Tayler Hill to announce school by having 9 friends hold up signs in the stands


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Nov 11, 2008
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per this Pioneer Press article:

"She has chosen a unique way to reveal her choice. Placed somewhere in the stands will be nine students hiding letters. When it comes time, Hill will cue her buddies, who will stand and flip their letters.

Spelled out will be "Longhorns" (Texas' nickname), "Minnesota" or "Ohio State."'

Also from the article:

On Wednesday, Hill was reminded about a quote she gave while being interviewed for the Pioneer Press' player of the year feature. She said last month, "I don't want to play somewhere and be a part of history. I want to go somewhere and make history."

She was asked if her college choice still fits that bill.

"Yes, it does,'' she said.


Go Gophers!!

Someone give me a barf bag

Another example of why I don't follow the recruiting scene. ... it makes me want to blow chow. I hope Miss Hill and her friends know how to spell.

I've never seen her play. Can she dunk?


I couldn't agree with you more... hit it on the head!!

Will ESPN pick it up right at 2 p.m. or will there be a Sportscenter Special leading up to it at 1 p.m.? Thanks in advance.

I really hope for her sake she doesn't pick Ohio State.

As far as the placards go, I think that is kind of creative. You have to remember, this is being done at a High School assembly and kids love that lind of thing. it is not being done for the benifit of the old fogeys on this board.

If her (and her family's) goal is to get her exposure, it's working. It's for them to decide if any exposure is good exposure. Personally, I think it's clown shoes.

May I please be excused?

I've finally reached the level that I no longer care how great of a player she is, I need a piece of that barf bag, SS. I love following recruiting news but this has left me speechless....and stomach-less.

This is.....um.....interesting. Wonder what that expert in Utah thinks about this plan? ;)

This Can't Go On!!

The suspense is killing me. I'm not going to be able to eat until I have lunch in about 45 minutes.

For me it was one thing to see the exploits of players at the Army AA game in football, and you have men's basketball players trying to make a splash, but now that it has extended to the women's game all I can do is a face palm.

I've never seen her play. Can she dunk?

well the choice is made and congrats to etats oiho. they've got themselves a nice reyalp.

I really hope for her sake she doesn't pick Ohio State.

As far as the placards go, I think that is kind of creative. You have to remember, this is being done at a High School assembly and kids love that lind of thing. it is not being done for the benifit of the old fogeys on this board.

I disagree that the High School kids love that kind of thing. If she's lucky 5% of her High School gives a damn about where she's going to school and that's probably too high of an estimate. The vast majority of kids at such an assembly are either trying to use it a study hall, texting someone, talking to friends, or failed in an attempt to get off campus.

Thank God this fiasco is over and good luck OSU. I wasted way too much time reading about this story. Good nite.

That is hilarious!!! :D:D:D

She and her family went out of their way to hype this up over and over again and then to have the stunt blow up in their face puts a smile on my face. I must admit it, I love it when a display of hubrus like this blows up and everyone sees it. :D:D

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Is this the same girl that dated Bryce McNeal?

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