STrib: U professors criticize bowl boycott threat, Gophers coach


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Randy:

Four professors at the University of Minnesota with expertise on student or athletic conduct or general university policy on Tuesday condemned the bowl game boycott Gophers football players threatened last week.

The players subsequently withdrew the threat to not play in next week’s Holiday Bowl in San Diego.

The professors, speaking at a forum at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, also chastised Gophers coach Tracy Claeys, who last week tweeted his support for the players, saying he had “never been more proud of our kids.”

“It was a terrible thing to say,” said Doug Hartmann, professor of sociology and author of books on sports and race.

“We are not proud of the language of Coach Claeys,” said Christopher Uggen, a professor of sociology and law, and a member of the faculty consultative committee to the university administration.

By contrast, Uggen said that a lot of faculty were proud of the stance that University President Eric Kaler took in the controversy.

Go Gophers!!

They didn't rip their boss to the Strib? News.

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per Randy:

Four professors at the University of Minnesota with expertise on student or athletic conduct or general university policy on Tuesday condemned the bowl game boycott Gophers football players threatened last week.

The players subsequently withdrew the threat to not play in next week’s Holiday Bowl in San Diego.

The professors, speaking at a forum at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, also chastised Gophers coach Tracy Claeys, who last week tweeted his support for the players, saying he had “never been more proud of our kids.”

“It was a terrible thing to say,” said Doug Hartmann, professor of sociology and author of books on sports and race.

“We are not proud of the language of Coach Claeys,” said Christopher Uggen, a professor of sociology and law, and a member of the faculty consultative committee to the university administration.

By contrast, Uggen said that a lot of faculty were proud of the stance that University President Eric Kaler took in the controversy.

Go Gophers!!
Professors Hartmann and Uggen do not have to face public criticism of their work or efforts on behalf of the University, even if a particular student would say their lecture or language sucked and they do not agree with their opinions.

If they don't get that the coach supported the students rights to defend, for a fair and impartial hearing process(avoiding the appearance of confirmation bias, being told you are a witness by investigators(leading an individual on for information and at the same time making them one of the accused) and then getting lumped in a group , and to not be pre-judged in the court of public opinion, and have complete disruption of all of their lives then I don't know what to tell these Intellectual high road takers.

Easy for these professors to hide behind their self righteous attitudes and self important statements about what happened when they are not in a position of being criticized, to have their personal lives completely exposed to the general public, and maybe even some things they did in privacy they have not been proud about. I would for once, would like all of these blowhards making public statements they have limited knowledge of evidence from both sides, again fairness) to have to be the professional advocate and employee responsible for a group of young adults and men, that you expect them as players to put their physical well being in harms way, mind's(brain) and souls at risk for the "free education", essentially mostly free labor for the U, mostly for the hopes and dreams of the 1% chance advancing a professional career in sports. Yeah they are choices student athletes make, but they come with considerable risk to physical and mental health well being. The biggest offender, and user and abuser of labor laws is the non-profit NFL for using colleges and student athletes at all levels of football as essentially their minor leagues of sports.
Student athletes do not enjoy the freedoms of most other students have, even if they have some schooling, housing, meals and books paid for. Most students do not have the time constraints and all of the other aspects of having a full day of being busy from the time you get up until you nearly go to bed. That and most students have the freedom to earn an income while they attend the University.

As a member of the Big 10 conference and a member playing the silly game of football the University shares in huge sums of money from all of the other member schools.

Glorify all of the "free education "aspect you want, but University's use these guys in D1 as money makers(especially bowl games and postseason play) even their likeness and names for video games, marketing of memorabilia, like they are professional athletes, and big time recruiting tools for fans, students and donors and the general public alike. The University's get rewarded with a huge sums of money, and a considerable amount of revenue on the small investments they make in "student athletes".

These professors should have to have had to be the Supervisors, the public face of the program on the hot seat, the only advocate in defending the entire group of players(not just the publicly accused, who have not had a fair hearing against the judgements, accusations and conclusions of administrators especially this EoAA group), and be in the leadership position with all of this adversity and controversy in the first place.

I would like one of these professors popping off have to step into the shoes, of having to be a parent figure and responsible for 105 people plus the well being of their employees in the public spot light that Claeys and coaches alike have to. He get's handsomely rewarded for it, but this high horse professionals do not even have to put up with 10% of what this head coach has to deal with on a daily basis. But again, get on the High horse and act like you are holding yourself to a higher and better moral standard. Please again pat yourselves on the back Professors Uggen and Hartmann, take a bow, you own better opinions and ethics then the rest of us I guess.

