Student Tickets...Here is the Deal


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Dec 3, 2008
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I am pretty sure this outlines it all, why do people need an email to confirm it?

2009 Student Season Football Tickets go on sale Saturday April 25th, 2009 at 7:00a.m.
Starting Saturday April 25th at 7:00am, a total of 8,000 student season tickets will be sold to current University of Minnesota-Twin Cities students online on a first-come, first-served basis. Season tickets for the 2009 football season are $77 + $6 order charge. All undergraduate, graduate and professional students must be enrolled with a minimum of 6 credits for the 2009 fall semester in order to purchase a season ticket. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities students who meet the criteria will be able to purchase ONE student season football ticket.

Create Your Online Account Now!
In order to purchase a season ticket, students must create an account online. To create your account please click here and enter your personal information then select “create your account” at the bottom of the page. Please remember your user name and password as you will need them to purchase your season ticket starting on April 25th at 7:00 AM.

How to Order Your Season Ticket
Starting Saturday April 25th, 2009 at 7:00 a.m. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities students will be able to order their season football ticket online. Follow these steps to order your season football ticket:

1. Go to and click on the “Buy Tickets” icon near the top of the page.
2. Click on the “U of M Student Football Season Ticket” icon in the middle of the webpage.
3. Select One from the drop-down menu under “Select Number of Tickets” – Click continue
4. Enter the Scalper Prevention Code that appears in the box – Click Continue
5. On the Season Results page - Click continue
6. On the Shopping Cart page - Click continue
7. Enter the User Name and Password you created – Click Login
8. Select ICA Season Will Call delivery method – Click Continue
9. Enter U of M Student ID Number and Payment Information
10. Click BUY

Student season football tickets will not be sold over the phone or at the Gopher Ticket Office. The only way to purchase a student football season ticket is online through A season ticket will not be distributed to an individual who purchases a season ticket with an invalid U of M Student ID number or is not a student at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a minimum of 6 credits for the 2009 fall semester. All tickets are general admission and seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis. An email will be sent to student season ticket holders in early August with information about student season ticket pick-up and specific information about the student section in TCF Bank Stadium.

$77 + $6 order charge.

First come, first serve seating in the stadium and one (1) ticket per valid ID.

An email in AUGUST with information about pick up and the student section.

Eat it, one cares jerk.

I apologize on behalf of all of us wanting to know exactly what all the policies are going to be. People aren't questioning how to ordered them, but more like how everything is going to work out after the purchasing. As for "whining" about not getting an email: how else do you expect them to reach all of the students? You think all of us read GopherHole? They can't expect to sell tickets unless students are informed, plain and simple. Now go away.

OK, wise guy, show me where on that page (which you didn't cite btw - it says whether you will need a student ID to match the ticket, and how seating will be handled in the section. Simply saying "general admission" is sufficiently vague so as to really mean nothing at all.

Look at gopherguy06's post right above you:
$77 + $6 order charge.

First come, first serve seating in the stadium and one (1) ticket per valid ID.

An email in AUGUST with information about pick up and the student section.

It sounds like the info you really want to know (i.e. what does GA mean at TCF? Will ID’s be scanned?) won’t be coming until August.

Eat it, one cares jerk.

I apologize on behalf of all of us wanting to know exactly what all the policies are going to be. People aren't questioning how to ordered them, but more like how everything is going to work out after the purchasing. As for "whining" about not getting an email: how else do you expect them to reach all of the students? You think all of us read GopherHole? They can't expect to sell tickets unless students are informed, plain and simple. Now go away.

I don't blame you for wanting the answers to some VERY important questions. But I think gg06's point was that you might want to chill since it looks like those answers aren't coming anytime soon.

It sounds like the info you really want to know (i.e. what does GA mean at TCF? Will ID’s be scanned?) won’t be coming until August.

Yes, I get that; however, it makes no sense. Student seats will go on sale in 9 days, and those who plan to use their spouse's student tickets (i.e., me) would like to know whether they will actually be allowed to use them before spending $83 on what may end up being nothing more than very expensive sheets of pretty paper.

I think whether they will scan and check ids or not will depend on the initial demand for the tickets. If sales aren't near the 10k allotment of seats available for students to purchase, I could see them moving to a more relaxed system like at the basketball games where there is no need for a student ID.

The only people that seem to be up in arms about the lack of information are the people that are not students but plan on cheating the system for a cheaper ticket.

The only people that seem to be up in arms about the lack of information are the people that are not students but plan on cheating the system for a cheaper ticket.

Actually, I am a student myself, but I am only allowed to take one class per semester because I am a full-time U employee.

And if you want to call it "cheating the system," that's valid, but I don't see anything wrong with using my wife's ticket (like I did last year) since I jointly pay her $17 k annual tuition.

Actually, I am a student myself, but I am only allowed to take one class per semester because I am a full-time U employee.

And if you want to call it "cheating the system," that's valid, but I don't see anything wrong with using my wife's ticket (like I did last year) since I jointly pay her $17 k annual tuition.

