Syracuse Finds it's New A.D.


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Nov 12, 2008
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This could be interesting.

Syracuse University shocked college athletics when the school announced the hiring of ESPN executive vice president for programming and production John Wildhack would be the school’s next athletic director on Wednesday (July 6). The move came fifty-seven days after the previous AD, Mark Coyle, suddenly left SU for the same job at the University of Minnesota.

While the move came as a surprise, seeing as Wildhack has very little experience inside a college’s athletic department, the current state of Syracuse and the ACC makes Wildhack a perfect fit in Central New York. This is the case for several reasons: the ACC Network, the future of the ACC as a whole, and SU’s broadcasting history. Let’s look at each of those in more detail:..

Why didn't they wait 4-5 months to announce that they will hire an AD within the next 6 months and hire a firm responsible for forming a search committee that will put together a committee that will chose someone who was a sure thing from the get-go?

Don't they know that this is how you hire an AD? It took them all of 57 days! Pffft. Amateurs!!

Why didn't they wait 4-5 months to announce that they will hire an AD within the next 6 months and hire a firm responsible for forming a search committee that will put together a committee that will chose someone who was a sure thing from the get-go?

Don't they know that this is how you hire an AD? It took them all of 57 days! Pffft. Amateurs!!

I know you're just being a smartass, but two very good reasons:

1) They weren't replacing a total sh!tshow
2) They weren't in the middle of Football and Basketball season.

The administration at the U is about as smart as bringing a duck to a cockfight, so no need to pile on when there was actually some reason to wait -- would Coyle have come if we'd approached him in November? Did it make sense to keep Goetz in place to clean house if needed so the new AD could walk into a rebuild vs. a tear down then rebuild? -- is piling on. There's plenty of worthlessness at the U that they don't need us to "make up" more.

Now hiring a search firm to hire the guy you know you want and who wants to be here -- that's the kind of thing that defines the history of our problems. Kaler covered his ass by hiring someone to blame if this all goes south again at a cost to the taxpayers. The kind of thing the Star & Sickle loves to dig up on the eve of some sign that the Gopher program may be taking a step in the right direction.

I know you're just being a smartass, but two very good reasons:

1) They weren't replacing a total sh!tshow
2) They weren't in the middle of Football and Basketball season.

The administration at the U is about as smart as bringing a duck to a cockfight, so no need to pile on when there was actually some reason to wait -- would Coyle have come if we'd approached him in November?...

Nope. That would have been in the middle of Syracuse's athletic year and only 5 months after he was hired. Much more likely is the speculation that the U approached Coyle in January about coming back to Minnesota. Only Coyle and Kaler know if that's what happened. A few more people knew before the announcement in May.

If that speculation is correct everything else that happens falls into place and makes sense. Except for the "blame the U first" people. Most seem happy with the hiring of Coyle, but still have to be pissed-off with the U for something.

Even if Coyle agreed months back, why didn't he leave Syracuse easier? It would have been much better for the U. Might have even quieted all the haters down. Not the committed haters of course, but at least the semi-reasonable ones.

Coyle's words explain that too.

""That's a first-class institution, and they treated me and my family so well, and I regret the timing," Coyle said."

Much classier than Lou Holtz lying about his contract. Bet people in New York don't appreciate the difference anyway.

Has Syracuse hired a new CFO yet? That's where rubber hits the road.

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Nope. That would have been in the middle of Syracuse's athletic year and only 5 months after he was hired. Much more likely is the speculation that the U approached Coyle in January about coming back to Minnesota. Only Coyle and Kaler know if that's what happened. A few more people knew before the announcement in May.

If that speculation is correct everything else that happens falls into place and makes sense. Except for the "blame the U first" people. Most seem happy with the hiring of Coyle, but still have to be pissed-off with the U for something.

Even if Coyle agreed months back, why didn't he leave Syracuse easier? It would have been much better for the U. Might have even quieted all the haters down. Not the committed haters of course, but at least the semi-reasonable ones.

Coyle's words explain that too.

""That's a first-class institution, and they treated me and my family so well, and I regret the timing," Coyle said."

Much classier than Lou Holtz lying about his contract. Bet people in New York don't appreciate the difference anyway.

I agree. Coyle was offered the job, or offered himself to UM 6 months ago.

I'm waiting for the criticism of the Syracuse hire having only a business background which will ensure failure or make him unqualified to be an Athletics Director.

I'm waiting for the criticism of the Syracuse hire having only a business background which will ensure failure or make him unqualified to be an Athletics Director.

As long as he doesn't have a pony tail he will be OK.

Awesome name.

Does it really look any better to leave after 10 months than 5? What are we paying Coyle again? Anyone that doesn't jump at a job change with a chance at generational wealth because "hey, I've only been on the job for 6 months, gotta pass" is frankly delusional. He won the lottery. One only gets a few big chances. Maybe Syracuse sports tanks or a scandal erupts and he's on the outs, looking for work at lower levels. You take the offered job.

Awesome name.

Does it really look any better to leave after 10 months than 5?...

Sure. You see no difference between leaving in the middle of the school's athletic season or waiting until it was over? Particularly when he knew he was gonna get the job anyway.

You see no difference?

Oh and you're right about the name.

Is there ever a good time? In your mind, what are the windows when an AD should be able to change jobs?

Michigan's athletic director left UConn in the middle of bball season. Illinois had their AD in Feb I believe. That's one off the top of my head, and I'm sure there are many, many others that left during their respective schools' revenue sports seasons. Teague left and we seemed to survive. So many feel like they are indispensable, when in reality it might be weeks or months before some in the organization know they're gone..and life and work goes on.

Is there ever a good time? In your mind, what are the windows when an AD should be able to change jobs?

Michigan's athletic director left UConn in the middle of bball season. Illinois had their AD in Feb I believe. That's one off the top of my head, and I'm sure there are many, many others that left during their respective schools' revenue sports seasons. Teague left and we seemed to survive. So many feel like they are indispensable, when in reality it might be weeks or months before some in the organization know they're gone..and life and work goes on.

You see no difference then. Okay. Pretty round about way of saying it though.;)

I can't say whether this is a good AD hire, but I'd hire him as a golf coach in a heart beat.

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