Stephanie Samedy & SWP Playing their 2023-24 Pro Volleyball in Turkey


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2019
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I just asked and found out that you can watch SS and her Pro Career on TVF Voleybol TV on YouTube. It is free so just subscribe to that channel. She wears #16 on her jersey and is playing for team Muratpasa.

Copied this over from another Forum.

If you want a Samedy/Wilhite-Parsons update, they're both playing in Turkey and both playing really well. SWP is playing opposite rn cause her team's opposite isnt there yet. But she rekt Carlini's team if its any consolation for last week lol. All of their matches are free on youtube if you ever venture into the turkish league thread.


Just letting you know that the most recent match (3-4 days ago) between our two former Gophers is available on TVF Voleybol TV on YouTube with a FREE subscription.

Last two most recent matches between our former SWP and SS on YouTube, have both ended in a 3-0 outcome in SWP's favor. While both teams have improved since the beginning of this season, one has to admit this is certianly not like watching the Power Pro League you see among the teams in Italy.

Both of our former Gophers have contributed a lot toward their respective teams. But It is going to be interesting to see where these two play next year. Will they stay in the Turkey League or move on?

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