Super Bowl or Rose Bowl?

Nov 20, 2008
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We've fans of both teams on this site. Some probably would have the resources to attend both. Say you had to make a choice, what venue would you attend?
IMO, I think the Gophers getting into the Rose Bowl would create a bigger hoopla
Than the Vikings in a Super Bowl

We've fans of both teams on this site. Some probably would have the resources to attend both. Say you had to make a choice, what venue would you attend?
IMO, I think the Gophers getting into the Rose Bowl would create a bigger hoopla
Than the Vikings in a Super Bowl

I'm sure it would on this site, but over the whole state I'm sure it would be Vikes in Super Bowl.

I personally would rather see the Gophers in a Rose Bowl, but I think the Vikings in a Super Bowl, especially winning, would create a bigger hoopla because of the Vikings' historic ineptitude. That and the Vikings/NFL are simply a bigger draw in Minnesota as a whole.

I also think the game day atmosphere and pagentry of the Rose Bowl would be more fun than that of the Super Bowl.'ve had enough.

Don't tell anyone, but I think Ruppert has too-after last nite anyway.

Ruppert was a hoot last night with his James Bond martinis!!!

I think I could actually smell alcohol on Ruppert’s comment or was that Dr. Don’s post?

Killjoy said:
I think I could actually smell alcohol on Ruppert’s comment or was that Dr. Don’s post?
All of Doc Don's posts stink of something!

Having watched, on television, four Viking Super Bowls and only being two the last time time the Gophers were in the Rose Bowl, the Rose Bowl and the Gophers is the first choice. It is also my life long dream game!

I'd be priced out of attending the SB, but would probably take my dad to Pasadena. I'd be pretty darn excited about both however.

For me:
Rose Bowl
Final Four
Super Bowl
World Series

For most of Minnesota the answer is Super Bowl every time.

I personally would rather see the Gophers in a Rose Bowl, but I think the Vikings in a Super Bowl, especially winning, would create a bigger hoopla because of the Vikings' historic ineptitude. That and the Vikings/NFL are simply a bigger draw in Minnesota as a whole.

I also think the game day atmosphere and pagentry of the Rose Bowl would be more fun than that of the Super Bowl.


I would choose to see the Gophers play for the National title over the Vikings in the Super Bowl, but I would choose seeing the Vikings play in the Super Bowl over the Gophers playing in the Rose Bowl with no National title implications. It's amazing I have not seen either in my lifetime, yet Wisconsin had both a Rose Bowl and a Super Bowl in the same year 2 years ago...C'mon Minnesota. When something as fluky as that Atlanta win over the Vikings happens (missed chipped shot fg, multiple dropped int's to seal the game, Cunningham overthrowing a wide open Moss in OT, etc, etc) you just have to wonder if it's just never in the cards.

We've fans of both teams on this site. Some probably would have the resources to attend both. Say you had to make a choice, what venue would you attend?
IMO, I think the Gophers getting into the Rose Bowl would create a bigger hoopla than the Vikings in a Super Bowl

I think the question is unfair. The Gophers in the Rose Bowl means we have already accomplished something. For most people, the goal is playing in the Rose Bowl. If the Gophers made it to the Rose Bowl and I was there at the game, my day would not be completely ruined by the Gophers getting rolled by USC or Oregon or whomever. It really wouldn't.

Now when talking about the Super Bowl, and in particular as it relates to the Purple, going to the Super Bowl and winning the Super Bowl are two wildly different things. If the Vikings made it to the Super Bowl and lost, it would probably be one of the worst experiences I have ever had - especially having spent as much money as i did to be there.

The fairer question is: Would you rather have the Gophers win the Rose Bowl or the Vikings win the Super Bowl? An even fairer question is: Would you rather have the Gophers win lucky number 7 or have the Vikings win a long-deserved number 1?

I would rather attend a Rose Bowl. I (personally) would rather have the Gophers win the National Title because a national titles in College Football are more meaningful than Super Bowls - they signify a program's true strength. Any team can win the Super Bowl within any five year span - the playing field is so even in the NFL with the draft, revenue sharing, salary cap, etc.

However, for the sake of my father, who has been a diehard Viking fan forever - if I had the power to give only one of the teams a championship - i would have to give it to the Vikings. The man has worked construction north of Chicago since 1988 (amidst some of the worst Bears and Packers fans in the world).

win the ROSE BOWL. then a super bowl win for the vikings 3 years after. ;-)

The OP question I believe pertained to venues. The Rose Bowl is a lifetime dream of mine and for me there is no finer venue in sports. In fact, I've decided that if the Gophers do not make it in the next 10-15 years, I'm going anyway. I want to see the Rose parade, watch a B2 stealth bomber overhead, sit in the sunshine and watch the Big Ten champ and their legions descend on the Pac Ten. Will have to be careful though to pick a year when Iowa or Wisconsin are not there - that would not be nearly as much fun.

The Super Bowl is a corporate fiasco.

For me:
Rose Bowl
Final Four
Super Bowl
World Series

For most of Minnesota the answer is Super Bowl every time.

These are common answers, and generic to most of the country.

When it comes to the true potential for state-wide pandemonium, there is a dark-horse contender. It's only a dark-horse contender because it's been so long since we've been close.

Yes the Vikings winning it all would turn the state upside down - maybe even a little bit more so than most places who have an NFL team...
And the Twins, being the team that is so easy to love during the past decade-plus. The one team this state has been consistently proud of for overachieving and for doing things the right way...
Gopher football restoring it's long-lost glory would be quite a headline generator as well...

But don't ever discount what it would mean to the people of this state to finally bring The Cup to Minnesota.

MrGopher said:
These are common answers, and generic to most of the country.

