Sullinger staying a buckeye

Mike Conley said the same exact thing.

Wait until the sting of losing wears off. He'll be a Cleveland Cav in 2011.

No, I don't think so. His father said a month ago that Jared would come back if they didn't win the NC. They have been planning on him playing another year in college all along. It would be a big surprise if he changed his mind now.

Nice consolation prize for OSU after losing to UK. I hope he stays as it improves the overall quality of play in the Big 10.

If Sullinger doesn't go he is cerifiably CRAZY. He is a likely top 5 pick, translated he going to get PAID, and the NBA is going to go though a lockout next season. Not to mention even if they are playing basketball player salaries are going to be slashed, drasitically. Sullinger isn't a great pro prospect, he WAY undersized height wise, and this is a weak draft class, hanging around Columbus isn't going to help him. It is a terrible decision of Sullinger doesn't go from a business standpoint.

...He is a likely top 5 pick, translated he going to get PAID, and the NBA is going to go though a lockout next season

hey boiler boy,

Do they NOT teach logic classes at Purdue?

Your statements above seem to be a contradiction...:D

You should worry about that chump, Painter, and his underachieving boilers...;)

If Sullinger doesn't go he is cerifiably CRAZY. He is a likely top 5 pick, translated he going to get PAID, and the NBA is going to go though a lockout next season. Not to mention even if they are playing basketball player salaries are going to be slashed, drasitically. Sullinger isn't a great pro prospect, he WAY undersized height wise, and this is a weak draft class, hanging around Columbus isn't going to help him. It is a terrible decision of Sullinger doesn't go from a business standpoint.


Please leave Jared.

If Sullinger doesn't go he is cerifiably CRAZY. He is a likely top 5 pick, translated he going to get PAID, and the NBA is going to go though a lockout next season. Not to mention even if they are playing basketball player salaries are going to be slashed, drasitically. Sullinger isn't a great pro prospect, he WAY undersized height wise, and this is a weak draft class, hanging around Columbus isn't going to help him. It is a terrible decision of Sullinger doesn't go from a business standpoint.
Wow, you know it all. Have any good numbers for the lottery for me?

hey boiler boy,

Do they NOT teach logic classes at Purdue?

Your statements above seem to be a contradiction...:D

You should worry about that chump, Painter, and his underachieving boilers...;)

First, still not over Purdue losing to VCU, so please don't bring it up.

Second, the NBA rookie pay scale is fixed, they are 2 year contracts with options for the 3rd and 4th. In restoring fiscal sanity to the NBA, because they owners are a bunch of idiots and can't stop giving out dumb contracts, they are going to have to redo the rookie pay scale, small part of the problem, I know.

But if Sullinger stays, he is taking on a ton of risk. It is going to be really hard for him to improve his draft stock. The next NBA is most likely going to be deeper, which isn't going to help him, scouts and front office people could start questioning his fitness, etc. I really don't see a personal upside for him staying at O$U, I really don't.

Wow, you know it all. Have any good numbers for the lottery for me?

I don't know it all, but do you honestly think that Sullinger will benefit from a business standpoint staying O$U. Will the team benefit, greatly, but Sullinger personally will not.

BTW hwhats the word on Buford, some have thought he might leave early. He going to stick around. And I think Buford will benefit staying around for another year.

I don't know it all, but do you honestly think that Sullinger will benefit from a business standpoint staying O$U. Will the team benefit, greatly, but Sullinger personally will not.

BTW hwhats the word on Buford, some have thought he might leave early. He going to stick around. And I think Buford will benefit staying around for another year.

It wouldn't be a great business decision, but if the NBA is locked out, nobody gets paid anyway, right? So maybe he wouldn't be losing a year of salary after all. Is it so wrong for a kid who enjoys playing college basketball and wants to make a deep run in the tourney staying around another year to try to make his dreams come true?

Buford said he's coming back, but hasn't been quite as decisive with his remarks as Sullinger. He might test the waters, but ultimately I don't think he will stay in the draft this year.

It wouldn't be a great business decision, but if the NBA is locked out, nobody gets paid anyway, right? So maybe he wouldn't be losing a year of salary after all. Is it so wrong for a kid who enjoys playing college basketball and wants to make a deep run in the tourney staying around another year to try to make his dreams come true?

Buford said he's coming back, but hasn't been quite as decisive with his remarks as Sullinger. He might test the waters, but ultimately I don't think he will stay in the draft this year.

I see your point on the lock out, but with the CBA rookie salaries are going to be cut, right now I think the top 5 make over $2 million/year on a 2 year contract. Who knows what it's going to be after the new CBA. Locking in that $2+ million for at least a year or two, IMO is the way to go.

Buford being a junior really has no downside to testing the waters. Enters his names gets feed back from scouts and teams, if he doesn't like what he hears he goes back to play at O$U, if he does he stays in. Also DeShawn Thomas might be the best pro prospect on that team with his size and ability to score, any news of him leaving ala BJ Mullens?

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