Taking Kick-Offs out of game


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Greg Schiano has a quality answer to taking KO's out of the game.

From ESPN:

"Goodell and McKay discussed an idea brought up by Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Greg Schiano in which a team, instead of kicking off, would get the ball at their own 30-yard line in a fourth-and-15 situation. The team then would punt the ball away or, to replace an onside kick, could go for it and, if they failed to get a first down, the opposing squad would start with great field position."

I had not seen this before. It would teams who are behind a better chance to catch up and make end of games interesting or lead to some major blow-outs. It would also add to the creativity of punting and fake punts.

This just sounds looks some gimmick to sell to the fans. I thought part of the point of an onside kick was that every team can more or less convert at the same percentage.

A 4th and 15 for the patriots is like a 4th and 95 for the Vikings.

I'm sure the onside kick evolved over time. In a game way back a team kicked the ball two yards and recovered it and they decided that it better go 10 yards before it can be covered by kicking team. Just an example, but rules change and evolve over time. Having not seen other options, this seems like a pretty good one.

this is just a stupid idea. so we give an excessive advantage to teams already built to this rule (ie pats, saints) and put others at a huge disadvantage (vikes, sf). teams that are based on running the ball would get killed by this and it just gives high flying offenses a better chance to come back. if you are going to even remotely try to put this rule in, you have to still leave the option to kick off as a choice and allow all 3. i mean, come on man!

this is just a stupid idea. so we give an excessive advantage to teams already built to this rule (ie pats, saints) and put others at a huge disadvantage (vikes, sf). teams that are based on running the ball would get killed by this and it just gives high flying offenses a better chance to come back. if you are going to even remotely try to put this rule in, you have to still leave the option to kick off as a choice and allow all 3. i mean, come on man!

schianos got his reason with the paralyzed kid at rutgers, which is fine.
It would be another step in a long line of ones to devolve the game of football into a patty cake match of a passing league.
Football HAD such a rich history of organically evolving the rules and strategies, this is one that takes the sport beyond it's roots. Why not just eliminate kicking altogether?
Why not eliminate the OL? Why not make it a two hand touch league?
Why not make it a non contact sport where we just line up and throw balls to each other until one team drops one?

It's all the same to me. It started when the NFL lost some top QB's(aikman, young) to head injuries. Who the hell knows when it will end.

You guys are obviously way too young to remember the old pick up two handed touch football games in the park.

1. Honor system.
2. No below the waist blocks.
3. Touchdown scored? Suckers walked.
4. After touchdown, receiving team took over at a point equating to the 40.
5. 3 downs to get a touchdown, no 1st downs used.
6. if no touchdown on 3 downs, instead of punting, step off 25 yards and other team takes over.
7. No one kept score.
8. When owner of the football had to go home, game was over.
9. After game, go home and do your homework.
10. Here was the only time a problem developed: One time a guy brought his Great Dane. The damned dog grabbed the football and ran home with it. No problem. Game over.

It is inevitable that it is going to happen in the next 5 years. This is the best solution IMO. They moved the line up to 35 and they still can't get to 50% touchbacks.

This solution still leave strategy in the game and fans should love teams taking more chances. Fans seem to love when a team does an onside kick outside the last minutes of a game. It also allows for the defense/return team to take possession at multible spots on the field and not just at the 20 or whatever is decided. Punter could still put it inside the twenty. Ball could be made live as well which means the return team has to cover the ball. Many variations can be made to this play.

I think the 4th and 15 should be on the 25 and if they get the 1st it would then be in about the same spot as an onside kick.

You guys are obviously way too young to remember the old pick up two handed touch football games in the park.
1. Honor system.
2. No below the waist blocks.
3. Touchdown scored? Suckers walked.
4. After touchdown, receiving team took over at a point equating to the 40.
5. 3 downs to get a touchdown, no 1st downs used.
6. if no touchdown on 3 downs, instead of punting, step off 25 yards and other team takes over.
7. No one kept score.
8. When owner of the football had to go home, game was over.
9. After game, go home and do your homework.
10. Here was the only time a problem developed: One time a guy brought his Great Dane. The damned dog grabbed the football and ran home with it. No problem. Game over.

Hahaha! Love this list! Come on now Dr. Don. My friends and I played this way in grade school and I'm only 27!

This just sounds looks some gimmick to sell to the fans. I thought part of the point of an onside kick was that every team can more or less convert at the same percentage.

A 4th and 15 for the patriots is like a 4th and 95 for the Vikings.
Schiano's a good coach, but to me he comes across as a guy that purposely goes out of his way to go against the grain (this, the no kneel-down baloney).

I am all about the no kneel-down baloney (if we are going to say there is a spot in the game where the losing team is not allowed to play anymore, then why don't we just end the game there?). I would rather go with a gimmicky idea like this than continue to make the onside kicks more difficult with the Iowa rule added this year.

If you had a bad defense and a great passing game, you might go for it every time and the other team might never get the ball.

There are injuries in all phases of the game. Kickoffs are a vital part of the historic game and should remain. Dumb idea.

If you had a bad defense and a great passing game, you might go for it every time and the other team might never get the ball.

And if you had a great onside team now you might well do the same thing.
I suspect a team that could convert on 4th and 15 every time would probably win the game regardless.

That said, still a dumb idea.

The Lingerie League will soon have more contact than the NFL. Just put skirts on 'em and get it over with already.

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