When it comes to the true potential for state-wide pandemonium, there is a dark-horse contender. It's only a dark-horse contender because it's been so long since we've been close.

Yes the Vikings winning it all would turn the state upside down - maybe even a little bit more so than most places who have an NFL team...
And the Twins, being the team that is so easy to love during the past decade-plus. The one team this state has been consistently proud of for overachieving and for doing things the right way...
Gopher football restoring it's long-lost glory would be quite a headline generator as well...

But don't ever discount what it would mean to the people of this state to finally bring The Cup to Minnesota.

I'd maybe watch a few periods of a Wild Cup run starting during the semis. There are a lot of people who couldn't care less about the NHL though.

MrGopher said:
The fairer question is: Would you rather have the Gophers win the Rose Bowl or the Vikings win the Super Bowl? An even fairer question is: Would you rather have the Gophers win lucky number 7 or have the Vikings win a long-deserved number 1?

When the Vikes finally win one it will take all the fun out of being a Vikes fan. If the Gophers win one it will be like winning seven. Packer fans can attest. Before '96 they were beginning to sound like idiots when they'd say GB is 'Titletown'. '96 and '11 brought all the earlier success back to life.

The OP question I believe pertained to venues. The Rose Bowl is a lifetime dream of mine and for me there is no finer venue in sports. In fact, I've decided that if the Gophers do not make it in the next 10-15 years, I'm going anyway. I want to see the Rose parade, watch a B2 stealth bomber overhead, sit in the sunshine and watch the Big Ten champ and their legions descend on the Pac Ten. Will have to be careful though to pick a year when Iowa or Wisconsin are not there - that would not be nearly as much fun.

The Super Bowl is a corporate fiasco.
Agree wholeheartedly. The Super Bowl is meant to be watched on TV. The majority of people who are at the game aren't legit fans of either team. The Vikes hosting (or even going to Green Bay, Dallas, Chicago) for the NFC title game, that's something that I'd like to attend. The Vikes playing the Ravens, Chargers, Bills (whoever) in Houston two weeks later for the Super Bowl...pass.

I think the Gophers coming out of that tunnel with the backdrop of the. San Gabriel mountains with
40,000 screaming Gopher fans would parallel walking through the gates of heaven. 40,000 you say? Yup, it would make the onslaught of Gopher fans that devoured San Antonio during the hoops
run look like a walk in the park.

Is the Rose Bowl the National Title game. For me that matters a ton. I am no longer a fan of the Bowl System. Its great for the teams to get into a Bowl game and the extra practice time is huge for the programs but I cant get excited for bowl games. I love seeing the great matchups with some of the game but not because its a bowl game but because its a good matchup. It would be great for the Gophers to get to the Rose Bowl but if its not the title game I am going to watch the Vikings in their long quest to win a title.

I'm surprised at the balanced answers here! I'm a Vikings fan, but I'd rather see the Gophers in the Rose Bowl than the Vikings in the Super Bowl. It wouldn't even be in the same league for me! In fact, I'd be more excited to have the Gophers play in any BCS Bowl, or in any New Year's Day Bowl than having the Vikings in the Super Bowl.

Which would I rather attend? The Rose Bowl and it's not even close. The three sporting events I want to see live sometime in my life: the Gophers playing in the Rose Bowl, the World Series at Target Field, and The Masters at Augusta.

I'll take any Minnesota team in the World Series, Rose Bowl, Super Bowl, or Final Four. I just want to see one of them happen once; I don't think Minnesotans are in a place to be picky. I was one month old when the Twins won in 91 and other than Gopher Hockey in 02 and 03, and my high school winning the state hockey tournament in 08, my whole life has been one giant sports drought.

Based on my fandom, I'd much rather the Gophers go to/win the RoseBowl/National Championship game.

Based on emotional investment between my father and I, I'd much rather the Vikings go to/win the SuperBowl.

This is a tough call.

We've fans of both teams on this site. Some probably would have the resources to attend both. Say you had to make a choice, what venue would you attend?
IMO, I think the Gophers getting into the Rose Bowl would create a bigger hoopla
Than the Vikings in a Super Bowl

Vikings would be a bigger hoopla in the state, that is no doubt. But I'd MUCH MUCH rather watch a Super Bowl on tv then attend. Now the Rose Bowl, I'm going when we make it I've waited 40 years and don't plan to wait 40 more. But who knows, Purdue won their first Big Ten baseball title this year since 1909. That's a lot of baseball seasons without a title.

Which would I rather attend? The Rose Bowl and it's not even close. The three sporting events I want to see live sometime in my life: the Gophers playing in the Rose Bowl, the World Series at Target Field, and The Masters at Augusta.

I'll take any Minnesota team in the World Series, Rose Bowl, Super Bowl, or Final Four. I just want to see one of them happen once; I don't think Minnesotans are in a place to be picky. I was one month old when the Twins won in 91 and other than Gopher Hockey in 02 and 03, and my high school winning the state hockey tournament in 08, my whole life has been one giant sports drought.

And what a glorius title that was. I was there for that title, just like the Gopher hockey title in '02. If you like the right hockey teams, you come home happy a lot. Although don't get me started on the high school final this year. Just about crashed the car in anger on the way home...

Which would I rather attend? The Rose Bowl and it's not even close. The three sporting events I want to see live sometime in my life: the Gophers playing in the Rose Bowl, the World Series at Target Field, and The Masters at Augusta.

I'll take any Minnesota team in the World Series, Rose Bowl, Super Bowl, or Final Four. I just want to see one of them happen once; I don't think Minnesotans are in a place to be picky. I was one month old when the Twins won in 91 and other than Gopher Hockey in 02 and 03, and my high school winning the state hockey tournament in 08, my whole life has been one giant sports drought.

I'll take the Rose Bowl over your hs team winning a hockey tournament.:)

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