Studwell made a good point below


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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and how often does that happen *wink*. But these poor snaps from center are getting very annoying. I know its a substitute center but cant that be ironed out in practice? Its gets the QB off balance and throws off the whole play. Enough is enough. It will probably cause a big fumble at a bad time in the future.

and how often does that happen *wink*. But these poor snaps from center are getting very annoying. I know its a substitute center but cant that be ironed out in practice? Its gets the QB off balance and throws off the whole play. Enough is enough. It will probably cause a big fumble at a bad time in the future.

I am guessing that nobody is more annoyed than Kill by poor snaps. If there was an easy way fix the problem it would have already been solved. I think you all remember when Chuck Knoblach couldn't make an accurate throw from 2nd base to 1st base, and the major league catchers who have had problems making throws back to the pitcher. It has to be infinitely more difficult for a football center to make an accurate snap when you also have to worry about your blocking assignment.

and how often does that happen *wink*. But these poor snaps from center are getting very annoying. I know its a substitute center but cant that be ironed out in practice? Its gets the QB off balance and throws off the whole play. Enough is enough. It will probably cause a big fumble at a bad time in the future.

Might be some truth there, Gray had the same problems but then it was all his fault. It doesn't absolve Shortell of a mediocre performance throwing the ball. Good in the First Half, lousy in the Second. If he doesn't quit throwing behind Receivers and "stretching them up" over the middle he won't have any healthy guys to throw to. If Gray had been in there throwing that badly the crowd would have crucified him - and quite rightly. Max gets a HUGE "pass" here and at the Bank. Kill talked about the missed opportunities that Shortell's mistakes had caused. Here those mistakes have never happened.

Gray has shown many times that he's not a big time QB. Forcing him to throw works. Limiting the number of guys to throw to by keeping them in to block magnifies the problem. His turnovers, and near turnovers, have haunted him and fans far to often. Max has kept far more control of the ball. He doesn't fumble. He doesn't throw interceptions, but it's not because of pin point Passing. He's been bailed out by Receivers again and again, Oh, and let's not hear anymore about his "running ability". It's not "under rated" is just nothing special.

Saturday night, mainly in the 2nd Half, his "catchers" just couldn't bail him out. Hopefully next Saturday they won't have to.

Shortell had to deal with a LOT of blitzing last night. He handled it very well. Didn't get rattled, didn't throw the ball up for grabs, but didn't look sharp doing it either. You might think he won't have to face that against Iowa. Listening to Kill after the game Max had to change plays at the line many, many times. Iowa is going to look at the same tapes. Why wouldn't they do it too?

The Defense has looked great. Can't remember a Gopher team that had 3-4 guys who can apply that kind of pressure. The D-Backs, with that Pass Rush, stay with Receivers. Last Quarter aside they are also a sure tackling bunch. The Punting seems to be improved. Place kicking still hasn't. The Receivers as a group are the best since the Sauter days. QB play? Shortell should get better with more experience. Gray should have too. Maybe the difference is Shortell is a Passer first. That makes "hoping" he can solve his accuracy problems seem more realistic.

I think Shortell is a better runner than you think.

Post of the year?

The whole point of the formation is that Max doesn't have to move his feet OR his eyes. When he can't keep his head looking downfield it defeats the purpose of the scheme. Sometimes it also requires the running back to half-stutter before taking a hand off.

Last night it messed up what could've been an entire series (3 or so plays).

It might've also cost us a slant pattern and first down. If Max completes just one of those's game over.

Rant done! :)

Iowa rarely ever blitzes multiple guys. Won't be as big of an issue next week, but his accuracy better be on point. Iowa's scheme defensively puts guys in position to make plays on any throw that is sightly off target and tipped into the air. Plus they don't give up a ton of big plays, so if the Ginger cannon is not accurate our drives will stall.

I did notice MANY low snaps last night. Max did a good job at picking them off his shoe tops.

I think Shortell is a better runner than you think.

True! :cool:

Based on how he looked against USC and New Hampshire, than yes, you could be right. Based on how he looked against Michigan, Purdue, Western Michigan and last night against Syracuse than no, he's probably the runner I think he is. That's an average runner for a College QB.

You're usually right. Hope you're right here too.

Max definitely has to get the ball down. Its hard when your 6'6", but he really has to follow through to keep the ball on the numbers. Too many times he threw it high, which is especially dangerous for tips and interceptions.

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