Sullinger out with mystery injury for up to 5 weeks

From the Barn

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Nov 20, 2008
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Sullinger out with back spasms for up to 5 weeks

Well, all those saying teams like OSU woudn't take a big hit without their best player now have something to watch.

Doubt he will be out anywhere near 5 weeks if its just back spasms.

Yeah, it's back spasms. Buford sat out a game vs. a mid-major last year due to back spasms. He sat out a game that OSU won by 19, and then played the next one. Possibly the same type of thing with Sullinger (only an even weaker competition for him to miss), but it's not certain. Not necessarily a bad thing if it's only for this one game, because it will give Evan Ravenel and Amir Williams a chance to play some more minutes than they would not otherwise get.

OSUfan;469519[B said:
]Yeah, it's back spasms. [/B]Buford sat out a game vs. a mid-major last year due to back spasms. He sat out a game that OSU won by 19, and then played the next one. Possibly the same type of thing with Sullinger (only an even weaker competition for him to miss), but it's not certain. Not necessarily a bad thing if it's only for this one game, because it will give Evan Ravenel and Amir Williams a chance to play some more minutes than they would not otherwise get.

Could be much longer. Speaking from experience. Just sayin.

Back injuries are the worst, and sometimes very difficult to rehab. I'm just glad he was healthy enough to beast against dook

It said Up to 5 Weeks.

So it could be 1 day or 35 days, or anything in between.

Oh, that's what "up to" means? Good thing you were around to instruct, Dr. Don. Semantics aside, it seems pretty unlikely Sullinger will miss much time.

Bi-lateral leg weakness + pneumonia(or since it's winter heat exhaustion?) = out for season.

I had that problem when I was kid and for years thereafter. The pain can often be temporarily eased with deep heat treatments. Could get him through a game. Long term cure can often involve strengthening the core body. I bet he is not out very long.

I'm no doctor and I haven't had a problem for many years. I'm sure modern treatments are much improved now.

His dad spoke about it last night, and said he was having back spasms due to plantar fasciitis. I noticed he had been kind of limping around at times on the court - it must have been the plantar fascia. So it is good to give him some time off and let him heal so he can be be ready for the more important parts of the season.

Planter fasciitis is no laughing matter...depending on how bad it has gotten it can take a guy down for a while...especially if he is compensating for it and it effected his gait and now has back issues. Gonna have to get a sleeping boot on that big boy for a couple of weeks and no running at all...and then work with a physical therapist to fix his gait and do some foot exercises...could see him being out until Big Ten season starts if it doesn't react well to treatment.

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