STrib: Monday meeting set to take up restarting prep football, volleyball seasons this fall


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Nov 11, 2008
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per STrib:

The Minnesota State High School League’s board of directors will meet at 9 a.m. Monday to consider starting football and volleyball seasons this fall.

Board President Blaine Novak on Wednesday called the special meeting after a nearly four-hour board workshop Tuesday that included considerable sentiment for reconsidering the board’s Aug. 4 decision to postpone both sports until spring because of COVID-19 concerns.

The timing of the special meeting reflects concern that waiting until the next regular board meeting on Oct. 1 to take up the question would be too long to wait to play football this fall.

According to workshop meeting discussions, the earliest potential dates for fall football games would be Oct. 2, with first practices Sept. 21. Volleyball matches could start Oct. 22, with first practices Oct. 12.

Go Gophers!!

this seems to be the direction the winds are blowing in.

The obvious difference between HS and College or Pro teams is testing - including the cost of testing.

HS's will have to have some procedures for screening athletes - temperature checks before practices and games, at the least.

the issue is - if an athlete shows symptoms and tests positive, then what does that school do as far as contact tracing, quarantines, etc.

I know some scheduled games in IA and SD are being called off because of players testing positive.

the devil is in the details.

With the Big Ten caving, and so too surrounding states playing, unfortunately the MSHSL has no leg left to stand on.

A bigger issue for MSHSL is the potential restraining order filed against their postponement order. Because it appears as if the MSHSL didn’t follow their own procedure requirements to issue a postponement. The executive committee overstepped and did the job of the larger body

As least that’s what the lawsuit claims

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