Starting 5 next year?


Feb 22, 2010
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I'm sure I could have posted this in the JC thread or something, but thought it would be interesting to hear what people think should happen.

My staring 5 =

Andre Hollins
Austin Hollins
Trevor (if back)
Big Mo

Let the debate begin.

I'm back:

"So, who would you put in your starting line-up? I would have my starting 5 be Julian, Andre, Coleman, Trevor and Mo."

"We all know Tubby likes to play two 5 man squads, so this could be a good idea. I mean, here would be the 2nd five. Chip, Austin, Rodney, Ralph and Colt. Not to mention, the 11th and 12th players would be Mav and Oto....not bad."


I'm hoping Oto is our 6-7th man, draining from deep. You really think Ralph is going to the bench or just hope so?

Joe won't start, though I think he will match Chip in the minutes department.

You really think Ralph is going to the bench or just hope so?

It is more of a hope thing. He just doesn't have the fire we need. I think him coming off the bench would kind of force him the be "the guy" with that line-up and might make him more aggressive. When he was out on the floor this year, it just seemed like he played with a "someone else will do it" attitude.

I could also see Oto being a 6th-7th man, or even cracking the starting 5 if he is as good of a shooter as we are hearing.

Starting line-up when?

At start of BT season:
C Ralph(Colt back-up)
PF Trevor(Mo starts Trevor leaves)
SF Rodney(Oto back-up)
Guards-Two of three; Welch, Austin, Andre.

There's you top 9(8 if Trevor leaves)

I was saying start of big ten season, sorry, should have been more clear. This is why I wanted to start this thread. I think that we have so many different line-ups we can throw out there that will just cause problems for other teams. I think we will be able to press more, shoot better and put people in their right position. Granted, everyone has to stick around and pan out, but that hasn't been a problem for us.....right?

Starting line-up when?

At start of BT season:
C Ralph(Colt back-up)
PF Trevor(Mo starts Trevor leaves)
SF Rodney(Oto back-up)
Guards-Two of three; Welch, Austin, Andre.

There's you top 9(8 if Trevor leaves)

Austin Hollins/Armelin

Andre Hollins/Coleman
Welch/Ahanmisi/Andre Hollins

I'm shocked how many people have Ralph in the starting line-up. Don't get me wrong, I love Ralph, but I want him to show me a little more. It is his Sr year so maybe he brings it. Also, we know Tubby loves him, so I could see why he is being projected as a starter. As you can tell, I'm very torn by Ralph. He has all the tools to be a great player, just needs the heart.

Austin Hollins/Armelin

Andre Hollins/Coleman
Welch/Ahanmisi/Andre Hollins

If Chip and Mav beat out Andre I will be very disappointed. Not going to happen.

I'm shocked how many people have Ralph in the starting line-up. Don't get me wrong, I love Ralph, but I want him to show me a little more. It is his Sr year so maybe he brings it. Also, we know Tubby loves him, so I could see why he is being projected as a starter. As you can tell, I'm very torn by Ralph. He has all the tools to be a great player, just needs the heart.

He starts because he's a senior and he's pretty much been starting since he's gotten here. It's not like the dude is chopped liver, he gets like 10 and 5 a game and I'm really not sure who behind him has proven to be a better center than him. Regarding Mo, and he's given us 12 games in non-conference play. While I like the flashes, that's hardly a large sample size to gauge on. Plus, he's coming off major knee surgery and I'm not so sure even by BT play next season he'll be fully ready to go.

He starts because he's a senior and he's pretty much been starting since he's gotten here. It's not like the dude is chopped liver, he gets like 10 and 5 a game and I'm really not sure who behind him has proven to be a better center than him. Regarding Mo, and he's given us 12 games in non-conference play. While I like the flashes, that's hardly a large sample size to gauge on. Plus, he's coming off major knee surgery and I'm not so sure even by BT play next season he'll be fully ready to go.

I agree with you Monty. I just really want him to have more fire. I can count on one hand how many times he has showed emition and acted as if he wanted to be on the floor. Last year when he hit a big 3 against Purdue and when he took a guy baseline from beyond the arc and just threw it down. He could JaJuan Johnson if he wanted to be. I just think he is happy being passive.

If Chip and Mav beat out Andre I will be very disappointed. Not going to happen.

I don't see a Freshman comming in and playing good enough defense to start day 1 with Tubby, just isn't going to happen. May by the end of the season, I just don't see it until at least mid way through the big ten schedule.

I don't see a Freshman comming in and playing good enough defense to start day 1 with Tubby, just isn't going to happen.

Yes, because a freshman has never started from Day 1 for Tubby before. And never at a school that is better than, and plays a tougher schedule than, Minnesota. Nope, that's never happened.

Starting 5:

Any of the good guys wearing maroon and gold.

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