STrib Sunday Q&A: Former Gophers women's basketball coach Pam Borton


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the STrib:

Q The second athletic director you referenced, Norwood Teague, was the one who fired you. As you think back on that, and what has happened in the athletic department since then, what comes to mind?

A I think over the course of our lifetime, we learn things from people we want to emulate and things we wouldn’t do. So being on both sides of that with two completely different bosses, it made me tougher and more wise. But being out of there, I feel blessed. I feel blessed not to be there. I feel very blessed about my time but blessed to not be there.

Q You coached many of the greatest players in Gophers women’s basketball history and presided over the most successful era in program history. But your teams missed the NCAA tournament your last five seasons. How do you think your accomplishments will be remembered?

A I think everyone is going to remember what they want to remember. I’ll let people judge that. I hope people remember me as a great person before they even recognize me as a coach. I want my legacy to be that I treated everyone with respect and loyalty.

Go Gophers!!

The build up:

Q: Interesting. Are people going to be surprised by any stories specific to Minnesota?

A: Yes. [laughs]

The let down:

Q: Anything you can share now?

A: Well, I don’t know about surprises.

Hmmm.... no dirt on megatongue....

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