TCF Bank Stadium on EA's NCAA 2011


Devious and Conniving Member
Aug 5, 2009
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A lil off topic, but in the new September issue of Game Informer (a relatively popular video gaming magazine), there was a two page writeup on how photographers from EA Tiburon were in TCF taking photos for next years' game. They took 16GB(!) of photos from TCF, including the locker rooms and other concourse areas. There are a few photos of them taking panoramas from the 50 and taking long shots across the stadium from the top of the stands in the east (I think it's the east) end zone. Really good writeup, talks about how they measure miniscule things like the spaces between railings and match them up with the blueprints to ensure the in-game stadium is as realistic as it can be. They even replicate the skyline in the background, they no loner use generic city backgrounds. Sorry there's no link, the Game Informer website requires membership to access their content. All I can say is that I have high expectations for what is to come.

I read that just tonight from a friend's copy of the magazine. Although I am pissed it didn't make it into NCAA 10, they certainly seem to be doing a good deal for the next version. Also good exposure for us being in that magazine with nearly a full spread of pics of our new digs. I know we get a lot of press locally and in the ESPN blog for the new stadium, but this will be great for our national rep.

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