STrib: Gophers thrilled to have Weber back in the fold


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Joe:

After the Gophers first spring practice Tuesday, coach Jerry Kill was asked who stood out.

"Adam Weber stood out," Kill said. "And I mean that in a positive way. I think that’s a good thing we did there [hiring Weber as a graduate assistant]. And certainly after one day’s practice, watching him work, that’s a good thing."

Weber (pictured right with quarterback Jacques Perra) is the school's all-time passing leader. Kill said Weber's presence will allow quarterbacks coach Jim Zebrowski to "move around a little more," with the rest of the offense.

"It’s one of the best things that can happen for us at the quarterback position," Mitch Leidner said. "Just having someone who’s been through it, someone who’s worked with some of the best in the pros, and having him here to help us with little things has been awesome."

Go Gophers!!

Congrats to the U and Weber. First class staff adds a first class alumn.

How can a totally incompetent former QB help the Gophers? :rolleyes:

How can a totally incompetent former QB help the Gophers? :horse:

I thought you were a good Gopher fan. This comment is uncalled for. However if you want to be an ass that's your choice.

I thought you were a good Gopher fan. This comment is uncalled for. However if you want to be an ass that's your choice.

It's called "parody". Take a pill, sir.

I thought you were a good Gopher fan. This comment is uncalled for. However if you want to be an ass that's your choice.

You are relatively new to GopherHole and have missed all of the criticism of Weber. Settle down.

You are relatively new to GopherHole and have missed all of the criticism of Weber. Settle down.

No I'm not new. I don't take the time to post garbage posts like you do. By the way anyone can call themselves a doctor. I good doctor is part of a positive solution to a problem. You clearly are not a true Gopher fan.

No I'm not new. I don't take the time to post garbage posts like you do. By the way anyone can call themselves a doctor. I good doctor is part of a positive solution to a problem. You clearly are not a true Gopher fan.

My advice - Lighten up, take two aspirins and then call the doctor in the morning. My comments in no way meant to be critical of anybody.

I thought you were a good Gopher fan. This comment is uncalled for. However if you want to be an ass that's your choice.

Ok, #2. If you would check any and every thread making comments about Weber's lousy QB play, no where, and I mean no where would you find one critical comment from me.

So chill and stop inserting your foot into your mouth.

I'm sorry I forgot the sarcasm signal.

Ok, #2. If you would check any and every thread making comments about Weber's lousy QB play, no where, and I mean no where would you find one critical comment from me.

So chill and stop inserting your foot into your mouth.

I'm sorry I forgot the sarcasm signal.

Here you go: :rolleyes:

Ok, #2. If you would check any and every thread making comments about Weber's lousy QB play, no where, and I mean no where would you find one critical comment from me.

So chill and stop inserting your foot into your mouth.

I'm sorry I forgot the sarcasm signal.

This is true. We all know that you're not bright enough to make a critical comment about any subject... :cool02:

This is true. We all know that you're not bright enough to make a critical comment about any subject... :cool02:

Oh yah? Who catches more hell on GH than yours truly for bitching about all of the bitching? You got it, tiny. Good old Dr.Don! :clap:

No I'm not new. I don't take the time to post garbage posts like you do. By the way anyone can call themselves a doctor. I good doctor is part of a positive solution to a problem. You clearly are not a true Gopher fan.

Obvious sarcasm is obvious.

I criticize Weber.

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Will Weber try to change Leidner's throwing motion?

Weber want ML7 to throw tennis balls.

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