STRIB: NFL has a record of success on campus

The Seahawks paid the university $6.1 million for 20 games over two seasons. The team covered game-day expenses and controlled campus parking spaces, while the school took care of the field. The team also spent $1.1 million to cover the university's field and practice area with FieldTurf.

Adjusted for inflation, that's $7.9 million for 20 games (2 seasons) or $11.85 million for 30 games (3 seasons).

For those who've been to the top of the visitor section, how many rows of temporary seats do you think it could accommodate?

My assumption is that seats would need to be added around the rim and in the end zone. I suspect the end zone seats would need to be truly temporary (removed for Gopher games) while the upper deck seats would need to stay up while the Vikings were resident.

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