Stupid Economy


Nov 20, 2008
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so regardless of the 8 month old residing in our home, BucktheFadgers and I cannot get season tickets this year...just not enough moola to swing non-student tix and babysitting for night games. we wanted to start raising our little Gopher in the Barn, but it is just not to be this season. we'll have to cheer loud and hard from our townhouse and start teaching Alexis about basketball that way. thank God for BTN!
hopefully next season we can get her to some games and show her a good time! it is so depressing to be going into a basketball season knowing I won't be able to be at the games. stupid money. we are going to try to come to Tubby's Tipoff tonight (bedtime is 7:00, but we are thinking about being BAD parents and just keeping her up and bringing her with us!).
so excited for the season to get underway, I think we might be pretty good this year...GO GOPHERS!!!!

Move to Columbia Heights or out to Howard Lake. You'll live cheap and have extra money for tickets. Babysitters will be cheap too.

so regardless of the 8 month old residing in our home, BucktheFadgers and I cannot get season tickets this year...just not enough moola to swing non-student tix and babysitting for night games. we wanted to start raising our little Gopher in the Barn, but it is just not to be this season. we'll have to cheer loud and hard from our townhouse and start teaching Alexis about basketball that way. thank God for BTN!
hopefully next season we can get her to some games and show her a good time! it is so depressing to be going into a basketball season knowing I won't be able to be at the games. stupid money. we are going to try to come to Tubby's Tipoff tonight (bedtime is 7:00, but we are thinking about being BAD parents and just keeping her up and bringing her with us!).
so excited for the season to get underway, I think we might be pretty good this year...GO GOPHERS!!!!

FWIW, taking your kids to a game before about the age of five is a waste of time and money. In my experience the kids who started going a little later formed the stronger attachment to the gophers. I was too excited to get my eldest started early and she got a bit overwhelmed by the hubbub.

thanks, jamiche....that actually makes me feel better! I started going to games when I was 6 (Marquette games) and I fell in love w/ college basketball. I suppose there is a lot of life left for her to attend bball games.

so regardless of the 8 month old residing in our home, BucktheFadgers and I cannot get season tickets this year...just not enough moola to swing non-student tix and babysitting for night games. we wanted to start raising our little Gopher in the Barn, but it is just not to be this season. we'll have to cheer loud and hard from our townhouse and start teaching Alexis about basketball that way. thank God for BTN!
hopefully next season we can get her to some games and show her a good time! it is so depressing to be going into a basketball season knowing I won't be able to be at the games. stupid money. we are going to try to come to Tubby's Tipoff tonight (bedtime is 7:00, but we are thinking about being BAD parents and just keeping her up and bringing her with us!).
so excited for the season to get underway, I think we might be pretty good this year...GO GOPHERS!!!!

Do they make you pay to bring an infant into the Barn? I've brought my infant daughter to the dome and didn't have to buy her a ticket.

I don't know. Our son is 4.5 years old and has been going to games since he was 1..(hoops and now football). Sure, at 1 it was a chore but ever since he was old enough to walk he has enjoyed it. Always looks for Goldy. He calls the barn and TCF Stadium.."the gopher house". A bucket of popcorn will do wonders for keeping a little one still. Now that he is 4..he is starting to recognize the Gophers (as opposed to good guys and bad guys). As long as you prepare and get them excited ahead of time. We certainly don't take him to all games but we enjoy bringing him from time to time.

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