Stepping Up/Picks to Click

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
A lot can happen over 5 weeks and 15 practices.

Who do you think best used that time to their advantage and emerges with a game that we might least expect? The easy pick would be Gray, as he's supposed to be healthy and will likely have the ball in his hands a lot. I would love for it to be one of the WR's but I'm just not sure I see that happening.

I'm going with Rodrick Williams. I like his running style, maybe a little more than Kirkwood even, and he wouldn't have gotten the carries that he did as the season progressed if the staff's confidence in him hadn't grown as the season went on. I think he steps up and has a good game tonight.

Who's your "Pick to Click"?

I am going with the offensive and defensive lines. We are going to win in the trenches and that's why we will win tonight. The defensive line we all expect to play well but the offensive line is going to be the surprise. Go Gophers!

I think we're going to see us running to the outside more which means they'll give it to someone like Cobb, Wright or Maye.

I think we will see a sharp Gray, likely at the qb position.

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