Star Tribune POY: Coleman steps out of brother's shadow

Tubby comments on 2011/2012 syle of play and Coleman

"Smith said Coleman should slide right into the fast-paced, aggressive style of play he wants to put a greater emphasis on next season. He projects the Hopkins standout to play either shooting guard or small forward, and said he could see him making an impact early on a team that struggled offensively last season and was second-to-last in the league in scoring."

Watched him grow...and has he!

Several of us first noticed this polite little guy named Joe at every Gopher game while Dan was playing, watching and following his older brother's every move. Gradually he grew into this poised, athletic young man, and he appears to be all that the article described. He has the genes, and it sounds like he has the work ethic, court sense, coachability, and loads of potential. Here's hoping he does his family proud as a Gopher.

"Smith said Coleman should slide right into the fast-paced, aggressive style of play he wants to put a greater emphasis on next season. He projects the Hopkins standout to play either shooting guard or small forward, and said he could see him making an impact early on a team that struggled offensively last season and was second-to-last in the league in scoring."

Fast paced, aggressive style play! Great to hear. That's a much easier style for a bunch of new athletic guards to fit into.

Fast paced, aggressive style play! Great to hear. That's a much easier style for a bunch of new athletic guards to fit into.

Yeah it is, and we have a lot of good athletes at the guard and wing positions coming into next year, so we should definitely see a pickup in defensive intensity. It was frustrating having to watch this team fall back and essentially play on their heels defensively in that zone cause they only had 8 guys. I can't wait to (I hope) see a full roster of 13 guys and how they will be allowed to be the aggressors on defense again.

Yeah it is, and we have a lot of good athletes at the guard and wing positions coming into next year, so we should definitely see a pickup in defensive intensity. It was frustrating having to watch this team fall back and essentially play on their heels defensively in that zone cause they only had 8 guys. I can't wait to (I hope) see a full roster of 13 guys and how they will be allowed to be the aggressors on defense again.

I can hardly wait to see Mo in the middle of 4 speedy guards. This will be a year to remember.

Go Gophers

I can hardly wait to see Mo in the middle of 4 speedy guards. This will be a year to remember.

Go Gophers

Block out the sun, grab rebound, throw outlet pass and watch them run. If we miss he will still be in position on defense.


Is it just me or is that the most Tubby has gushed about a recruit during his time here?

I like his pedigree, the Hopkins-U line. A Royal Goph. My fav kind.

How is his ball-handling? Is it good enough to help out the PG under pressure though not good enough to carry the rock against a Big Ten caliber defender?


Block out the sun, grab rebound, throw outlet pass and watch them run. If we miss he will still be in position on defense.

Good one Beeg. :D

I too look forward to seeing Big Mo barreling up and down the court. The kid showed some impressive flashes before the injury. I hope his recovery is going well.

I hope Tubby feels he has enough athletes to bring back the press package.

have you guys watched the NCAA tourney? teams like Memphis, UConn, Texas, Arizona, Missouri, Cincinnati and Florida St have athletic wings and guards not Minnesota.

have you guys watched the NCAA tourney? teams like Memphis, UConn, Texas, Arizona, Missouri, Cincinnati and Florida St have athletic wings and guards not Minnesota.

Michigan also had an un-athletic player named Novak. Did you watch him? I take smart players over any of those players that you mentioned. I am not saying they are not. Is there a wing in Big10 more athletic than Rodney?

Go Gophers

have you guys watched the NCAA tourney? teams like Memphis, UConn, Texas, Arizona, Missouri, Cincinnati and Florida St have athletic wings and guards not Minnesota.

Uuuh. Williams and Armelin are both very athletic. Hollins is not too shabby either.

minnesota has a total of 3 athletic players not a roster full of them as the teams I mentioned.

minnesota has a total of 3 athletic players not a roster full of them as the teams I mentioned.

I think next year that looks better:

Mbakwe (if here)

What those schools have are guards that are comfortable handling the ball under pressure and can shoot it--not more athleticism. Gophers currently don't have that combination in a single player. Hopefully next year that'll come.

minnesota has a total of 3 athletic players not a roster full of them as the teams I mentioned.

You were specifically referring to our wings and guards. Those 3 constitute a majority of our current guards and wings. That does not include the incoming freshman, who I think also fall under the umbrella of "athletic."

very very good overall player, from what i have seen he is not great at any one thing in particular. He's strong, he can jump, drives hard to the basket, and gets to the free throw early and often...
I am a little skeptical as to how much of an impact he will have early on in his gopher career, but I believe we have a landed a solid 3-4 year player that should bring some consistancy and work ethic to a team that is anything but consistant.
Now we need a scorer or 2.

You were specifically referring to our wings and guards. Those 3 constitute a majority of our current guards and wings. That does not include the incoming freshman, who I think also fall under the umbrella of "athletic."

spin it however you want. Minnesota does not compare athletically to those teams.

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