Start Q?

Great Plains Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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He's our best runner and our best passer, stats-wise. Why not start him in his final game? Then play both as the game develops.

If starting Gray makes us more likely to win the game, that's what we should do. The consideration is: does swapping another receiver for him hurt us more than swapping him for our recent starting QB helps us? I don't know. I think Gray deserves recognition for his loyalty and coachability. A good example for future recruits whom we hope he will help secure for the Gophers. This would be a meaningful win for UM. Let's get it.

I'm going to guess they go with the 2 QB system and let both guys take reps and roll with the hot hand. I would project (based off a hunch) Q takes the ball on the first play on a designed run so technically starts at QB

I think he will get a lot of PT at QB in the bowl game. Saw a few pics of practice and he had the yellow "no contact" QB jersey on. He could've been wearing that all year for all I know. But, regardless, I think he gets some decent PT at QB.

I suspect they are going to mix up the play calling between Nelson and Gray to try and keep TT off balance.

Nelson will start, but Gray will take snaps.

Gray will play a lot at WR.

Gray is a versatile player and it would be nice to see Kill try and utilize him in a lot of unique ways considering its his last game.

I hope Gray has a good NFL audition in Houston.

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