STrib on 2012 Gopher ticket concerns: U hopes hope will keep fans in seats

They should have interviewed highwayman. He would have straightened them out and explained how TCF is sold out in season tickets.

GopherVotary said:
They should have interviewed highwayman. He would have straightened them out and explained how TCF is sold out in season tickets.

You are obsessed with ticket sales!

From an earlier post referencing a Reusse column.

"Since when did Kill say it would take 4 or 5 seasons to reach 4 Big Ten wins?"


"He didn't, he said it'd take that long to change the culture, and for some, that meant to "be competitive". Personally, I think Kill's standards are a little higher than .500 ball, and when he's talking about changing the culture, that's the kind of stuff he's probably referring to lol."

From today's story:

After getting a look at the team he inherited from Tim Brewster, Kill predicts he will need three to five years to build a competitive program. So, it's all about hope. - lol. :confused:

They should have interviewed highwayman. He would have straightened them out and explained how TCF is sold out in season tickets.

50,805 capacity
-37,125 season ticket sales (from article)
-5,568 student ticket sales (from article)
-4,432 unsold student tickets
-3,000 allotment held for visiting teams
680 remaining unsold seats for season tickets.

Does anyone remember how many seats the athletic department reserved for giveaways, visitors, etc?

Good try Darren. However, if you read the third linked article, you'll see that the total season ticket number already includes student tickets.

Let me guess - Math major?

From an earlier post referencing a Reusse column.

"Since when did Kill say it would take 4 or 5 seasons to reach 4 Big Ten wins?"


"He didn't, he said it'd take that long to change the culture, and for some, that meant to "be competitive". Personally, I think Kill's standards are a little higher than .500 ball, and when he's talking about changing the culture, that's the kind of stuff he's probably referring to lol."

From today's story:

After getting a look at the team he inherited from Tim Brewster, Kill predicts he will need three to five years to build a competitive program. So, it's all about hope. - lol. :confused:

Nice try, but that is not a quote from Kill, that's simply what the writer of the article wrote.

Nice try, but that is not a quote from Kill, that's simply what the writer of the article wrote.

Nice try but so is every "quote" in a newspaper, and I'll Brackin's memory over yours.

Nice try but so is every "quote" in a newspaper, and I'll Brackin's memory over yours.
No it isn't. A quote is a quote, something someone actually said. Brackin simply made a general comment and you're putting his words in Kill's mouth.

Since Coach Kill arrrived, he has appealed to Minnesota people to support "their" team. Yet, many will refrain from doing that in such a critical time by not buying season tickets or staying away and lack the patience.

Unfortunately, a lot of "fans" only want to be associated with a winner. Sadly, that is the attitude of many of the students and people on the fringe.

At this point, the load is on Coach Kill. I hope Mr. Kaler can bust some heads and get the Trustees to move in the direction to make football one of the cornerstones of the UM starting with a new AD loaded with the necessary resources to compete with the bigs. In the meantime, much patience is needed.

No it isn't. A quote is a quote, something someone actually said. Brackin simply made a general comment and you're putting his words in Kill's mouth.
A JOKE! Over your head apparently. So Brackin's lying, or are you just being a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#? Oh, and it's called paraphrasing.

A JOKE! Over your head apparently. So Brackin's lying, or are you just being a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#? Oh, and it's called paraphrasing.
You just don't get it. I know what paraphrasing is, and when you're getting as technical as you are regarding Kill's words you obviously can't use a writer's paraphrasing to prove your point, because it's not what Kill said. Get it yet? You're trying to prove that Kill really did say that, and then you use Brackin's paraphrasing to prove your point? Get a clue, wow.

This story pisses me off even more than I already was. How can the University sit there and say how critical football is to funding the entire athletic program and then jack it up for so many years? Give Kill the tools, whatever that is, to turn this thing around. Make an investment. Good God.

You just don't get it. I know what paraphrasing is, and when you're getting as technical as you are regarding Kill's words you obviously can't use a writer's paraphrasing to prove your point, because it's not what Kill said. Get it yet? You're trying to prove that Kill really did say that, and then you use Brackin's paraphrasing to prove your point? Get a clue, wow.

