STrib: Mobile tackling dummy tested at Gophers football practice


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Joe:

The Gophers had a newcomer at football practice Thursday, wearing No. 05, with decent speed, some shifty moves and the ability to bounce right up after a crushing hit.

No, they didn’t get a late scholarship addition. They’re just the latest team to try out a remote-controlled tackling dummy from a company called MVP (Mobile Virtual Player). The device was designed by a team of engineers at Dartmouth to help teams reduce practice injuries.

Gophers defensive backs worked on their tackling technique for one segment of practice, taking turns chasing and pummeling the device, which a technician controlled with a remote from several yards away.

Junior Adekunle Ayinde said it was good fun. But he also had to deal with the embarrassment of getting deked by a machine.

“I got beat by it one time, so I had to tighten up and get back at it,” he said.

Go Gophers!!

Run around on autopilot and get crushed by defensive players. I thought that is why we have walk ons. :)

per Joe:

The Gophers had a newcomer at football practice Thursday, wearing No. 05, with decent speed, some shifty moves and the ability to bounce right up after a crushing hit.

No, they didn’t get a late scholarship addition. They’re just the latest team to try out a remote-controlled tackling dummy from a company called MVP (Mobile Virtual Player). The device was designed by a team of engineers at Dartmouth to help teams reduce practice injuries.

Gophers defensive backs worked on their tackling technique for one segment of practice, taking turns chasing and pummeling the device, which a technician controlled with a remote from several yards away.

Junior Adekunle Ayinde said it was good fun. But he also had to deal with the embarrassment of getting deked by a machine.

“I got beat by it one time, so I had to tighten up and get back at it,” he said.

Go Gophers!!

Unintentional but kind of funny. When you click the link under the headline about a mobile tackling dummy is a picture of Ayinde. How did they not get a picture of the dummy itself to use with the story?

Unintentional but kind of funny. When you click the link under the headline about a mobile tackling dummy is a picture of Ayinde. How did they not get a picture of the dummy itself to use with the story?

totally agree. Maybe we are keeping it under wraps in case we need to use it against Wisconsin.

Unintentional but kind of funny. When you click the link under the headline about a mobile tackling dummy is a picture of Ayinde. How did they not get a picture of the dummy itself to use with the story?

Because I didn't sign that waiver giving them permission to take photos with of me.

Here's a promo video of the dummy. Pretty neat. Watching the video, it's hard to believe anyone could get deked by this thing, but who am I to say...

I could see where this could come in handy. And as more and more questions arise about contact during practices, things like this could be a good solution to still teach tackling technique without full contact.

Here's a promo video of the dummy. Pretty neat. Watching the video, it's hard to believe anyone could get deked by this thing, but who am I to say...

I could see where this could come in handy. And as more and more questions arise about contact during practices, things like this could be a good solution to still teach tackling technique without full contact.

That's awesome. Kind of sloppy running the cones however.

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