Kaler may think he has been perfect as the boss and is protecting all students, but to me he has singled out some students in favor of others. That and he has tried the University's ability to make money off the bowl game and for his own personal enjoyment and vacation.

I don't like it when Presidents do not act with impartiality in these conduct violation situations, especially when the evidence in the Title IX report has admitted confirmation bias, and has "lead" witnesses (mislead any consequence that could result from their testimony as a witness) with questions that a professional investigator would not have done. Even the witnesses should have been advised to their right of counsel in this situation and to not answer questions(Not all parties were advised of that right). Of course none of that would have resulted in the Title IX investigators getting what they wanted and coming to the conclusions they were "preordained" to conclude. But hey Student code of conduct investigations and title IX investigations don't require the same legal rights and protections I guess. But yeah they are just animals and pigs, and let's roast them all in the court of public opinion. The administrators should have requested campus police, former judges, someone with formal investigative backgrounds, licenses or certifications, without bias be present during all witness questioning. When something of this sensitive nature of the topic occurs, best to cover all bases and not open yourself up to liability, even if you disagree with the conduct that occurred on that night.

I wanted to post the following to the article "U professors criticize bowl boycott threat and Gophers coach" written by Randy Furst, December 20, 2016 - 8:59 PM but I could not. So alternatively, I tried posting here in Chip Scoggins' article. That did not seem to work either. Frustrated, I now attempt to post in GopherHole. Mighty white of Professor Emily Hoover to praise President Eric Kaler for a job well done. She was not thinking about her upcoming performance appraisal at all when she made this comment. Amazing how people expect Tracy Claeys to throw his football team under the bus. Why is it a sin for him to express his support for his team? Don't you just love how all the tea pots are calling all the kettles black in this terrible situation? There are no winners, only losers. Nothing good comes from ignorance and / or violation of the Ten Commandments. With respect to the terrible incident which took place between 03:55 AM - 05:15 AM, 2 September 2016, it seems to me that all parties are guilty of ignoring and violating Exodus, Chapter 20, Verse 14: "You shall not commit adultery." On Judgment Day, our Lord will not accept ignorance of his Ten Commandments as an excuse. He will point out that He put the Ten Commandments in two places in the Old Testament, so that we would be sure to be aware. You don't know where? Look in Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, Verse 18: "You shall not commit adultery." There it is again. I expect that most if not all of these learned "Professors" are solidly parked in the pro abortion camp. This means they are willfully ignoring Exodus, Chapter 20, Verse 13: "You shall not kill." as well as Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, Verse 17: "You shall not kill." This begs the question of how they managed to become "Professors." Our Federal Government and Title IX cannot and never will supplant or take the place of the Ten Commandments. Violation of the 6th commandment (You shall not commit adultery) will certainly have its consequences. Those "Professors" (holier than thou Pharisees) passing judgment on Tracy Claeys will be in for a rude awakening on Judgment Day when they discover that the 5th Commandment (You shall not kill.), applies to unborn children in the womb, from zygote to month 9. We now live in a country and society which threw prayer out of public school on 25 June 1962. See Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962). This was a big victory for Satan and the Saul Alinsky gang. Removing God from discussion with children set the stage for Satan's next great victory, Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973). With this we have a Federal Government replacing God, and telling us God's 5th Commandment is no longer operative. Fast forward another few decades and we find that apparently nobody at 701 15th Avenue SE, Apartment 523, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 during the wee morning hours of 2 September 2016 was legally or morally responsible for breaking the 6th Commandment. We all should study John, Chapter 4, Verses 4-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well) as well as John, Chapter 8, Verses 1-11 (A Woman Caught in Adultery). But the learned "Professors" probably will not. Like the Pharisees, they already "know it all." These learned "Professors", Chip Scoggins, Mark Coyle, and Eric Kaler, will no doubt continue to crucify Tracy Claeys as their sacrificial lamb. These learned "Professors" dream and hope to be appointed as delegates to the 29th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Seems like everything W. Cleon Skousen wrote in "The Naked Communist" is coming to pass. We have become a Godless nation with no moral compass. Events of 2 September 2016 at 701 15th Avenue SE, Apartment 523, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 are a testament to our national heresy.

Living in an echo chamber of self-reinforcement brings out the wackos.

per Randy:

Four professors at the University of Minnesota with expertise on student or athletic conduct or general university policy

That's all I needed to see.

They're "experts" in their field so they think people should listen to them. The problem is that their specialty is talking about whether or not things are in line with existing decisions and policies. They don't care about being able to look at something from an objective point of view.

