STrib: 80-page report's details broke Gophers football team's walkout


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Joe:

Sources said the release of the report and the players getting a chance to read the results of the investigation were the biggest factors in the decision to end the boycott. “Once they read the report,” one source said, the “narrative” of the boycott changed.

When the players launched their boycott, they signaled their anger at Kaler and athletic director Mark Coyle for not being more forthcoming with the reasons the 10 players had been suspended.

According to sources, the seniors tried getting Kaler to lift the penalties for Green, McCrary, Williams, Winfield and Shenault.

Late Friday night, the seniors felt like they were getting close to a compromise on that issue, but it was shot down in a vote before the whole team, sources said.

With the team at an impasse, one of the 10 suspended players spoke up in a meeting. According to one source, the suspended player said, “We appreciate all of you for standing up for us, and we still feel like we’ve been wronged [by the university]. But we don’t want 102 [players] to take the fall for us five.”

The motivation to end the boycott grew. Clarity had come for many in the form of the EOAA report, and player support to end the boycott put in motion a change in plans. Many players stayed up, the dialogue continued and they gathered for a Saturday team meeting before dawn.

A vote occurred, sources told the Star Tribune, leading to Saturday morning’s announcement.

Go Gophers!!

this reinforces my opinion that Coyle completely dropped the ball on this whole situation. The players - before they had read the report - came to Coyle looking for answers, and Coyle responded with the "can't discuss it due to privacy" routine. If Coyle would have laid out the substance behind the suspensions, a lot of this mess might have been avoided.

I'm afraid the Gophers have an AD whose #1 priority is to cover his own buttocks first. This does not bode well for the future.

this reinforces my opinion that Coyle completely dropped the ball on this whole situation. The players - before they had read the report - came to Coyle looking for answers, and Coyle responded with the "can't discuss it due to privacy" routine. If Coyle would have laid out the substance behind the suspensions, a lot of this mess might have been avoided.

I'm afraid the Gophers have an AD whose #1 priority is to cover his own buttocks first. This does not bode well for the future.

He can't talk about it. In the end the EOAA report being released by a player is the best thing to happen.

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IMO - this is the most important thing from the article -

According to sources, the seniors tried getting Kaler to lift the penalties for Green, McCrary, Williams, Winfield and Shenault.

Late Friday night, the seniors felt like they were getting close to a compromise on that issue, but it was shot down in a vote before the whole team, sources said.

With the team at an impasse, one of the 10 suspended players spoke up in a meeting. According to one source, the suspended player said, “We appreciate all of you for standing up for us, and we still feel like we’ve been wronged [by the university]. But we don’t want 102 [players] to take the fall for us five

There may be hope to get the 5 players not directly affected back. Then, one of the 5 involved convinced the others to play.

this reinforces my opinion that Coyle completely dropped the ball on this whole situation. The players - before they had read the report - came to Coyle looking for answers, and Coyle responded with the "can't discuss it due to privacy" routine. If Coyle would have laid out the substance behind the suspensions, a lot of this mess might have been avoided.

I'm afraid the Gophers have an AD whose #1 priority is to cover his own buttocks first. This does not bode well for the future.

+1 I would throw Kaler into this as well. If we get this from Coyle why didn't we keep Beth Goetz? I am guessing that she could have and would have handled this better. If he says he has information that we don't, the players don't, alumni don't, etc., then why did he reinstate the players in the first place? Maybe my time line is off, but IIRC the video evidence that the EOAA reviewed is the same video that the Minneapolis Police department and the D.A. did as well. Did Coyle not have the same information then that he has now? Couldn't he have consulted with the EOAA? Private investgators, and the U's general counsel? Wouldn't Kaler expect a detailed report from Coyle others well before this?

Am I wrong in expecting more from these top University officials?

I'd like to believe Governor D-Dayton broke the walkout.

We are debating a number of things on here. I'm yet to find anyone on here tho that thinks Coyle handled this well. Plus, he threw his coach under the bus. I'm sure his other employees really respect that. MC has to go.

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He can't talk about it. In the end the EOAA report being released by a player is the best thing to happen.

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Yes, how many times does this have to be said?

IMO - this is the most important thing from the article -

According to sources, the seniors tried getting Kaler to lift the penalties for Green, McCrary, Williams, Winfield and Shenault.

Late Friday night, the seniors felt like they were getting close to a compromise on that issue, but it was shot down in a vote before the whole team, sources said.

