Story about the Gophers 1st

The article begins with this assertion:

Every kickoff two seasons ago became one of anticipation. The feeling carried over into last spring and then August, whenever Marcus Sullivan touched the football as both a returner and a receiver.

That anticipation quickly died, however, when Sullivan was ruled academically ineligible just before last season's opening game because an extra-credit project in one class didn't pass muster.

This is bogus. It might be true that young Sullivan was one extra credit project away from qualifying academically, but no one is ruled ineligible just because of one grade on one project. If Sullivan had performed better in the classroom, he wouldn't have had to rely on extra credit to help him qualify academically for football.

I'm probably nitpicking, but that's just the way I am.

I love these opponent entries and take every opportunity to oblige:

UNLV is to Academics as Rosie O'Donnell is to Dieting.

I have never understood the term "Extra Credit". To me, "Extra Credit" means credit additional to and beyond regular "Credit" obligations are fulfilled.

Do the frikking regular "Credit" first, and "Extra Credit" just makes your learning enhanced, not replacing something you haven't fulfilled yet.

But that is just me.

As I read the story, my 1st thought was, when I read about schools with academic difficulties, it makes me appreciate Kill even more for his strong emphasis on academics - and the willingness of his staff to do whatever's necessary to make sure kids go to class and do their work.

I love an off-season with no off-field drama - no players flunking out, getting in bar brawls, getting arrested, tased, shot or anything else. (I hope I didn't just jinx things...........................)

As I read the story, my 1st thought was, when I read about schools with academic difficulties, it makes me appreciate Kill even more for his strong emphasis on academics - and the willingness of his staff to do whatever's necessary to make sure kids go to class and do their work.

I love an off-season with no off-field drama - no players flunking out, getting in bar brawls, getting arrested, tased, shot or anything else. (I hope I didn't just jinx things...........................)
Well there was one guy that had trouble with the law.

Well there was one guy that had trouble with the law.

Ya, but players of his caliber are a dime a dozen, zambam.

All Harris did was screw himself out of a free education.

"Extra credit" is often a second chance given to someone to do some more work to avoid failing. Sometimes you get second chances, but third chances are hard to come by.

I love these opponent entries and take every opportunity to oblige:

UNLV is to Academics as Rosie O'Donnell is to Dieting.
As a UNLV faculty member I strongly disagree with this statement. I do however believe that the concept of "extra credit" should end in high school, or earlier. I never offer it.

As a UNLV faculty member I strongly disagree with this statement. I do however believe that the concept of "extra credit" should end in high school, or earlier. I never offer it.
I had a professor offer it for March Madness. He loves sports, always using them as applications in my classes with him.

As a UNLV faculty member I strongly disagree with this statement. I do however believe that the concept of "extra credit" should end in high school, or earlier. I never offer it.

Sorry denguegopher - I know nothing about the academics at UNLV. They are a future opponent, so I take great liberties in talking smack. After the game, I will be cheering the Rebels on.

P.S. I was born with a foot in my mouth.

No problem Rescooter. Don't get me wrong, UNLV is no U of Minnesota. There are huge differences between the these schools. IMHO those differences are largest at the graduate school level.

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