STrib: New U president in no hurry to move on Maturi

Why be in a hurry. Football at the U of M has been lousy for 43 years. No need to rush into anything.

Did anyone actually expect him to move right away to get a new AD? Seriously?

And all he said is that he isn't making personnel changes over the next 3-4 months. That seems like a pretty sound transition plan to me.

Did anyone actually expect him to move right away to get a new AD? Seriously?

And all he said is that he isn't making personnel changes over the next 3-4 months. That seems like a pretty sound transition plan to me.

Rational thought on this board? Say it ain't so!

How about wren

Did anyone actually expect him to move right away to get a new AD? Seriously?

And all he said is that he isn't making personnel changes over the next 3-4 months. That seems like a pretty sound transition plan to me.

I take it wren has not meet with Kaler yet. I suspect that when he tried to set up a meeting with him and he told the secretary that he wanted to meet with the prez it didn't go any further.

So which ad of a Big Ten program has a 26 wins and 46 loss Big Ten record...

during the 9 years he has completed through the end of the 2010 season. He has extended a coach to have that coach help get the new stadium, then fired that coach about a year later. He then hired a totally inexperienced tight ends coach as his head coach, extended that coach when he should have been letting that coach go and fired that same coach after the 3rd Big Ten game of the season in 2010. He hired the offensive coordinator as a temp head coach to finish the final 5 games of the Big Ten Season in 2010. At the end of the season he fired the temp coach who repalced the coach that he never should have extended any way. Finally, he made his 3rd hire to replace the freshly fired temp coach and Coach Kill is the current football coach who will be leading badger joel macturi's football program into bjm's 10th Big Ten season.

The coaches bjm has hired, fired, extended, hired as temps and fired as temps have had success rates in Big Ten Coaching trending downward, except for the 5 game temp who had a better Big Ten winning percentage than the other two coaches that bjm extended, hired, fired and replaced with that temp. One coach averaged 3.6 Big Ten wins for badger joel macturi's first five seasons. The next hired, extended and mid-season fired coach averaged 1.77 Big Ten wins per season in his 3.375 Big Ten seasons being directed by bjm. The temp coach won 2 Big Ten games out of the 5 Big Ten games he coached for a .400 winning percentage. Then badger joel macturi fired his butt.

bjm does conduct very interesting and exciting football coaching searches, with the assistance of consulting agencies and even a public relations firm. He hasn't been afraid to spend millions and millions of dollars buying out the contract of a recently extended coach. No problem for badger joel macturi...he can waste millions and millions of bucks at the drop of a the whim of prexy b. prexy b had been bjm's partner in crime as he lame-ducked his way through the last few years of his prexyship.

And that brings us to prexy k. It is NO wonder that prexy k. doesn't actually want to do anything about badger joel macturi. In fact, prexy k is probably in SHOCK that the lame duck prexy b had kept bjm around and was even pushing for a 2 year extension for the sad little ranger before prexy k ever took over at the U. He may be slightly pi$$ed at the lame prexy b for not having pulled the plug on badger joel macturi years and years ago.

And the long-time, loyal football season ticket holders are SO excited to have badger joel macturi, a career 2.9 big Ten wins per season type athletic director still running the revenue sports into the ground. We can easily see what a "hot-shot" prexy this prexy k is going to be. He wouldn't want to rush to judge the work that bjm is capable of. The really impressive thing is the 3,500 season tickets that need to be sold just the 3rd season into the new stadium...That pretty much tells prexy k all he should need to know about bjm.

Well, here we go again football fans! Stuck with our same old incompetent ad...a new prexy who thinks he has a "throw-away season" before he has to decide about the loser ad who is starting his 10th season, 3,500 season tickets for sale and a brand new football coach who just NEEDS to get some real support from a new prexy and an old ad who has a history of not really caring much about the revenue sport programs. Unfortunately for Coach Kill, football IS a revenue sport.

A mind is a terrible thing to have to make up prexy k... Don't let the door hit you on the way out prexy really stuck it to this new prexy in town... He may never recover from this dump job prexy b...

; 0 )

Just as long as he moves him, he doesn't have to do it in a hurry! We'll give him a year to find someone else.

during the 9 years he has completed through the end of the 2010 season. He has extended a coach to have that coach help get the new stadium, then fired that coach about a year later. He then hired a totally inexperienced tight ends coach as his head coach, extended that coach when he should have been letting that coach go and fired that same coach after the 3rd Big Ten game of the season in 2010. He hired the offensive coordinator as a temp head coach to finish the final 5 games of the Big Ten Season in 2010. At the end of the season he fired the temp coach who repalced the coach that he never should have extended any way. Finally, he made his 3rd hire to replace the freshly fired temp coach and Coach Kill is the current football coach who will be leading badger joel macturi's football program into bjm's 10th Big Ten season.

The coaches bjm has hired, fired, extended, hired as temps and fired as temps have had success rates in Big Ten Coaching trending downward, except for the 5 game temp who had a better Big Ten winning percentage than the other two coaches that bjm extended, hired, fired and replaced with that temp. One coach averaged 3.6 Big Ten wins for badger joel macturi's first five seasons. The next hired, extended and mid-season fired coach averaged 1.77 Big Ten wins per season in his 3.375 Big Ten seasons being directed by bjm. The temp coach won 2 Big Ten games out of the 5 Big Ten games he coached for a .400 winning percentage. Then badger joel macturi fired his butt.

bjm does conduct very interesting and exciting football coaching searches, with the assistance of consulting agencies and even a public relations firm. He hasn't been afraid to spend millions and millions of dollars buying out the contract of a recently extended coach. No problem for badger joel macturi...he can waste millions and millions of bucks at the drop of a the whim of prexy b. prexy b had been bjm's partner in crime as he lame-ducked his way through the last few years of his prexyship.

