Sup GH. Thanks for supporting FBT


Apr 2, 2010
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I just wanted to come here on the Hole and tell you all how much I appreciate all the support you guys have shown by visiting my blog as frequently as you all do. The amount of buzz and hits I've received from just GH alone has far surpassed any expectations I had when I started the blog and I really ought to thank those who are generating the most traffic: GH. Gopher football is my passion and I'm happy to not only share my thoughts and perspective on the Gophers, but to have others who love the Gophers read and appreciate what I do. Keep reading and checking the site daily; I'm trying to crank out unique content daily while also providing links to Gopher related material everyday. Also follow FBT on Twitter and Facebook to get the updates as they happen.

Related to one of the hot threads of the day over here, I've got a post up today about Kent Youngblood's thoughts on moving Gray to WR. Needless to say I disagree.

Again, thanks for all the love and keep reading FBT!

And just so those that are tGR/DT know it's actually me:

41 - You're a kitten kicker and walk with a peg leg. You'll never be Potente of GI.
Grunkie - You're moniker on DT & tMB is better. And your EC isn't as hot as the other EC.
BrewCrew - The "lose" spelling applies over here too now.
Clubbers - Cheers.
Tundra - No 086 over here!
Costa Rican - Salut to the Olive Oil man!

It's a great blog. I really enjoyed your latest article. Great food for thought about Gray. Keep up the good work.

Good to see you on the 'hole MV, and keep it up man! Your content is a refreshing alternative to the other media sources and is always well thought out and honest. I'd highly recommend it!

MV... thanks for your work in FBT. You have great insight and passion for gopher football.

FBT hit the nail on the head with the weird YB comments about Gray.

Cheers MV. Keep it up, you're my guy for recruiting info every Friday, makes the day go by at work. Also I've been really impressed with your stats approach, especially since I'm the kind of guy who can't count myself out of paper bag, it makes for some pretty good analysis.

I have my morning coffee and I read FBT. You are the best, keep up the great work!

Love the blog MV., keep up the good work.

I enjoy your site, keep up the great work. It's appreciated.

Thank you MV for providing us with a great gopher blog. U definitely put a few of the Strib haters to shame.

Thanks for your work MV, I love your blog and you got me hooked on it. I look forward to reading it during the season. Keep up the good work!

Anyway we can get you to blog for the Trib instead of the other guy?

I may be a kitten kicker but you feast on the tears of babies and gain strength from their cries.

Thanks MV. I check Gopher Hole and your blog on a daily (OK, actually multiple times per day) basis. I find you to be a voice of reason. Keep up the good work.

One of my favorite blogs

FBT is informative and passionately written, which normally doesn't go together in TC "media". Write it and they will read...

Thanks for all of your hard work MV. I really enjoy the blog and check it multple times a day.

I'm in love with I'm in Love with a Fringe Bowl Team.

Thanks for all your hard work. I check it daily and will be spreading the word of your site at next weekends tailgate.

Your blog has helped heal my heart that was broken with the 2009 WI naked bootleg. I still can feel the ache inside.

Hey MV, how about writing for GopherHole? I am just throwing this out in the hope that the "powers that be" see it. I am of course, a nobody, am not affiliated with GH in any official capacity (had to put that disclaimer in there).

I may be in a minority here, but I really *want* to read articles with a Gopher slant. Go ahead and accuse me of not being a realist, and seeing everything with rose colored glasses, but here I am posting on a Gopher football board... in April... I think that qualifies me as a fanatic, not a realist.

I can always read the "Gophers will be lucky to win 5 games" articles in the media.

Heard about FBT through the Gopherhole. Love it. Read it on a daily basis (not sure my boss approves of that). Excellent analysis - finally, a place with more info than I really need. =)

MV-I have been loving your blog since the first time I saw it, and have turned my friends on to the FBT scene as well. Thanks for all the work and for helping to keep Gopher FB content fresh during the off season. Hats off to thee!

Your blog is THE best place to get Gopher Football info. There's just no questioning that.

Note to admins: Provide a link to that site at the top of this forum or subsrice to his rss feeds and slide them into the "Gopher Football Links" up top.

Good stuff as always MV - my comment is already up on your take regarding Kent's position of MarQueis moving to WR. Keep on writing. I'm always looking for a guest writer or two on my blog, so let me know if you've got a take on something Gopher-related that may not be as appropriate for your football-centric site, as mine tends to be more ecclectic.

I'll keep readin'!

you went from a post whore to an attention whore and it suits you brilliantly.



Always interesting...

I read the blog with pleasure - thanks for your dedication. Glad someone in the media universe cares about Gopher football.

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