We've fans of both teams on this site. Some probably would have the resources to attend both. Say you had to make a choice, what venue would you attend?
IMO, I think the Gophers getting into the Rose Bowl would create a bigger hoopla than the Vikings in a Super Bowl
I think the question is unfair. The Gophers in the Rose Bowl means we have
already accomplished something. For most people, the goal is playing in the Rose Bowl. If the Gophers made it to the Rose Bowl and I was there at the game, my day would not be completely ruined by the Gophers getting rolled by USC or Oregon or whomever. It really wouldn't.
Now when talking about the Super Bowl, and in particular as it relates to the Purple, going to the Super Bowl and
winning the Super Bowl are two wildly different things. If the Vikings made it to the Super Bowl and
lost, it would probably be one of the
worst experiences I have ever had - especially having spent as much money as i did to be there.
The fairer question is: Would you rather have the Gophers win the Rose Bowl or the Vikings win the Super Bowl? An even fairer question is: Would you rather have the Gophers win lucky number 7 or have the Vikings win a long-deserved number 1?
I would rather attend a Rose Bowl. I (personally) would rather have the Gophers win the National Title because a national titles in College Football are more meaningful than Super Bowls - they signify a program's true strength. Any team can win the Super Bowl within any five year span - the playing field is so even in the NFL with the draft, revenue sharing, salary cap, etc.
However, for the sake of my father, who has been a diehard Viking fan forever - if I had the power to give only one of the teams a championship - i would have to give it to the Vikings. The man has worked construction north of Chicago since 1988 (amidst some of the worst Bears and Packers fans in the world).