Star Tribune Editorial Board: In Jerry Kill's battle, life lessons emerge

Nice editorial, but once again the negativity arises in the reader's comments.

As usual, some asinine comments follow the article.

As usual, some asinine comments follow the article.

My favorite is when people say he was hired because no on else would come here. The say he should be fired. Why would we put ourselves through that process right now? Kill is a proven program builder and should be able to put us in a place to attract a better field of applications if and when that day comes. I look at it as worst case being Teague and Kill get this program stable. Anything more is gravy.

Love this editorial. Of course there will be negativity. Thats what reader comments and message boards are for.

Star Tribune Letter of the Day (Dec. 9): Coach Jerry Kill

As a person with a stressful job while living with seizures, I appreciate the kind comments regarding Gophers football Coach Jerry Kill ("In Jerry Kill's battle, life lessons emerge," Dec. 1).

At the same time, I want to encourage folks not to get carried away. Those of us who have seizures are not saints. We are not gods. Nor are we more incredible than other people.

Rather, we are responding to our condition as ordinary people do when life gets a bit tougher. Most of us persevere.

Our dreams are as important to us as others' dreams. So are our needs to love and be loved, and to contribute and be an active participant in our communities.

Please accept us as regular people. Accommodate us when we have seizures, but otherwise expect of us what you do of anyone else.

Go Gophers!!

Ahh, reading the comments makes me miss Wren. Not sure why he was any worse than lots of other on here.

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