And that brings us to prexy k. It is NO wonder that prexy k. doesn't actually want to do anything about badger joel macturi. In fact, prexy k is probably in SHOCK that the lame duck prexy b had kept bjm around and was even pushing for a 2 year extension for the sad little ranger before prexy k ever took over at the U. He may be slightly pi$$ed at the lame prexy b for not having pulled the plug on badger joel macturi years and years ago.

And the long-time, loyal football season ticket holders are SO excited to have badger joel macturi, a career 2.9 big Ten wins per season type athletic director still running the revenue sports into the ground. We can easily see what a "hot-shot" prexy this prexy k is going to be. He wouldn't want to rush to judge the work that bjm is capable of. The really impressive thing is the 3,500 season tickets that need to be sold just the 3rd season into the new stadium...That pretty much tells prexy k all he should need to know about bjm.

Well, here we go again football fans! Stuck with our same old incompetent ad...a new prexy who thinks he has a "throw-away season" before he has to decide about the loser ad who is starting his 10th season, 3,500 season tickets for sale and a brand new football coach who just NEEDS to get some real support from a new prexy and an old ad who has a history of not really caring much about the revenue sport programs. Unfortunately for Coach Kill, football IS a revenue sport.

A mind is a terrible thing to have to make up prexy k... Don't let the door hit you on the way out prexy really stuck it to this new prexy in town... He may never recover from this dump job prexy b...

; 0 )

I think Kaler getting here and seeing the lay of the land and actually seeing things first hand is a great idea. For all we know he could have been told Joel is great. I hope he has higher expectations in the revenue producing sports than any president we have had in my life time. A quick action by Kaler would be an extension, he will not feel he has grounds to walk in and dump him immediately. I want him to take his time, make a decision, and then make a change. I think he will.

Wren, you hardly know the guy and you are already addressing him with the informal "prexy." Have some respect! (where'd the emoticons go?)

I'm guessing Kaler will end up offering Maturi a very, very, very short extension and it will be in Maturi's court as to whether or not he accepts. The U has bigger problems than this and some measure of continuity is probably a good thing.

heavy head: Why would I automatically give respect to some career...

administrator who is just taking over at the University of Minnesota? Why should I give him blind faith just because he landed this gig? And who is to say that the term prexy isn't every bit as respectful as the term president?

At the age of 64, my motto is: "...won't get fooled again..." Just because we get a new prexy, or president, it doesn't mean that anything will be any better...or...even any different:

" the new boss...the same as the old boss..."

When I was in the service, I had to salute every officer. I did it...but...I certainly didn't know enough about every officer that I had to salute to know if he really did deserve respect. So, at age 64, I sure as heck don't salute any officer. Heck, I don't automatically respect every general or admiral. I don't automatically respect senators or congresmen...millionaires, billionaires, Wall Street movers and shakers or "captains of industry" of any kind. Why should I? I have a certain amount of automatic respect for classroom teachers...but, I certainly won't automatically respect the president...OR...the prexy of the University of Minnesota.

There are some people I do respect, but they typically are NOT the people "newly arrived at the top..." of the chain of command. Along with the "awesome power" they are given they also have the chance to make some "awesome screw-ups..." prexy k may have the keys to the car remains to be seen how well he will drive it. : 0 )

I give my automatic respect to the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines...but the generals and admirals have GOT to earn my respect. I blame the generals and admirals for anything and everything that does not go well. The same is true with the top-dog at the University of Minnesota. He's got to EARN my respect. The same is true for the athletic director at the University of Minnesota...the respect must be EARNED. The jury is out on this new prexy k person. bjm has failed miserably in his handlig of the revenue sports. 9 years was too long. Every day he remains in his position detracts from any respect that prexy k may ever earn from me. He SHOULD have been doing some homework before he officially took over at the U of M.

I hope prexy k does well...but...he is going to have to show me. Right now I keep hearing that line from "We won't get fooled again..." by Peter Townsend:

" the new boss...the same as the old boss..."

Wren, you hardly know the guy and you are already addressing him with the informal "prexy." Have some respect! (where'd the emoticons go?)

I'm guessing Kaler will end up offering Maturi a very, very, very short extension and it will be in Maturi's court as to whether or not he accepts. The U has bigger problems than this and some measure of continuity is probably a good thing.


1. I am struggling to understand why even a very, very, very short extension should be offered. What would be the rationale? What would be the advantage? The articles, unless I have read them wrong, indicate that by his current contract he has a job into if not through 2012.

Decision almost came today...

Joel's tenure almost came to an end today when he walked out in front of my vehicle as I was pulling into a Grand Rapids gas station. Would have made the new Prez decision a lot easier...

Extend, Fire, Buy Out Golden Parachutes

Joel's tenure almost came to an end today when he walked out in front of my vehicle as I was pulling into a Grand Rapids gas station. Would have made the new Prez decision a lot easier...

I tried to research before posting here, but I cannot find information on the history and dates in office of our previous athletic directors. What I do remember is that during the Stalinist Purge of Mark Deinhart during the Chris Voelz / Tonya Moten Brown era, Tom Moe was subsequently named the Athletic Director for Men. If I remember correctly, there was a gap in the position for several months. Somebody closer to the action and with better memory will correct me. Point being, why would there be any pressure whatsoever for an extension at this time? Unless of course it would be to follow the Regents' tradition of giving somebody an extension as a golden parachute. We seem to have developed a tradition of granting an extension, followed quickly by pulling the rug out from under the person extended, and then paying them lots of money for a buy out. It is a great gig if you can get it. Maybe we should call these Maroon and Golden parachutes. We seem to have created this new financial tradition. Do we know of any other organizations that do this regularly? We should coin the expression, copyright it, and sell it to Wall Street.:banghead:

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