Targeting Rule, Overtime “tweaked”


Knows Less Than PJ Fleck
Jan 4, 2009
Reaction score
Targeting Rule, Overtime “tweaked” additionally

Chicago Tribune

The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel adjusted the targeting rule in college football, allowing video review officials to overturn calls if any element of the penalty cannot be confirmed.

The adjustment to the rule announced Tuesday means there will be no option for letting the call on the field "stand" during a targeting review. It must either be confirmed or overturned.

The panel also approved instituting a progressive penalty for targeting. Players who commit three targeting fouls in the same season are subject to a one-game suspension.

Overtime rules also were tweaked. If a game reaches a fifth overtime, teams will run alternating 2-point plays instead of starting another drive at the opponent's 25-yard line. The change was made to limit the number of plays from scrimmage and to bring the game to a conclusion.

Targeting, or illegal hits above the shoulders, would still result in a 15-yard penalty and ejection of the player who committed the foul. Players ejected in the second half would still be required to sit out the first half of the following game.

The goal of the rule adjustment is to call targeting more accurately and have fewer players ejected for borderline calls.

The overtime rule change was proposed after LSU and Texas A&M matched a record by playing seven overtimes in their regular-season finale last year. The Tigers and Aggies combined to run 207 offensive plays...
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I wish they had said "twerked".

The overtime rule is classic NCAA moving the deck chairs for no reason. That game was awesome.

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