TCF Bank Stadium being moved!!!!


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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Guys.....its being disassembled and moved to Fargo!!!!!!


This may just have been the stupidist post I have ever read on this site, and thats saying a lot. You have made us all dumber for reading your post. May god have mercy on your soul.

Its in keeping with the spirit of the day! LOL

Don't be silly. The village of Fargo is being moved inside of the stadium, from its current location in suburban Minnesota.

Folks in Fargo don't want a piece of the Twin Cities. They just like to visit once in a while. Smart people.

comment about the term: "the cities"

Folks in Fargo don't want a piece of the Twin Cities. They just like to visit once in a while. Smart people.

or as most tool bags from fargo like to say we are heading down to "the cities" this weekend. seriously who says that?! i find it funny that people who actually grew up in the city of minneapolis or the surrounding suburban areas never refer to the metro area as "the cities". to be honest "the cities" just sounds kind of dumb.

it seems to be rampant however and a thing i often heard said by people far outstate MN and north/south dakota, iowa, parts of wisconsin.

don't get it.......

I am not sure anyone in Fargo can say much anymore, especially since the mighty Bison have lost to their new rivals in South Dakota State two years in a row.

I am excited for TCF Bank Stadium and the fact the Gophers have a home on campus again. Metrolax should be banned from every posting on this site again. And that is saying a lot for a poster like me.

There are plenty of Gopher fans and UM alum in the FM area. What is with all the hate? Good lord...

It's short for Twin Cities. Saying 'cities' is much easier than saying Minneapolis, St. Paul, or even Twin Cities. I grew up north of the cities and it just made sense to say it that way.

Guys...just a little daytime humor. In keeping with the defections of yesterday.
Nothing more. relax.

The stadium is not going anywhere.

Get over yourself. Don't be "one of the tools" from the cities that says we are going up to "the lakes" for the weekend.

Someone is very naive if they don't think that people outside of the metro area don't say "the cities".
It's just the way it is and what's really wrong with it?

Someone is very naive if they don't think that people outside of the metro area don't say "the cities".
It's just the way it is and what's really wrong with it?

It's quite common outside of the metro area to say "the cities", short for "the Twin Cities". It generally refers to anywhere in the metro area without being concerned about a specific city. The reason it may sound odd to people born and raised in "the cities" is that in the metro area, we don't call it "the cities", because we don't go to "the cities" we are already there. We'll say Minneapolis, St. Paul, Plymouth or whatever particular city we mean. People outside of the metro area make little distinction betwen city and suburb, while those in the metro area do.

It's similar to people talking about Chicago when the might not mean the City of Chicago proper or the greater Chicago metro area. The only difference is that with two major cities of roughly equal prominence, it doesn't make sense to refer to the metro area as Minneapolis or to refer to it as Saint Paul.

or as most tool bags from fargo like to say we are heading down to "the cities" this weekend. seriously who says that?! i find it funny that people who actually grew up in the city of minneapolis or the surrounding suburban areas never refer to the metro area as "the cities". to be honest "the cities" just sounds kind of dumb.

I say "the cities" all the time, and I've lived in "the cities" for eight years now.

It's no more or less dumb than when you call the rest of the state as "the outstate" or "outstate Minnesota". Our towns have names, too, but you don't use them. And that's more generalized than "the cities," which makes those that use it dumber than those who use "the cities."

One thing's for sure...saying "the cities" is not nearly as dumb as calling drinking fountains "bubblers"...

One thing's for sure...saying "the cities" is not nearly as dumb as calling drinking fountains "bubblers"...

Hahahahahaha so true. For the record, I grew up 25 minutes south of 'the cities' and I refer to it as 'the cities.'

or as most tool bags from fargo like to say we are heading down to "the cities" this weekend. seriously who says that?! i find it funny that people who actually grew up in the city of minneapolis or the surrounding suburban areas never refer to the metro area as "the cities". to be honest "the cities" just sounds kind of dumb.

it seems to be rampant however and a thing i often heard said by people far outstate MN and north/south dakota, iowa, parts of wisconsin.

don't get it.......

yep, i grew up in eden prairie, but still refer to it as "the cities"....... I like it personally, its a cool nick name, and its all encompassing........ if I were to ask a buddy if they were coming to the "Twin Cities" this weekend, and they were going to be in Minnetonka, he would have to reply "No", because technically he wouldn't be coming down to either of the Twin Cities (which is Mpls and SP). So if he is coming to "the cities" that means he is within driving distance of a beer no matter if he will be in Eagan, Blaine, where ever.........

I guess I'm a toolbag though????

funny posts on this thread....Most everyone knows where "the cities" is located. But how many can name of the top of their heads (no peeking allowed) the four cities called the "Quad Cities"? I can.....more later......... BTW I live in the Twin Cities of Moorhead/Fargo. I even know how those two cities got their names.

funny posts on this thread....Most everyone knows where "the cities" is located. But how many can name of the top of their heads (no peeking allowed) the four cities called the "Quad Cities"? I can.....more later......... BTW I live in the Twin Cities of Moorhead/Fargo. I even know how those two cities got their names.

Everyone knows where Fargo and Moorhead got their names. Back in the days of the covered wagons, two wagon trains met up. The leader of one wagon train asked "How far go?" The other leader responded "More ahead".

Rodent....WRONG. History may hint at that, but history does not tell the real story....

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