I just have an issue with them being quiet all game. They didn't start making noise until it was too late. Pretty weak.
I just have an issue with them being quiet all game. They didn't start making noise until it was too late. Pretty weak.
I just have an issue with them being quiet all game. They didn't start making noise until it was too late. Pretty weak.
Unbelievable. The students were trying to get noise going multiple times as the lead was dwindling as well as after Virginia took the lead. For the noise to have any kind of substantial impact, EVERYONE needs to get involved. I'm looking at just about everyone but the students. I'm not talking about standing or jumping around or anything, as I get how older folks and kids' experiences could be hindered (although standing on a few key possessions would be nice). I'm talking about anything. Is it so hard to join in some of the many "Let's Go Gophers," "Go Gophers Go," and "D-FENCE" chants that the students tried to get going? Do you know how thunderous the Barn can be if everybody is chanting (i.e Purdue last year)?
It seems like the rest of the crowd only gets involved while doing the rouser and maybe another time or two over the course of the game. I know our student section is far from perfect, but how you could criticize the students when non-student crowd noise is essentially non-existent all game is beyond me.
Alright, done venting. Comments like this have annoyed me a few times before, so I just wanted to get my feelings out there.
Oh, and the shirts are fine.
yeah this is the worst all time post on the Gopherhole. The rest of the people are dead and act as if they are at an opera.
I disagree. Whether the other fans cheered or not, you guys could have continued to cheer. Just because it isn't loud doesn't matter. A chant of defense - defense or lets go gophers would have been sufficient. I heard it a few times, but not consistently throughout the game. I haven't heard any creative chants this year either.
Go ahead and make excuses, but you and the rest of the fans gave up home court tonight. Maybe someone in that section should step up and go to the admin and try to get the others involved. Work on getting gold outs or find other creative ways to create a buzz at Williams. That section is lacking leaders this year. Take notes from the orange crush at Illinois. Their section blows the doors off the arena every night, win or lose.
This is irritating. Continue to point fingers at the students? Okay. Completely disregard the points raised in this thread & the other thread about the student section. The students can't do this all themselves. The Barnyard Board likely doesn't have the power to do an effective gold out. Marketing has to really get behind that stuff. Athletics has neutered the student sections so much the last several years that they get reprimanded for anything that might be SLIGHTLY offensive. You can't have it both ways; you want choir boys and reprimand us after any slightly offensive chant as a bunch of classless thugs, but then the atmosphere is lacking and it's time for creative chants, and we're all failing to deliver. This isn't Illinois. Illinois has absurd coordination and support from their athletic department. Gopherlady's most recent Strib blog references their attempts to institute things that Illinois does, only to be shot down and face resistance from Athletics. It's ridiculous. Lay off of the student section. Everyone outside of the student section needs to pull their own weight at least once this season before they can start criticizing the student section.
AWag is right, students are treated as second class citizens by Marketing/Athletics. For example, marketing tries to keep the loudest student (Gorton's Fisherman) out of the first row because he was highly offensive like 3 years ago.