STrib: In-staters warming to Kill and his staff; great quote from Phil Nelson


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Nov 11, 2008
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"I'm a home-grown Badger [his father, Pat Nelson, played for the Badgers], and everybody thought I was automatic for Wisconsin," said Nelson, who has family in Madison. "But I don't want to leave Minnesota. That's how powerful Jerry Kill was to me."

Go Gophers!!

Great article. Perhaps the most hopeful one yet regarding that pesky problem of keeping the best MN recruits at home.

You can almost see the momentum finally shifting to the positive regarding this program. It sure feels like light years since Gopher fans (like me) weren't afraid to mention how underwhelmed they were over Kill's hiring.

Looking forward to this season (like every season), but REALLY looking forward to Kill's system playing out with his own recruits in future years.

"I could see why all these kids are excited to stay home now," Nelson said. "It reminds me of Iowa, my No. 2 choice -- they have a stable coaching staff and keep most of their in-state kids at home. There's a bright future with this staff."

One last dagger for Badger fans. But surprising that they weren't the runner up?

Maybe we have found the right coach. Time will tell especially if he can keep most of each class in school. We have had high attrition rates in the past.This is why we have struggled with depth issues. Looking at past senior days, we usually have ten or less players being honored. Older,more mature players=higher chance at competing in the Big Ten.
My dam gum chili is starting to boil!

I see pantherhawk has already infiltrated the comment section....right on schedule, just like every
other article about the gophers

Coach Kill has a huge task on his hands to change the culture of Gopher football across the state. Getting Minnesota kids to stay home is a big start. Wasn't it Coach Warmath who said you get the heart and soul from Minnesota kids and the arms and legs from kids from other places. We need more and more MN kids on the roster filled with Minnesota pride.

In state kids.......

That was Lou Holtz that said it. Pretty good quipster, that Holtz. Kinda wonder what he would have done at Minnesota in five or six years. Go Gophers!!

Hate to be Debbie Downer, but we have seen this kind of talk from kids without Badger offers before. Let's see Bret offer the kid and see if he is still talking that way.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Bret offer the kid just to be a Summer's Eve.

Batman certainly has a point (Nelson never being offered), but I do believe his situation is a little different from other guys who never received a Badger offer.

I only say this because Nelson was being recruited by Wisconsin and he committed so early. He essentially pulled his hat out of the ring for the Badgers. He turned down offers to go to their junior days and obviously didn't go to their camp.

At the time , WI was recruiting some higher rated prospects and still signed a pretty good rated QB from CA. So, Nelson's offer probably wouldn't have came. However, when he signed with MN, he didn't know that and he didn't even leave the door open to WI a crack.

So, in my (obviously bias) opinion, Nelson wasn't going to choose WI over MN, even if they had eventually offered. He made it an almost impossibility for them to consider, and he knew it. So, he was loyal to MN.

I hope that Pantherhawk lives a very long life. That's not because I wish him well, I have no good wishes for him. But I can't imagine much worse than being Pantherhawk, and I hope he wallows in that misery for a long time. Of course, it would be a plus if he lost the ability to type.

I've never seen someone so obsessed with being an anti-fan of a team. Pathetic way to devote your life.

I hope that Pantherhawk lives a very long life. That's not because I wish him well, I have no good wishes for him. But I can't imagine much worse than being Pantherhawk, and I hope he wallows in that misery for a long time. Of course, it would be a plus if he lost the ability to type.

I've never seen someone so obsessed with being an anti-fan of a team. Pathetic way to devote your life.

Sometimes I think he may not be an actual person, but rather a malicious program someone wrote to pester the Gophers. Any time a new story is posted somewhere in the news media, he is there with the same old tired put downs and insults. It's not even creative. Same with the Facebook profile.

I had this thought because I was truly hoping that a human being's existence wasn't as truly pathetic as it appears to be, but rather some smart hacker wrote a few lines of code.

"I could see why all these kids are excited to stay home now," Nelson said. "It reminds me of Iowa, my No. 2 choice -- they have a stable coaching staff and keep most of their in-state kids at home. There's a bright future with this staff."

One last dagger for Badger fans. But surprising that they weren't the runner up?

Wisconsin never offered Nelson.

I really think this wretch spends his time scouring for any story about the Gophers. The Hawkeye fans don't want him. The Panther fans don't want him. And he truly seems to have little interest in either Iowa or UNI, he seldom posts about them.

One of the trolls tried to claim that Wacker had a stellar record. But before he arrived at Minnesota, Wacker's record as a D-I coach was 40-58-2. Trolls also tried to say that Kill's resume was just like Brewster's.

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