't appreciate enough all the hard work that the contributors on THIS site have been willing to provide to make THIS the number one source for Golden Gopher Football information all around the state!
Join the folks who have already made their donations and have joined the other grateful GOPHERHOLE faithful members!

Let's add more names to this recent list of Donors to the GOPHERHOLE cause:
El Amin Fan
Gopher Bandanna Guy
Jason Groth
Ned Braden
Ogee Oglethorpe

WAIT. Hold Everything. Imthewalrus is NOT on that list.

But, my preferred moniker is: wren

Thanks for getting so excited.

You have got to be "spoofin', spoofin!

You can call me wren...or renegade rambler...or eyeinthesky . While I sign on here now as imthewalrus, to many I will always be wren. However, to promote the spirit of giving: I will now start the process of adding my current moniker to this list of donors. I don't know how long it will take my good friends at GH to add my imthewalrus moniker to the donor list, but watch closely spoofin. I'll be watching to see if you care to add your moniker to that proud list of GH Donors!

Well played and Yes I was Spoofin.

I "spoof you not..." I was not spoofin.

Due to the user friendly pay pal system that GH utilizes to make donating so very handy for G-Holers to achieve,
I was able to make a small donation to be credited to imthewalrus with such great ease and in almost no time at all. It was
a piece of cake.

I would assume that my imthewalrus moniker will be included on the donor list within the next 24 hour period...if not sooner!

And I would never spoof any one about making a donation to GopherHole!

Blah, blah blah

Geez wren. You bitch all the time about people hijacking threads for whatever reason the voices in your head tell you, and you completely hijack this thread. The reason you had to list 3 or four names is that all those accounts have been banned.

Start a new thread if you want to beat this into the ground, FFS.

[QUOTE=Unregistered User;892388"blaphhhh, belch,brrrrrappp"

Just as "only the good die young..." Good people who say what they think, mean and stand behind sometimes get banned. Damn straight I listed a few names and they ALL fought the good fight!

renegade rambler always battled on. eyeinthesky carries on and provides a conscience for readers of the strib. And wren remains a moniker much discussed on GopherHole even though that moniker has not posted in years and years . Yet on GopherHole and beyond it is still recalled that "wren was here...". The people know that moniker. Yes, the spirit of wren remains.

On this site, promoting the GOPHERHOLE web site is in the best interests of the GOPHERHOLE web site.

Good one wren/Chance or is your new name Don Quixote. I personally think Delusional would be perfect.

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