St. Cloud State dropping 6 sports programs, trimming football roster


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per the STrib:

Six athletic programs at St. Cloud State University are being eliminated in a cost-saving move that also will require roster reductions in football and other men’s sports, school officials announced Wednesday.

The programs shutting down after this school year, affecting about 80 student-athletes, are: men’s and women’s tennis, women’s Nordic skiing, men’s cross-country and men’s indoor/outdoor track and field, Athletic director Heather Weems announced at a departmental meeting.

The university said the cuts will save her department $250,000, or about 5 percent of the athletic department’s general fund allocation.

In the wake of the shake-up, St. Cloud must adjust the size of some of the rosters in the remaining 17 programs in order to meet Title IX’s federal gender-equity requirements.

Specifically, the school added in a statement, there will be “modest increases in many of our women’s programs while requiring roster reductions in four of our men’s programs: baseball, football, swimming and diving, and wrestling.”

Go Gophers!!

Shame about the men's track team... my brother ran for them in the early 2000s. I'm assuming they were cut to keep the football team?

track and cross-country are not inherently expensive - depending on how much travel you do. This sounds like a Title IX issue.

Too bad they don't drop hockey. We could use their players and coach.


track and cross-country are not inherently expensive - depending on how much travel you do. This sounds like a Title IX issue.

How can you not raise an additional $250,000 dollars? Or raise half that amount or something and cut travel or other expenses to get the other half but keep the sports? Seems like there certainly should be a solution besides eliminating the sports at that number. At 15,000 enrollment a fee of $15 is $225,000, as just one easy answer. There has to be a lot of alumni from these sports...a few somebody's must have made some money plus some more willing to help. Seems very short sighted and lazy to me.

How can you not raise an additional $250,000 dollars? Or raise half that amount or something and cut travel or other expenses to get the other half but keep the sports? Seems like there certainly should be a solution besides eliminating the sports at that number. At 15,000 enrollment a fee of $15 is $225,000, as just one easy answer. There has to be a lot of alumni from these sports...a few somebody's must have made some money plus some more willing to help. Seems very short sighted and lazy to me.

The well isn't bottomless, entirely possible they already exhausted those avenues.

How can you not raise an additional $250,000 dollars? Or raise half that amount or something and cut travel or other expenses to get the other half but keep the sports? Seems like there certainly should be a solution besides eliminating the sports at that number. <b>At 15,000 enrollment a fee of $15 is $225,000, as just one easy answer. </b>There has to be a lot of alumni from these sports...a few somebody's must have made some money plus some more willing to help. Seems very short sighted and lazy to me.

I think you mean "fee".

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