With the team at an impasse, one of the 10 suspended players spoke up in a meeting. According to one source, the suspended player said, “We appreciate all of you for standing up for us, and we still feel like we’ve been wronged [by the university]. But we don’t want 102 [players] to take the fall for us five

There may be hope to get the 5 players not directly affected back. Then, one of the 5 involved convinced the others to play.

That was my take as well.

+1 I would throw Kaler into this as well. If we get this from Coyle why didn't we keep Beth Goetz? I am guessing that she could have and would have handled this better. If he says he has information that we don't, the players don't, alumni don't, etc., then why did he reinstate the players in the first place? Maybe my time line is off, but IIRC the video evidence that the EOAA reviewed is the same video that the Minneapolis Police department and the D.A. did as well. Did Coyle not have the same information then that he has now? Couldn't he have consulted with the EOAA? Private investgators, and the U's general counsel? Wouldn't Kaler expect a detailed report from Coyle others well before this?

Am I wrong in expecting more from these top University officials?

The EOAA has to do their thing independently. I don't think Coyle can be part of it.

Coyle must have decided during the season that based on police, they would reinstate. He left it to EOAA to do the internal work.

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@PhilMackey @eaglebcr also this: players were not only given a full copy of EOAA report but also letter stating they have right to hearing

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per Joe:

Sources said the release of the report and the players getting a chance to read the results of the investigation were the biggest factors in the decision to end the boycott. “Once they read the report,” one source said, the “narrative” of the boycott changed.

When the players launched their boycott, they signaled their anger at Kaler and athletic director Mark Coyle for not being more forthcoming with the reasons the 10 players had been suspended.

According to sources, the seniors tried getting Kaler to lift the penalties for Green, McCrary, Williams, Winfield and Shenault.

Late Friday night, the seniors felt like they were getting close to a compromise on that issue, but it was shot down in a vote before the whole team, sources said.

With the team at an impasse, one of the 10 suspended players spoke up in a meeting. According to one source, the suspended player said, “We appreciate all of you for standing up for us, and we still feel like we’ve been wronged [by the university]. But we don’t want 102 [players] to take the fall for us five.”

The motivation to end the boycott grew. Clarity had come for many in the form of the EOAA report, and player support to end the boycott put in motion a change in plans. Many players stayed up, the dialogue continued and they gathered for a Saturday team meeting before dawn.

A vote occurred, sources told the Star Tribune, leading to Saturday morning’s announcement.

Go Gophers!!

so the report changed the players minds, but not the mind of a lot of gopherhole posters.


Did you not read the entire article, or is reading comprehension difficult for you?

You are another piece of work in progress. What will you contribute once you are finished. Really hard to tell if you have a chance.

so the report changed the players minds, but not the mind of a lot of gopherhole posters.


Dear God man. Just stop. Ignorance. Many on here have pointed out the bias of the EOAA report and system. Millions of dollars have been won in lawsuits around the Country on that very point. Having issues with the report is not condoning any actions. It also isn't expressing an opinion on the subject.

As I have said over and over....
- I have no issues with 5 of the kids being suspended.
- I have a ton of issues with 5 being suspended for "likely" knowing about something that hasn't been proven to have happened.
- The whole premise of the EOAA report is based on their assumption she is telling the truth and the players aren't. There is no proof of that. No evidence. Contradictions to that narrative glossed over, others not included. Kids had no representation when interviewed. These are all issues.
- The U admin had led this about as badly as they could of.

Now, tell me where my (one of those dumb GHers who can't see your logic) view differs from the players?

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Did you not read the entire article, or is reading comprehension difficult for you?

Does it make you feel better to make ad hominem attacks toward random strangers?

feel free to respond or not. I will not respond anymore to anything you have to say on this topic.

Happy Holidays!:cool:

Dear God man. Just stop. Ignorance. Many on here have pointed out the bias of the EOAA report and system. Millions of dollars have been won in lawsuits around the Country on that very point. Having issues with the report is not condoning any actions. It also isn't expressing an opinion on the subject.

As I have said over and over....
- I have no issues with 5 of the kids being suspended.
- I have a ton of issues with 5 being suspended for "likely" knowing about something that hasn't been proven to have happened.
- The whole premise of the EOAA report is based on their assumption she is telling the truth and the players aren't. There is no proof of that. No evidence. Contradictions to that narrative glossed over, others not included. Kids had no representation when interviewed. These are all issues.
- The U admin had led this about as badly as they could of.

Now, tell me where my (one of those dumb GHers who can't see your logic) view differs from the players?

