Stadium Cam Time Waster!

Dumb question: why didn't the remove the snow from the upper decks first?

Dumb question: why didn't the remove the snow from the upper decks first?

Removing the snow from the lower level probably makes it easier to set up & move the chutes used to slide the snow from the upper level down to the field.

Its amazing how many chumps will remove snow for free while Zygmund sits on his thumb laughing. Why do people treat greedy billionaires like royalty? Someone explain it to me

Its amazing how many chumps will remove snow for free while Zygmund sits on his thumb laughing. Why do people treat greedy billionaires like royalty? Someone explain it to me

It's amazing how many people are unable to read articles stating that all snow removal workers at TCF will get paid.

Its amazing how many chumps will remove snow for free while Zygmund sits on his thumb laughing. Why do people treat greedy billionaires like royalty? Someone explain it to me

The workers are getting paid.

I don't read every article on snow removal, but it is good to hear they will be paid. That's hard work

Snow Dragon!!! Now the shovelers are out of a job. Well at least some of them. Heard they brought in a snow dragon to speed up the process. Don't know what it is or what it looks like but it sounds cool. Suppose it breaths fire and eats villagers or something.

They still need shovelers. The Snow Dragon takes the place of dump trucks hauling snow out. You load it up with snow, melt the snow and then send the water down the drain. At first I had imagined some dragon like creature that breathed fire all over the stadium, melting the snow where it lay.

I assumed they shoveled out the bottom first because the bosses were all PHd's.

It is interesting to watch...sort of answers instantly that question...I wonder what they're doing now? That was the justificatioin I gave the wife...

They still need shovelers. The Snow Dragon takes the place of dump trucks hauling snow out. You load it up with snow, melt the snow and then send the water down the drain. At first I had imagined some dragon like creature that breathed fire all over the stadium, melting the snow where it lay.

So are the villagers safe or do we need to go warn them?

Just a guess, but if they did the upper deck first, wouldn't that make for a $hit load of snow in the lower deck? Probably easier to clear out the bottom first, then dump the snow from the top level in piles onto the lower deck. It's not like the snow from the upper deck is being thrown all over the lower deck.

Snow Dragon!!! Now the shovelers are out of a job. Well at least some of them. Heard they brought in a snow dragon to speed up the process. Don't know what it is or what it looks like but it sounds cool. Suppose it breaths fire and eats villagers or something.

I hear the shovelers are trying to get in touch with Snow Saint George.... :cool02:

Great examples of outsiders that 'have all the answers'.:rolleyes:

From the distorted view on the webcam, it looks like the field is clear and most of the stands. There seems to be snow in the lower sections where they had the slides. They're still loading trucks with snow but the pile to haul is getting smaller.

You can see people on the field but cannot tell what they're up to.

I saw it arrive and begin its work (before i had to leave), but a large part of the snow dragon's job was to eliminate the ginormous pile of snow in the gold lot taking up about half of its space. A lot of the snow from neighboring parking lots was collected there because there is no daily or contract parking in that space. Also, it will be used around the other parking areas to maximize the parking area.

The field looks good. I see one guy all by himself in the student section sweeping.

Excitement! There are people (at least I think they're people, might be ants) near the camera. Looks like they're cleaning up the upper deck sections. Can't tell where they are putting the snow though.

Starting to look pretty good though.

As someone mentioned in a new thread, looks like a "dome" over the field. No doubt they are pumping heat under the tarp. But I have seen people walking on it.

Looks like about 20 "worker ants" in the upper deck doing somemore final snow removal/touchup.

ps saw somewhere on a website that this camera is an "internet sensation".

all I see is the tarp over the field i do not see any dome type thing anywhere

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