I'm not looking down on it, I did the same thing and had a friend by an extra student ticket for me my first year out of school. The only thing wrong with it is if you have 2000 non students taking 2000 full time student's tickets. That was never a problem in the past because student interest was not high. I think the U is reserving the right to post a definitive ticket policy until they can gauge student interest.

It was no coincidence you need a student ID for hockey games in the past and not basketball or football.

They will be checking your student status when you purchase the tickets and pick them up. With hockey tickets, when you came to pick them up, they took your student ID and checked to make sure that you were enrolled at the U of M - TC with at least 6 credits. I am assuming the same process will be done with TO Pick Up or tickets mailed to students.

As far as the gameday procedure, no body knows, especially the ticket office. There are a number of important issues to worry about like getting the thousands of seats assigned for season ticket holders. I am sure they will have a policy in place similar to hockey. Need your ID to match ticket, if it doesn't, then have to get a student voucher with a valid ID at the office for that specific game. First come, first serve seating when the gates open.

The only issue I have with everyone whining about the ticket process is those people that are whining about specifics.. In reality, if you purchase a student ticket, either on April 25th at 7 am or whenever and legitimately are a student, then I wouldn't worry about how I got into the game. It is all these exceptions and people that are trying to find a loop hole to get a ticket as a "student" with an old ID or someone trying to figure out how they can get in there. It is the student section and if you are a student, personally it shouldn't matter the game day procedure. There will be some increased interest in the new stadium, but with only ONE ticket allowed and judging by the attendance last couple seasons, there won't be much of a issue for the 8,000 tickets reserved for returning students.

The TO is covering their butt by taking this slowly. Maybe the student section will be empty and no one will come (unlikely) or maybe it will sell out and there will be a wait list or a priority system may need to be implemented. It makes sense that many people want to know the gameday procedure, but it isn't coming out anytime soon.

And I apologize for not citing my sources on information that is out there on Gophersports.

I don't blame you for wanting the answers to some VERY important questions. But I think gg06's point was that you might want to chill since it looks like those answers aren't coming anytime soon.

Thank you.. that is my point.. the details will come. The TO doesn't have the answers, they are just putting tickets on sale and all the information you need for now is in that release.

I'm not looking down on it, I did the same thing and had a friend by an extra student ticket for me my first year out of school. The only thing wrong with it is if you have 2000 non students taking 2000 full time student's tickets. That was never a problem in the past because student interest was not high. I think the U is reserving the right to post a definitive ticket policy until they can gauge student interest.

It was no coincidence you need a student ID for hockey games in the past and not basketball or football.

That is exactly my point. The people who are most worried are those finding loop holes.

When I started at the U of M, basketball was assigned seating and was sold out, but now it is general addmission and anyone can use the tickets. That policy may change back again with more interest in the bball team. Also, football use to be assigned seats, but that changed to the voucher system as of recent. Hockey has always had a strong interest. They had guest passes, then took them away, then made it general addmission. There are going to be changes to the policy.

i still dont get why you so upset about students wanting to know info about their tickets. I am sure if there were this many questions about season tickets for old poeple htis site would explode. Please just let us be and let students try and help recent grad students try and get in the game. Also i have friends from other schools i want to get in. Just ignore the thread

2009 Student Football Season Tickets On-sale

Dont miss your opportunity to purchase student Football season tickets for TCF Bank Stadium!

The start of the 2009 Gopher Football season is less than five months away! The Athletics department is expecting increased demand for 2009 student Football season tickets. The student section in TCF Bank Stadium will seat approximately 10,000 students in the east end of the stadium.

Student football season tickets for the 2009 Football season in TCF Bank Stadium will go on-sale starting at 7:00 am on Saturday, April 25, 2009.

* All student Football season tickets will be sold on-line only through the website
* 8,000 season tickets will be on-sale on a first-come, first served basis to any current U of M student who will be enrolled as an Undergraduate, Graduate or Professional student (minimum of 6 credits) in the Fall of 2009.
o A student will need to be registered for Fall 2009 classes in order to pick-up their season ticket in late August.
* Students are eligible to purchase one (1) 2009 student Football season ticket.
* All tickets are general admission and seating will be on a first come, first served basis on game day.
* The remaining 2,000 season tickets will be available in late August or early September for the 2009-10 class of incoming first year, transfer, and graduate and professional students.
* The price of 2009 Student Football season tickets will be $77 plus a $6 handling fee which includes a student t-shirt and credit card processing fees.

In order to purchase your student Football season ticket on-line, you must create an on-line account. Please click below to create your account:

Create your 2009 Student Ticket Account Here

For complete information on student season tickets, please click below:

Student Football Season Ticket Information:

If you have questions about the student Football season ticket on-sale, please call the Gopher Ticket Office at 1-800-UGOPHER, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.

I am not upset about them asking questions. It is fair to be curious, but complaining about not having the information. It isn't like the TO has forgot about them or is doing it on purpose. They have other issues to deal with. Details about tickets sales for students were released, like promised. The details surrounding pickup and gameday procedure don't need to be determined for 3-4 months, so why keep asking about it.

