Stay Classy, Penn State.


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Mar 23, 2010
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@PeteThamelNYT: Kids blamed Victim 1 for Paterno losing his job. He dropped out of school.

To be clear, it wasn't Penn State students, but the overall "Penn State culture" in PA is sick ...

"The boy, according to friends and others, was taunted by classmates after it became widely known this month that he had testified against Sandusky as part of a case that ultimately caused Joe Paterno, the longtime football coach at Penn State, to lose his job."

I was chided by someone (can't remember who, but don't worry I can take it) who thought my assertion that Sandusky's legal team would play "blame the victim" wouldn't work. I don't know if it will work, but as we can see in this article, it is going to be employed.

At the risk of being too graphic, unless McQueary can testify that he saw Sandusky violating (let your minds go to work) the boy, Amendola is going to say "Jerry's just this affectionate Teddy Bear of a guy who had his hug-a-matic going."

This will be a horrifying trial. Absolutely horrifying. I can only hope that Sandusky gets what he has coming.

Just to be clear it was high school students, not Penn State, that taunted the kid.

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