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Hit a nerve? So you tell me to stop and I am supposed to do what you say? Very funny. Does that work for you? People just stop disagreeing with you when you tell them to?

Good luck with that

Does it make you feel better to make ad hominem attacks toward random strangers?

feel free to respond or not. I will not respond anymore to anything you have to say on this topic.

Happy Holidays!:cool:

I'm serious - did you read the entire article? The report did not change their mind. Not in the least. One of the 5 involved stood up, according to the article, and basically told them to go play.

Hit a nerve? So you tell me to stop and I am supposed to do what you say? Very funny. Does that work for you? People just stop disagreeing with you when you tell them to?

Good luck with that

Thanks for addressing my questions. I'll take that as you admitting you are wrong. Again.

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There appears to be a great deal of confusion still among the football team members and they need time to process their thoughts more deeply. Hopefully, they will seek more guidance from their elders and use the resources of the University to continue to learn about the ethics, rules, responsibilities and to honor the traditions that make the University of Minnesota a great institution that builds character into their lives. Their initial response didn't look very promising. I would like to hear how they progress as their search for answers goes from lag, to log, to plateau and decline, at which point their understanding has matured and their search for answers has diminished. I doubt that it will mature anytime soon, as it looks like this issue is new to most of the team. The same observation applies to most on GH, who seem to be moderating their positions from yesterday. Even a few lawyers on this board seem to have reset their ideas.

There appears to be a great deal of confusion still among the football team members and they need time to process their thoughts more deeply. Hopefully, they will seek more guidance from their elders and use the resources of the University to continue to learn about the ethics, rules, responsibilities and to honor the traditions that make the University of Minnesota a great institution that builds character into their lives. Their initial response didn't look very promising. I would like to hear how they progress as their search for answers goes from lag, to log, to plateau and decline, at which point their understanding has matured and their search for answers has diminished. I doubt that it will mature anytime soon, as it looks like this issue is new to most of the team. The same observation applies to most on GH, who seem to be moderating their positions from yesterday. Even a few lawyers on this board seem to have reset their ideas.

I'll just say this and this will be my last post of the night, you are completely wrong in your thinking with regard to the lawyers on this board.

I'll just say this and this will be my last post of the night, you are completely wrong in your thinking with regard to the lawyers on this board.

Accuracy isn't Dean's strong point.

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There appears to be a great deal of confusion still among the football team members and they need time to process their thoughts more deeply. Hopefully, they will seek more guidance from their elders and use the resources of the University to continue to learn about the ethics, rules, responsibilities and to honor the traditions that make the University of Minnesota a great institution that builds character into their lives. Their initial response didn't look very promising. I would like to hear how they progress as their search for answers goes from lag, to log, to plateau and decline, at which point their understanding has matured and their search for answers has diminished. I doubt that it will mature anytime soon, as it looks like this issue is new to most of the team. The same observation applies to most on GH, who seem to be moderating their positions from yesterday. Even a few lawyers on this board seem to have reset their ideas.

What a steaming pile of crap.

Dear God man. Just stop. Ignorance. Many on here have pointed out the bias of the EOAA report and system. Millions of dollars have been won in lawsuits around the Country on that very point. Having issues with the report is not condoning any actions. It also isn't expressing an opinion on the subject.

As I have said over and over....
- I have no issues with 5 of the kids being suspended.
- I have a ton of issues with 5 being suspended for "likely" knowing about something that hasn't been proven to have happened.
- The whole premise of the EOAA report is based on their assumption she is telling the truth and the players aren't. There is no proof of that. No evidence. Contradictions to that narrative glossed over, others not included. Kids had no representation when interviewed. These are all issues.
- The U admin had led this about as badly as they could of.

Now, tell me where my (one of those dumb GHers who can't see your logic) view differs from the players?

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First bolded part: So because you think its biased it's not legit? Because other gopherholers think its biased I have to agree? I have news for you, most people are not as doubtful of the report as you are.

Second bolded part: having issues with the report is not expressing an opinion on the subject? Yes it is expressing an is it not an opinion?

Third bolded part, my post said the report changed the players mind. That's what the article said. They changed there mind about the boycott, in part because of what's in the report. Do you support them changing their stance? They seem to have more respect for the report then you do.

Fourth bolded part: I never said you were dumb.

Fifth bolded part: It's not my logic, the article says after the players read the report was one of the biggest factors in changing their position. So it's not my logic, it's the players logic, according to the article.

