Stop feeding the Trolls


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I thought last year was bad with the trolls...I was mistaken. Please stop feeding these idiots and they will crawl back into the holes they crawled out of. They are not Gopher fans.

Win, lose or draw I love my teams and my school. I write Maturi, Kill and PrexyK with my thoughts and input on how to make this University and Athletic department better. I give money, I can't be at every game cuz I live in Philadelphia, but every time I am in Mpls, I attend at least one event, and I try to plan my trips home so I can do two or three. I talk with pride of the education I received from the U and the wonderful memories I have from time their and my many return visits. I am anxious for our fb team to have success on the field and am confident Coach Kill will get us there. I don't care what anyone says...I have been to over 40 FBS campuses and watched fb games at most of them...and none of them offer what the U offers with combined academics, lifestyle, job opportunities after school, athletic resources and history. The U has it all...and in time, we will again rise to the top and compete for titles.

So stop feeding the trolls and debate the highs and lows, pros and cons with the fans that are here, have been here and actually care about our Gophers and not just being dinks and dbags.

I am a mighty and ferocious Gopher...not a weak pathetic fkn hater! Don't fee the trolls!

Agree. Trolls thrive on negativism and pi$$ing contests.

Agreed 100%

Way too many in the moment threads with people who have done little to no research. Notice how the regular posters are absent for this junk. (It's hard when it's really, really stupid.)

This is the main reason I haven't even opened several of the stupid threads on the board right now. All you have to do is read the titles and you just know there are a lot of trolls looking for easy meat from a vulnerable population of actual Gopher fans right now. Well said Philly...

I hear ya Philly. The problem is that is tough for some of us who are relatively new to the board to know who the trolls are. Because of that it's pretty easy to get sucked into a negative conversation, especially with the amount of negativity that keeps seeping into the board. This, of course, is very frustrating, as I would much prefer well-researched, thoughtful dialogue than arguing with negative people who can ruin the experience of being on this board. Oh well, I am sure I will most of them figured out within a few more weeks. :)

I hear ya Philly. The problem is that is tough for some of us who are relatively new to the board to know who the trolls are. Because of that it's pretty easy to get sucked into a negative conversation, especially with the amount of negativity that keeps seeping into the board. This, of course, is very frustrating, as I would much prefer well-researched, thoughtful dialogue than arguing with negative people who can ruin the experience of being on this board. Oh well, I am sure I will most of them figured out within a few more weeks. :)

Yeah Hendo...I hear you. When I came on the board it seemed that there was only one or two posters to worry about...and everyone knew who they were. Since then, those two were removed and 20 have replaced them. I figured that some more would come out of the woodwork after our bad loss to NMSU, but it was way worse than I figured.

Welcome to the is always great to have insight from outside the state about our Gophers.

I agree with the sentiment, but just wanted to clarify a term that has been thrown around quite loosely:

Troll - someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response

The reason the people you describe are not trolls is because they make their dumb arguments and statements in earnest. They truly believe they are in the right. IMO this makes them much worse and harder to deal with than an actual "troll" who is deliberately trying to get a rise out of you, no matter what it takes.

The more you know!

Welcome to the is always great to have insight from outside the state about our Gophers.

Thanks Philly. I miss the TCs, but I still love Gopher football...even in the foreign land I live in now--Brooklyn. :)

Are we talking mass hysteria or mass control

I find it interesting that people, including me, have been characterized as being a troll, over an opinion. And, you are all telling me to believe that you are looking for posts with some analysis and research. Well, do what you say you want and quit griping about everybody else. I tell my kids to quit being negative and tell me what they want (positive statements). Works very well.

Gentlemen, state what you want. Send these folks a private email and discuss this in private. It is possible. It is honorable. And it is a positive way to start a private conversation and get to know some of these "trolls".

While your at it, riddle me this batman and boy wonder, ever wonder why it is difficult to get people to move to your opinion on a subject? It has been my experience that if you ask 10,000 people to describe grass, you will get 10,000 variations on the theme. Nobody has an exclusive answer to the question that is particularly correct, unless you advocate an elite position.

Reminder...keep Gopherhole a no troll zone by refusing to feed them.

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