Again from Brackin's story:

After getting a look at the team he inherited from Tim Brewster, Kill predicts he will need three to five years to build a competitive program.

Yep, no matter how much you want to re-write that, it CLEARLY states that Brackin is saying that Kill has said that he needs "three to five years" to be "competitive. GET IT?

You're saying that I am interpreting incorrectly. You're saying Brackin is "paraphrasing" what Kill said, because of course you don't WANT Kill to have said it.
Send Brackin an e-mail and ask him if he meant to write that Kill said something else.

"Technical"? So Kill never said anything about becoming "competitive"? Brackin is making it up, or wrongly quoting Kill. Anybody who remembers it differently then you want it remembered is wrong - because you don't want it to be that way.

Yeah, Kill's a "straight shooter", who "tells it like it is" unless he says something you don't want to hear.

"Get a clue?" Grow a pair instead.

Yeah, Kill's a "straight shooter", who "tells it like it is" unless he says something you don't want to hear.

What if Kill meant....1-7 to 3-5 to 5-3 to 7-1. Which Gopher fan would be upset with that?

Good try Darren. However, if you read the third linked article, you'll see that the total season ticket number already includes student tickets.

Let me guess - Math major?

I had not read the 3rd article, only the first. Thanks for pointing it out. I wasn't taking any sides so no need to get snarky with your response.

What if Kill meant....1-7 to 3-5 to 5-3 to 7-1. Which Gopher fan would be upset with that?

You got me; even though that sounds suspiciously like "3 to 5 years". :)

I liked the article and it sums up how I feel about renewing. A lot of brokers have seats in front of me in 208 and I see the potential to move into the middle of the aisle between them seeing a poor investment and fans giving up. On the other side, my seats will be discounted at a minimum 50% on the street. I think they were probably discounted this year even against Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin.

It does come down to faith. I could be sitting on the 15 in the middle/low areas of 208 or better in 2 years when hopefully we are winning and the seats are hot. I had a hell of a time finding someone to go to tomorrow's game with me, and took a Badger alum a few weeks ago.

The interesting thing about these articles is they are strictly 'business of college football' related (i.e. specifically laying out the dollar implications of failing to put up a good football product). While I've never been under the illusion that college football WASN'T a business, this lays out starkley the choices that need to be made if football doesn't pay the bills.

The thing that immediately jumps to mind, then, is how in the world has Maturi kept his job? This is a BUSINESS, and any CEO of a business that had degraded to this point would have been fired at the same time Brewster went (i.e. when it became clear the business was floundering and had suffered severe mis-management)

They will need to open a "bar" somewhere that is open to the general public. The state has forced their hand on this. They can't continue to sell all of this premium seating with the taps turned-off in the DQ club room for another season.

The thing that immediately jumps to mind, then, is how in the world has Maturi kept his job? This is a BUSINESS, and any CEO of a business that had degraded to this point would have been fired at the same time Brewster went (i.e. when it became clear the business was floundering and had suffered severe mis-management)

He's gotta go. He juts doesn't get it. This whole article he basically passes-off responsability by playing the whole "we'll fill up the seats if we can win" card. It's total bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#. Its almost as though he doesn't think anythingwas mishandled here. Just some "bad luck" on the field.

"He bases his personal hope on Kill successfully selling his message to fans..."
"He remembers the lesson he learned Oct. 10, 2003, when 62,374 fans -- "the only game since I've been here, except the TCF opener, that we sold out a game with Minnesota fans" -- saw a 6-0 Gophers team blow a 21-point fourth-quarter lead to lose 38-35 to Michigan at the Metrodome. The next week, the Gophers, still in contention for a major bowl, played host to No. 15 Michigan State, and only 38,778 fans bothered coming.

"I can hardly wait until we sell wins. But that's just the reality of where we are right now."

"Minnesota fans are tired of getting disappointed," he said. "The hope is built, built, and then we don't quite get over the step, and we need to get over the step. I truly believe Jerry Kill is going to get us over that step."

He is, in fact, banking on it."

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