I understand that one block of Oak Street in front of Mariucci Area has now been approved for student tail gating (and will be closed) before home football games. Not clear yet whether it will be closed during or after the game.
Probably true (sadly). In any case, hat tip to Coach Kill for suggesting it and the U for listening.I can't see the U budging much on a students
and booze issue.
It's good that they do a little something for the students. The football experience at the U has been catering to rich alumni for many years.
It's good that they do a little something for the students. The football experience at the U has been catering to rich alumni for many years.
Catering to the rich?
I had the same reaction, but didn't reply. We are on the low-end of catering to "the rich", here in self-loathing, passive-agressive Minnesota. We want success, but we hate those who succeed. We want a bigger, better program, but we don't want any income generation that caters to "the rich".
We have one of the cheapest season tickets in the BCS. We have some of the lowest seat licenses in the BCS. Our athletic department has to pay back the U for scholarships.
It takes money to make money. We are nowhere near wealthy, but we consider every dime we spend on Gopher football as an INVESTMENT in the future of this program--our GLC membership, the season tickets, the seat licenses, the $50 a month to the stadium fund. We even "sponsored a hole" at the GLC golf event for the ridiculous price of $200--that money went to the promotional films budget, the "Webisodes". A pair of sideline passes go for a couple hundred bucks at auction. Try that at Michigan, Notre Dame, or even Iowa.
We do this so that "voila!" the students can have a place to tailgate--yup, your money goes to that, too.
Sorry, didn't want to hijack this thread, but this elitist BS is ridiculous. I am excited for the students, and excited for the future of Gopher football. I am in favor of anything (legal) that helps this program succeed--anything. I hope we can cater the sh!t out of "the rich".
Has anyone actually tried to answer the question about A) How are students going to get these passes and B) What are the rules of engagement once they get them?
Or are we too busy pissing in everyone else's Cheerios to care about the main topic?
On the plus side, this is a good year to start a tradition like this a the large number of 2:30 games could definitely help improve attendance (to both tailgates and games). The other plus is that this is that Kill was there when this tradition was started at other schools. So if the U is listening to him/his staff they can share what made it a success elsewhere.Yeah, I think it's speculation at this point. I wouldn't mind it happening, although I question how many students would show up. Not necessarily a knock, but most students are going to be at a house party or something prior to the game I'd imagine, especially if this would be fairly regulated and structured (I'm thinking something like activities and tents set up). That, and our student section can be late arriving and smallish.
Then the students are going to be screwed (sigh). For whatever reason the fact that it was a city street never entered my head.NIU has encouraged student tailgating and from what I've seen it's pretty lax. It's all up to the city, though.
Sorry, didn't want to hijack this thread, but this elitist BS is ridiculous. I am excited for the students, and excited for the future of Gopher football. I am in favor of anything (legal) that helps this program succeed--anything. I hope we can cater the sh!t out of "the rich".
I know the word "elitist" is very popular, but this isn't elitist at all. Elitist would be neglecting the students in favor of the wealthier alumni. Those alumni with deep pockets were once students. If the students are neglected, they aren't going to be interested in filling the coffers of the athletics department when they become older.