Like I said before, it is the people trying to find exceptions and loop holes in the system to get tickets are the ones asking questions. I am a recent grad and would love to get tickets, especially in the student section and for that rate, but it isn't really going to happen, nor is it fair. Do what I did, buy public tickets and then you can bring whoever you want, whenever you want and have seats for as long as you want.

The details surrounding pickup and gameday procedure don't need to be determined for 3-4 months, so why keep asking about it.

OK, let's say, for example, a student knows they will not be able to attend a game or two, and they would like to know whether they can sell it and have the buyer be able to use it. Don't you think that is a question that should be answered before they buy a season ticket?

While I respect your point, I find it a little ironic that you started an entirely new thread on the topic. If you want it to go away, that's the last thing you want to do.

Details about tickets sales for students were released, like promised.

This is a little overstated. Sure, they posted information on, but it had been promised earlier and via email. It's not so much a complaint about the information, but that when you say something, you should really do it as you promised.

I am a recent grad and would love to get tickets, especially in the student section and for that rate, but it isn't really going to happen, nor is it fair.

This is why they NEED a section for recent graduates. 23, 24, 25-year-olds are still often in the mindset of wanting to yell and really get involved in the atmosphere of the game - Lord knows I am. I've got a good enough job that the price of my public ticket isn't a burden. That said, I'd happily pay the full price of a public ticket and be allowed to sit in the student section. If there was a loophole in the system, I'd gladly find a buddy who wanted my public ticket for the season and would buy a student ticket as well. Hell, I paid student fees on the new stadium too. That's why I feel for kids who graduate this spring, who've paid those fees for years, but aren't looked at as deserving any discounting of their tickets, etc.

Florida has a section for anyone who graduated within the last three years. They only have to pay slightly more then the Student Ticket price, which is $6 per game by the way or $42. Gee, you'd think if the National Champs can charge thier students that much less and help out recent grads, maybe Minnesota could do it too? That's how you build loyalty and generate new rich donors. The Gopher marketing people are so short-sighted sometimes, yet they wonder why the average age of the season ticketholders in football and basketball keeps going up.

I believe the way it will work is the seating will be GA like hockey, and if you wish to not use your ticket, you can pass it on to other U students.

This would mean that parents, freinds, spouses who are not U students would not be able to use the tickets. This is 100% fair as these are meant for U students only. Nobody else has the right to use those tickets.

This is why they NEED a section for recent graduates. 23, 24, 25-year-olds are still often in the mindset of wanting to yell and really get involved in the atmosphere of the game - Lord knows I am. I've got a good enough job that the price of my public ticket isn't a burden. That said, I'd happily pay the full price of a public ticket and be allowed to sit in the student section. If there was a loophole in the system, I'd gladly find a buddy who wanted my public ticket for the season and would buy a student ticket as well. Hell, I paid student fees on the new stadium too. That's why I feel for kids who graduate this spring, who've paid those fees for years, but aren't looked at as deserving any discounting of their tickets, etc.

Parkinlotgopher has said everything that needs to be said on this topic. He truly is a 'Gentleman and Scholar'.
I've always thought it would be great to have 'alumni sections'. Make it within ten years of graduation---it would infuse some life bewteen the ages of 22 and 54.
And to address dpdoll's minor panic attack, we also should reserve some seats for faculty and staff. Just my opinion.

While I respect your point, I find it a little ironic that you started an entirely new thread on the topic. If you want it to go away, that's the last thing you want to do.

This is a little overstated. Sure, they posted information on, but it had been promised earlier and via email. It's not so much a complaint about the information, but that when you say something, you should really do it as you promised.

This is why they NEED a section for recent graduates. 23, 24, 25-year-olds are still often in the mindset of wanting to yell and really get involved in the atmosphere of the game - Lord knows I am. I've got a good enough job that the price of my public ticket isn't a burden. That said, I'd happily pay the full price of a public ticket and be allowed to sit in the student section. If there was a loophole in the system, I'd gladly find a buddy who wanted my public ticket for the season and would buy a student ticket as well. Hell, I paid student fees on the new stadium too. That's why I feel for kids who graduate this spring, who've paid those fees for years, but aren't looked at as deserving any discounting of their tickets, etc.

That is a very good point and idea. I think they could have done this and it would have been great. You are right, I would gladly pay the public rate, but for one, know the atmopshere would not be anything close to a student section. By having a section for graduates within three years or fours years, it would be great to have a segue to other public seats. I think a lot of people would definitely do this.

OK, let's say, for example, a student knows they will not be able to attend a game or two, and they would like to know whether they can sell it and have the buyer be able to use it. Don't you think that is a question that should be answered before they buy a season ticket?
The short answer is that season tickets have always been non-transferable in the past and whether they will put the effort in enforcing that is an issue. If it means five hundred less badger students I am all for it.

Parkinglot, I've wondered the same thing and wish the U would make a section for recent grads. I graduated last spring, and got a friend to get me student season tickets last year, but now that its 1 per person, thats not an option. I know plenty of friends that I graudated with that still have lots of interest in Gopher football and going to games, and we are all excited for on campus games, and the idea of a recent grad section would be perfect for us.

Is there a person/group/organization we could contact about a recent grad section? They might consider it if there's enough support.

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