I think their entire strategy is to refuse to recognize any viewpoint that doesn't agree with University policy and the DoE's interpretation of Title IX. They don't want people to think about those policies themselves because when they do, they'll realize how insane, unfair, and sexist they are. It's sad that you can interpret the situation better than professors with related experience if you only have a little bit of common sense.

I've had to caution both of my college children on how to handle themselves in the eyes of their professors.... One of them is a senior at the U, majoring in Biology.

My words of caution were regarding topic matter of political or socially controversial topics. My advice is to appear to agree with them in principal, but to exercise your own free thought based on YOUR personal experiences....not what THEY tell you it should be.

If you don't side with these clowns while under their thumb in the academic arena, you are toast.

Professors Hartmann and Uggen do not have to face public criticism of their work or efforts on behalf of the University, even if a particular student would say their lecture or language sucked and they do not agree with their opinions.

If they don't get that the coach supported the students rights to defend, for a fair and impartial hearing process(avoiding the appearance of confirmation bias, being told you are a witness by investigators(leading an individual on for information and at the same time making them one of the accused) and then getting lumped in a group , and to not be pre-judged in the court of public opinion, and have complete disruption of all of their lives then I don't know what to tell these Intellectual high road takers.

Easy for these professors to hide behind their self righteous attitudes and self important statements about what happened when they are not in a position of being criticized, to have their personal lives completely exposed to the general public, and maybe even some things they did in privacy they have not been proud about. I would for once, would like all of these blowhards making public statements they have limited knowledge of evidence from both sides, again fairness) to have to be the professional advocate and employee responsible for a group of young adults and men, that you expect them as players to put their physical well being in harms way, mind's(brain) and souls at risk for the "free education", essentially mostly free labor for the U, mostly for the hopes and dreams of the 1% chance advancing a professional career in sports. Yeah they are choices student athletes make, but they come with considerable risk to physical and mental health well being. The biggest offender, and user and abuser of labor laws is the non-profit NFL for using colleges and student athletes at all levels of football as essentially their minor leagues of sports.
Student athletes do not enjoy the freedoms of most other students have, even if they have some schooling, housing, meals and books paid for. Most students do not have the time constraints and all of the other aspects of having a full day of being busy from the time you get up until you nearly go to bed. That and most students have the freedom to earn an income while they attend the University.

As a member of the Big 10 conference and a member playing the silly game of football the University shares in huge sums of money from all of the other member schools.

Glorify all of the "free education "aspect you want, but University's use these guys in D1 as money makers(especially bowl games and postseason play) even their likeness and names for video games, marketing of memorabilia, like they are professional athletes, and big time recruiting tools for fans, students and donors and the general public alike. The University's get rewarded with a huge sums of money, and a considerable amount of revenue on the small investments they make in "student athletes".

These professors should have to have had to be the Supervisors, the public face of the program on the hot seat, the only advocate in defending the entire group of players(not just the publicly accused, who have not had a fair hearing against the judgements, accusations and conclusions of administrators especially this EoAA group), and be in the leadership position with all of this adversity and controversy in the first place.

I would like one of these professors popping off have to step into the shoes, of having to be a parent figure and responsible for 105 people plus the well being of their employees in the public spot light that Claeys and coaches alike have to. He get's handsomely rewarded for it, but this high horse professionals do not even have to put up with 10% of what this head coach has to deal with on a daily basis. But again, get on the High horse and act like you are holding yourself to a higher and better moral standard. Please again pat yourselves on the back Professors Uggen and Hartmann, take a bow, you own better opinions and ethics then the rest of us I guess.

Kaler may think he has been perfect as the boss and is protecting all students, but to me he has singled out some students in favor of others. That and he has tried the University's ability to make money off the bowl game and for his own personal enjoyment and vacation.

I don't like it when Presidents do not act with impartiality in these conduct violation situations, especially when the evidence in the Title IX report has admitted confirmation bias, and has "lead" witnesses (mislead any consequence that could result from their testimony as a witness) with questions that a professional investigator would not have done. Even the witnesses should have been advised to their right of counsel in this situation and to not answer questions(Not all parties were advised of that right). Of course none of that would have resulted in the Title IX investigators getting what they wanted and coming to the conclusions they were "preordained" to conclude. But hey Student code of conduct investigations and title IX investigations don't require the same legal rights and protections I guess. But yeah they are just animals and pigs, and let's roast them all in the court of public opinion. The administrators should have requested campus police, former judges, someone with formal investigative backgrounds, licenses or certifications, without bias be present during all witness questioning. When something of this sensitive nature of the topic occurs, best to cover all bases and not open yourself up to liability, even if you disagree with the conduct that occurred on that night.

That is a well written post. I agree with you.

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