Standing Room Only Question


Active member
Mar 11, 2010
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I decided to pick up some tickets to the Boston College game as part of a Christmas gift for my little brothers (I've gone to a ton of Basketball and Football games, but this will be our first hockey game). The tickets list the section as "SRO 3". I was just wondering if anyone could explain to me how standing room only works at Mariucci.

What does section "SRO 3" mean? Does that mean our tickets are for that section only, or am I free to find a place to stand anywhere? I see "S3" on the Mariucci seating chart, but I believe those are suites.

For anyone that has attending a game in standing room only tickets - how was the experience? Any tips?

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

I haven't been in years, but I'm pretty sure you can just stand anywhere around the top where you can see the ice.

Not sure why they have a number on the ticket, you should be free to roam once inside.

I think Nate's right. Be careful who you stand near, I had some SRO tickets with a couple friends and we ended up behind a set of very flatulent Wisconsin fans. I could not believe two people could pass so much gas in one game. That was the game we won the McNaughton Cup, so at least it was worth it.

I am guessing with the game over Winter break, you will have no problem finding a couple a good seats to sit in. Wait until the 10 min. mark of the first period and find a empty seat.

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