Sixth bolded part: your view seems to be different because you discount the report, the players apparently did not.

And me not responding to you does not mean I admit your wrong, sorry that's just not how it works. I don't remember you being right in the first place. Sorry I doubt I have the time and energy to respond to you again.

I will say, I think the process at Universities could be improved. I think the leadership could have been better on this issue.

If kids lied about an investigation into an alleged sexual assault they should be punished.

Happy Holidays:cool:

edit: Sorry, the bolded parts ended up not being as distinct as hoped, i am sure you can figure out what the responses are for

We are debating a number of things on here. I'm yet to find anyone on here tho that thinks Coyle handled this well. Plus, he threw his coach under the bus. I'm sure his other employees really respect that. MC has to go.

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Source within the athletic department when questioning administrations response to this situation. "Yeah, we've been handling things strangely for sure in all sports"

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First bolded part: So because you think its biased it's not legit? Because other gopherholers think its biased I have to agree? I have news for you, most people are not as doubtful of the report as you are.

I haven't said she is lying. Not once. Report might be right. Might not. That is not my point. My point is it is biased. Some things are debatable. That is not. Agree with the findings if you want, but it is biased.
The players inconsistent - lying.
The accuser inconsistent - Trama.
The players have odd actions - coverup.
The girl has odd actions - Has better recollection now.
I could go on forever.

Second bolded part: having issues with the report is not expressing an opinion on the subject? Yes it is expressing an is it not an opinion?
It is expressing an opinion on the report. I can think the report is bias without it meaning I think the players did nothing wrong. I have not ever said the girl is lying. I have an issue with the report, how some ignorant people accept it as fact, with how the U has handled this situation, the lack of due process before they have been painted as rapist, and most of all how 5 kids who some group with an agenda (also a fact) label as "likely" knowing about something that hasn't even been proven to happen can be treated this way and lumped into the same group as others. I also have issues with folks who inject their moral compass into their belief that something terrible happened, etc.
Again, I could go on forever.

Third bolded part, my post said the report changed the players mind. That's what the article said. They changed there mind about the boycott, in part because of what's in the report. Do you support them changing their stance? They seem to have more respect for the report then you do.
Not really what it said, but people will always see what they want to.

Fourth bolded part: I never said you were dumb.
True, but hard to miss the point of your snarky comment.

Fifth bolded part: It's not my logic, the article says after the players read the report was one of the biggest factors in changing their position. So it's not my logic, it's the players logic, according to the article.
Not really true, but folks will see what they want to.

Sixth bolded part: your view seems to be different because you discount the report, the players apparently did not.
Covered. Again, accept the report if you want, ignore the police report if you want (they must just love football players), but please don't pretend the EOAA process where they don't let one side have attorneys, arbitrarily deem who is lying & who is not, arbitrarily decide what facts need to be evaluated and which don't, arbitrarily inject inference in the report (by their own admission), arbitrarily decide what part of interviews should or should not be included, arbitrarily decide when inconsistencies show lying and which show a desire to set the record straight, etc. is fair and just.
Again, I could go on forever.

And me not responding to you does not mean I admit your wrong, sorry that's just not how it works. I don't remember you being right in the first place. Sorry I doubt I have the time and energy to respond to you again.
I said your non-response was admitting you were wrong. I'm still waiting for you to tell me where my views are different than the players view.

I will say, I think the process at Universities could be improved. I think the leadership could have been better on this issue.
Understatement. A meeting between the players and Coyle caused the boycott.

If kids lied about an investigation into an alleged sexual assault they should be punished.
Absolutely agree. Show me proof they did when they have had a chance to defend themselves and I'll be asking for that too. The EOAA report is far far far from proof. The fact that some feel it is proof is EXACTLY the issue with it.

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The EOAA has to do their thing independently. I don't think Coyle can be part of it.

Coyle must have decided during the season that based on police, they would reinstate. He left it to EOAA to do the internal work.

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Fair enough, well kind of. What I don't get is why there wasn't an investigation from him. Maybe I didn't understand comment(s) from Coyle before. I thought he said earlier that he had information others didn't have before. What I am getting at is it sounds like he had more than enough to decide whether or not this needed to be looked into further. If he had even the slightest indication that the players were facing explosion, why reinstate them? Also, were was/ is the General counsel in all of this?

I guess I need to calm down. I am so frustrated with the University right now. Can't they get anything right? It appears to me that all (including All the other players and others not part of the incident) were failed by the top brass.

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